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Problem with Genesis .srm

Started by EA_sports_gamer, 12/Mar/2016 05:10:42 PM

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I think this was mentioned before but I wonder if someone has an answer still. Whenever, I try to play a game through an emulator and save it back to the genesis cartridge via Retrode, the srm file does not transfer. Also, when I originally dump the ROM from retrode to my computer, I cannot access the srm file. So, lets say I am playing a genesis game and it has battery access so it automatically saves and then I see both the .bin and the .srm files once I dump the data from the cartridge to my computer via the retrode, but the srm data doesnt transfer over correctly when trying to play in an emulator such as Kega.

Am I missing a step here?



check to see if you have disabled read only in the retrode config mine looks like this:

; Retrode .18d-b3 - Config
; Remove any line to revert setting to factory default

[HIDMode] 2 ; 0: Off; 1: 4Joy+Mouse; 2: 2Joy; 3: KB; 4: iCade
[blinkControllers] 1

[nesMode] 0          ; 1: NES gamepads; 0: SNES

[filenameChksum] 1   ; checksum in filename? 0,1
[detectionDelay] 5   ; how long to wait after cart insertion/removal
[sramReadonly] 0     ; write protect SRAM?
[sramExt] srm
[snesRomExt] sfc
[segaRomExt] bin
; Override autodetect:
[forceSystem] auto
[forceSize] 0
[forceMapper] 0
; Optional plug-ins:
[n64RomExt] n64
[gbRomExt] gb
[gbaRomExt] gba
[smsRomExt] sms
[ggRomExt] gg

as for the emulator, i use fusion.


Yeah I thought Genesis srm's don't seem to work through emus. If an emu alters the srm it doesn't register back to the cart.

The Retrode does work for copying srm's off from carts and back so it's great for backing up your saves but not if you want to play on an emu and come back to the cart since it won't work if it's been changed through an emu.

A while back we were talking about this a lot with Gliiitch and some other users but no one's ever been able to find a fix to this as far as I know


ah normally in that situation you have to go into your emulators settings and make sure its saving it as the correct type for example eeprom and also the correct size atleast thats what i remember having to do for super mario all stars on the snes


Yes SNES will work, Genesis will not. At least not that I know of.