
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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Procedure for transferring save data

Started by habibrobert, 28/Aug/2013 09:28:07 AM

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I recently purchased a retrode. I was able to successfully transfer my game's save data to my PC. Now that I have replaced the battery in my SNES cartridge, I want to know how exactly to transfer the save data from my PC to the cartridge. Is it as easy are dragging and dropping the save file back into the cartridge? I read on the Retrode website that with some operating systems you may have to "force" the save data to transfer back to the SNES cartridge. However, I do not know exactly how to do that. Could someone please direct me to detailed directions on how to transfer the save data back to the cartridge? The operating system I am using is windows 7.

Thank you very much for your help.


just copy it back. overwrite. eject the complete retrode from windows the right way. done. (thats how i did mine)
The goal of is to catalogue the software of as many classic systems as possible. does not and will never host ISO or ROM downloads


I might add that the save is write-protected by default. You have to set [sramReadOnly] to 0 in the config first.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Hello Matthias,

You will have to please forgive me because I am not very good with computers. How do I enter the config to set the save ram to 0? To I have to go through cmd? Are there any instructions online that I could follow to do this?

Thank you.


in the place where the rom and savefile are, is another file. that is the retrode config file. just open it up in notepad, make the change, save. thats it.

if you mess up, just delete it and the retrode will make a new one.
The goal of is to catalogue the software of as many classic systems as possible. does not and will never host ISO or ROM downloads


Sorry to be nit-picking, but deleting the file in Explorer likely won't do anything. You have to open the file in a text editor, select and delete all lines, and save.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Thank you very much for the directions. I will try that out tonight and let you know what happens.


So I followed the directions and it was able to transfer my save game back! Thank you very much for all of your help. If you don't mind, I will just ask one more question and then end this thread. I know this is somewhat un-related, but I thought I would avoid opening a new thread just for this. Does the retrode 2 limited edition come in a metal housing? Mine came in a plastic housing, I thought I read somewhere that it came in a metal housing. Its not a big deal or anything, I was just curious if I am just imaging things.

Thank you very much.


retrode 1 is metal. retrode 2 is plastic. afaik retrode 2 never came out with metal shell.
The goal of is to catalogue the software of as many classic systems as possible. does not and will never host ISO or ROM downloads