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N64 with SRAM lose save files after disconnecting.

Started by BKong, 22/Jun/2019 06:03:34 PM

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Hello everybody.

I have recently gotten a retrode 2 a few months ago, but I seem be having trouble with losing save data on N64 games that use SRAM. When initially connect the cartridge to my computer, the save data is there, and I'm even able to dump it and load it in project64 in most cases, but no matter what I do the save data is gone once I disconnect the device. I've tried other cartridges that use different save methods and they all seem to manage to retain their save data after using them with the retrode.
Here's what I've tried specifically so far:

Harvest Moon 64, Super Smash Bros, Mario Golf
I'm able to dump the save files from these cartridges and load them on Project64, but they always lose their data after disconnecting. They retain their save data otherwise, it only happens after connecting to the retrode.

Bomberman 64, Bomberman 64: Second Attack, Bomberman Hero, Mischief Makers
I'm able to dump the save files and load them on Project64. Save files were maintained after disconnection. In the case of Bomberman Hero and Mischief Makers, I was even able to write a different EEPROM file onto the cartridge and have them work on my N64 console.

16Kbit EEPROM:
Yoshi Story:
Dumped, loaded, and maintained save file no problem.

Pokemon Snap and Majora's Mask
Haven't been able to get the save files to work on Project64 yet, so I don't know if the dumping actually worked, but these games at least kept their saves after disconnection.

I'm using FW .25a-beta.

Thanks in advance.


Gosh you have me worried. So far I had only been backing up saves that used either eep or flash until I tried backing up my smash bros the other day and found the save wiped when I inserted it back into the N64, which made me think the battery had died on me. So I guess sram saving isn't working properly as of the most recent version?

Maybe there should be a warning to users to avoid putting in games like Ocarina of Time then, or some will flip when they lose their save.


Quote from: Nori on 11/Sep/2019 03:29:30 PM
my smash bros the other day and found the save wiped when I inserted it back into the N64, which made me think the battery had died on me.

Does saving still work, though?

I have also tried things out with some GBA games, and the same issue has happened to me when using a GBA games with SRAM. I'm wondering if the problem is due to SRAM and the 3.3V setting on the Retrode.


Quote from: BKong on 18/Sep/2019 02:11:26 PM
Quote from: Nori on 11/Sep/2019 03:29:30 PM
my smash bros the other day and found the save wiped when I inserted it back into the N64, which made me think the battery had died on me.

Does saving still work, though?

I have also tried things out with some GBA games, and the same issue has happened to me when using a GBA games with SRAM. I'm wondering if the problem is due to SRAM and the 3.3V setting on the Retrode.

I haven't tried since I thought I had to change battery first. The save was still there before connecting it to the Retrode, so now having read your post I'd be inclined to believe the save was wiped similarly to how yours were.

GBA save backups aren't supported yet as far as I know.


Quote from: Nori on 11/Sep/2019 03:29:30 PM
Maybe there should be a warning to users to avoid putting in games like Ocarina of Time then, or some will flip when they lose their save.
You mean, like:
Quote(1) This device offers an interface to extremely old hardware that may
already be near (or past) the end of its lifetime. Using the Retrode,
preexisting damage or data loss may become apparent. On the
other hand, it is not totally out of the possible that such damage may
be triggered by proper or improper use of the Retrode. As the user,
you ("You") acknowledge that you are operating the device on your
own full risk

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Can't argue with that lol.

I meant more as a friendly reminder that this has been tested and doesn't work. I mean most people are going to try Ocarina of Time or Smash Bros I would think, but I guess this thread serves that purpose now.


Ok I was about to backup the saves for Ocarina and Smash Bros. and more like Mario 64 and Goldeneye. So from what I understand, I SHOULD NOT do this for Ocarina and Smash because it will always delete the saves on the cart? I wonder if there is a fix for this?


N64 save support has been tested by a lot of people.

Lost SRAM save data is usually due to old (weak) batteries. The low battery voltage will cause problems even if the battery isn't completely dead.

Do the problem carts still have the original battery?

If yes, then I'd dump the SRAM as soon as possible before the data is gone.  Replace the battery and write the save file back to the cart.


Quote from: skaman on 26/Nov/2019 09:57:20 PM
Lost SRAM save data is usually due to old (weak) batteries. The low battery voltage will cause problems even if the battery isn't completely dead.

Do the problem carts still have the original battery?

Yes. Didn't really occur to me that the batteries could be weak enough to cause problems but still strong enough to hold a save in normal situations. Looks like it's time to learn how to solder.

Thank you for the reply.


If you do try Ocarina of Time and Smash, and succesfuly backed up the save, please let us know. I personally have lost the save for Smash, but the battery may have been close to dead.


Well... I lost my save (OoT), but I don't know whether that was because of the battery or the Retrode...