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Retrode2 on WII SNESXGX Can't SAVE GAMES!!

Started by gabrielmraphael, 25/Aug/2014 01:36:24 AM

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Hi there, 
I tried retrode 2 on my wii, the game works okay, I can read the savegames in the cartridge, but can't save!
And the emulator save stats didn't worked too.
I tried many configs in the emulator but no sucess. :-\
Can someone help me?


You can't save save states to the Retrode. Make sure they're being saved to something else. I'm not sure about the on-cart save.


On cart save doesn't work,  but can load the in game saves.

the problem is that I can't save snapshots or savegames of the emulator on my SD too the emulator doesn't get the right place due to the retrode.

And Can't force the output to save on other folders of the sd card.
I tried a rom game and it works.. but with the retrode, no chances.


To save to cart, the [sramReadOnly] setting in RETRODE.CFG needs to be set to 0. It's a protection measure to prevent accidental deletion of battery saves.

Everything else seems more like an emulator issue rather than a Retrode one.

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