
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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New firmware beta: v0.19 beta

Started by Matthias_H, 11/May/2016 06:53:37 PM

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Dear all,

Wannado has done it again: A new firmware beta is out (0.19 beta) and ready for you to test. Please find it (and updating instructions) in the usual place.

If you've had issues using the Retrode under Android, accessing GB savegames, or even losing GB save data, then you should definitely give this update a try.

And now let's all thank Wannado who's been doing a tremendous job maintaining the firmware since my semi-departure.


I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Thanks Wannado for the upkeep.

Can I update directly from 18c or do I have to install each update in secession?


Awesome to see, thanks Wannado!



Quote from: Retrode64 on 11/May/2016 08:07:21 PM
Can I update directly from 18c or do I have to install each update in secession?

You can update directly from any of the previous releases. Configurations settings (RETRODE.CFG) from 0.18a or later are supposed to survive the update to 0.19 beta. The configuration will be reset when updating from 0.17g or earlier to 0.18a or later, including 0.19 beta.


if you read this thanks wannado, i was finally able to overide the size for a gamegear game ive had for a while and couldnt get working.


I have some news and questions. Here we go:

One user reported that Android compatibility has indeed improved with v0.19 beta (not sure if due to the change I made or due to Android, but anyway).
Can others confirm this?

Thanks to user Frank Sanders for inspiring the fix. Frank had offered to try and improve Android compatibility, and provided me with some valuable input about it.

Another user found a problem with forceSize / overdump for Game Gear games: Although auto-detection includes a case for 1024 kiB games, you currently cannot force more than 512 kiB.

I will raise the forceSize / overdump limit for Game Gear to 1024 kiB in the next release. Or does anyone know a reason not to?

It's been long since Matthias mentioned our plans to release the firmware source. There's still a number of things to be discussed before the source release, and I didn't have time for this recently. If you're waiting for it, you'll have to be a little patient.


thanks for posting the info.

#2 since i reported it I wouldnt mind testing that the override works.
maybe the auto detection could be improved, I havnt had total success with it.

#3 nice to know it still a possibility.


Oh, very nice, thank you!

Gadgetoid has fixed the controller issue for Linux systems so you can use all four controllers with Linux (and the Raspberry Pi / Retropie) as well.

I'll try to get a patch for him, maybe you could include that as well :)


Wanado's the man. All we need now is GBA srm read/write. :')