
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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My Game Boy Advance dumps are not working.

Started by Chris, 28/Nov/2013 05:17:19 AM

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Hello. I just got my Retrode2 along with the Nintendo 64 and Game Boy adaptors earlier this month. So far it has been working great with almost all of my games except for Game Boy Advance games. All of the dumps I get from my Game Boy Advance Games appear to be corrupted. In Visual Boy Advance I just get a white screen. In My Boy! (Free android GBA emulator) the intro will play, but nothing more.

I have been being careful to ensure that I keep the voltage switch in the correct position for the games I am copying, but it is not impossible that I may have forgotten to switch it once or twice in my attempts. Could this have damaged the games and caused this issue? I do not have a working GBA at the moment to verify whether or not the actual games themselves are damaged, however, I view it as unlikely that all 3 games I am trying to copy would be damaged given that I last played them about 1 year ago.


Solution found. Retrode was failing to correctly identify the game's file size. To correct the issue you must manually set the size parameter in the Retrode's configuration to the correct size. Thank you Matthias for your work helping me with this issue.


Please zip those dumps and send them to debugging at retrode dot org, and I'll have a look at them.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


As long as you may be looking into GBA games, the min and max sizes should be 4MB and 32MB.