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Transfering save game to gameboy cartridge

Started by newbie2, 24/Oct/2013 09:48:13 PM

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I just wanted to confirm that transfering a save to a physical game boy color game is supported. I updated my retrode firmware to the latest version and edited the configuration file to disable write protecting saves but couldnt get it to work and wanted to confirm this feature exists before I fiddle with it again.


Wrinting GB saves to carts is currently NOT supported. I hope to add the feature with the next firmware update.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


To really drive the point home here, you can PULL saves from GB games just fine, you just cannot put them BACK onto a GB game just yet.

I for one check the site and the forums daily in anticipation of the next firmware update specifically because of this. When I first got my retrode I pulled the original save from my GB Pokemon Blue, verified it worked in an emulator, then started a new game to play with some friends. It wasn't until a few weeks later when I tried to put my save from the 90s back on there and was surprised to learn this just as you did.

The moment that firmware comes out and this is doable I'm not only making a fat donation in celebration, but I'm also going to be happy as crap. Thanks again Matthias can't wait  :D


Yup, I knew that you could pull the save. I'm actually a bit relieved that the firmware was the issue, I was worried something I had broken it somehow...   ;D


Quote from: Matthias_H on 25/Oct/2013 07:59:19 AM
Wrinting GB saves to carts is currently NOT supported. I hope to add the feature with the next firmware update.

Without trying to sound pushy or anything, do you have an approximate idea when this firmware including this feature will be released?

The only reason I ask is because I've got a ton of friends wanting me to replace their Pokemon save batteries and I don't want to risk losing their 15 year old save files doing it the old fashioned way. Thanks again!


Quote from: tysontomko on 18/Nov/2013 03:54:44 PM
Quote from: Matthias_H on 25/Oct/2013 07:59:19 AM
Wrinting GB saves to carts is currently NOT supported. I hope to add the feature with the next firmware update.

Without trying to sound pushy or anything, do you have an approximate idea when this firmware including this feature will be released?

First thing, I have to get it to work. For that to happen, I have to sit down to get it to work. For that to happen, I have to find the time to sit down to get it to work. Frankly, I have no idea; my life is still rather chaotic due to the recent move and new daytime job.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Thanks for the update! Np at all and I don't mind waiting even 100 years as long as I know it will eventually get done. Thanks again for everything


First, the good news: Transferring saves to GB carts works.

Awesome news: Wannado implemented support for N64 memory pak.

"Meh" news: I still need to merge my GB savegames with Wannado's (more significant) edits.

Not-such-fun news: Battery/SRAM/etc. support by GB emulators is sketchy and inconsistent at best.

Bottom line: Hope to have a release ready by the end of the week.


I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Quote from: Matthias_H on 25/Nov/2013 08:01:32 PM
First, the good news: Transferring saves to GB carts works.

Awesome news: Wannado implemented support for N64 memory pak.

"Meh" news: I still need to merge my GB savegames with Wannado's (more significant) edits.

Not-such-fun news: Battery/SRAM/etc. support by GB emulators is sketchy and inconsistent at best.

Bottom line: Hope to have a release ready by the end of the week.


Christmas is coming early woohoo!


Firmware beta is up, please do give it a try!

Here's the link.

[goes back to playing SML2, my only game with SRAM other than GB Camera]

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


You need more Game Boy Games. At least treat yourself to Link's Awakening :).

Metal Gear Solid for GBC is also pretty excellent.


First, thanks so much for the new firmware, I realize how limited your time is, and I appreciate your work on it.

I've upgraded to the firmware but am still having troubles actually getting my Pokemon Yellow sav file to transfer. I've even tried using the "type" windows command (suggested here: and copying it over, but was unsuccesful. One thing I have noticed is that when I try to eject the retrode I get an error that "An error occured while ejecting "RETRODE (G:)".

This is my config file (any thoughts or things I'm doing wrong would be greatly appreciated):

; Retrode .18d - Config
; Remove any line to revert setting to factory default

[HIDMode] 3 ; 0: Off; 1: 4Joy+Mouse; 2: 2Joy; 3: KB; 4: iCade
[blinkControllers] 1

[nesMode] 0          ; 1: NES gamepads; 0: SNES

[filenameChksum] 1   ; checksum in filename? 0,1
[detectionDelay] 5   ; how long to wait after cart insertion/removal
[sramReadonly] 0     ; write protect SRAM?
[segaSram16bit] 1    ; use 16bit words for SRAM?
[sramExt] srm
[snesRomExt] sfc
[segaRomExt] bin
; Override autodetect:
[forceSystem] auto
[forceSize] 0
[forceMapper] 0
; Optional plug-ins:
[n64RomExt] n64
[gbRomExt] gb
[gbaRomExt] gba
[smsRomExt] sms
[ggRomExt] gg


He's aware of the problems copying back 32kb saves and bought a Pokemon Blue cart.


The new firmware from this thread:,205.msg1545.html#new appears to work and allow my save to be transferred, thanks Matthias!