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Genesis - no sram file for a particular game [Solution: No EEPROM support atm]

Started by OzzyFreakDude, 31/Jan/2012 01:38:50 AM

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I just got my preordered Retrode 2 the other day - and I must say it is rather awesome!

Since I upgraded the firmware to 0.17c and turned on 16-bit word mode, I've been able to get the srm file from most of the Genesis cartridges I've tried (Light Crusader, Phantasy Star II, Phantasy Star IV, Shining Force, and Sonic 3)

However, the game that's got most of my genesis attention right now is Starflight.  I just ordered a copy of it, and when I plug it into the retrode, the retrode sees the ROM, but no srm file shows up at all.  It's as if the Retrode thinks that the game has no sram.  I tested it in an actual system and can confirm that the sram does indeed work - I'm able to load a saved game.

Does anybody have any ideas?  Has anybody run into anything like this before?  Is there an experimental firmware that aims to overcome this issue?


SRAM on Genesis is quite hard to detect when the ROM header contains false information. Would you care to send me the first kilobyte (or so) of your ROM file so I can inspect the header? => matthias at retrode dot org


I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Sorry to necro an old thread, but I'm having the exact same problem. 

I'm using an R2 with 0.18-alphac6 on Windows 7.

Was there any luck with this the last time around?


I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


I just emailed you the first ~1.5k of the ROM, like you asked the OP.  Hopefully it's useful.


Thanks for that. According to the header, the game doesn't have any SRAM at all... EEPROM maybe, like other EA titles?

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.