
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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N64 Save Support (FW v0.23)

Started by skaman, 03/Nov/2017 12:43:27 PM

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 :'( just ripped out the resistors for no reason then.


Tested a Memory Pak and it reads out properly.  I compared the Mempak1.mpk dump against a dump using a different reader and the files matched.  I tested from the v0.18d (first firmware with memory pak support) up to v0.25.

Before attempting to read the memory pak, make sure your Config file [sramReadonly] or [saveReadonly] is set to 1.  Wannado mentions dumping your memory pak at least a couple times to confirm the contents before making any changes.

Refer to Wannado's Guide:


Thank you for keeping the firmware current.  I just received my new Retrode v2 (my first cart Dumper) from dragonbox and something is a bit confusing to me.   I see you have a few system specefic firmwares which are significantly newer than the official (v0.19 beta (2016-05-01)).
Is the recommended process to flash the latest system specific firmware you offer.... And for systems not offered to revert to the retrode official?
.thank you greatly!
edit RETRODE.CFG indicates that the following firmware shipped: .25a-beta - Config


The Retrode website hasn't been updated in years.  I don't have the ability to make changes to it.

The firmware updates are cumulative.  If your Retrode shipped with v0.25a beta then you should update to the v0.25a final here:
