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Problems with some Genesis save ram

Started by Zerker, 15/Jan/2012 12:36:30 PM

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Okay, more questions:

  • Is there a .srm file in the same directory? (That would be the save ram. Opening it in a hex editor will reveal whether or not there's any data in it)
  • Have you set the correct path for SRAM in your emulator? (It must point to Retrode's drive letter)

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Yes, there is an srm file, but no, I haven't had a chance to try and open it in a hex editor. I will do that as well when I get home.

I did not change my emulator settings, but I also did not use the Retrode drive's srm file directly. I copied it into my Genesis roms directory (and yes, the filename matches that of the rom aside from the extension). Does that not work or something?


The emulator needs to find the file in its SRAM search path upon loading the ROM. If you prefer to copy the srm file over to your ROM directory, you may still have to point the emulator config to that location.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Quote from: Matthias_H on 18/Sep/2012 07:13:26 PM
The emulator needs to find the file in its SRAM search path upon loading the ROM. If you prefer to copy the srm file over to your ROM directory, you may still have to point the emulator config to that location.
Sure, yeah. I will double-check when I get home to make sure the particular emulator I used was set up to use the same directory the roms are stored in for sram. I'm pretty sure it is, but I hadn't used it in a while, so it won't hurt to check.


Okay, results. I cleaned the cart connector thoroughly. Still the srm file doesn't work, and opening it in a hex editor (right from the Retrode drive) - revealed all "FFFFFF", so no data.

Running it on the console (with a Game Genie to make the cart fit), everything is still normal, so the saves aren't deleted; the Retrode just isn't picking them up for some reason.


Okay. Seems that PS4 memory mapping isn't quite as simple as I thought. I'll put it on my "things to investigate" list. Thanks for your info and testing.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.