Satellaview will not run in some emulators..If named certain checksum.

Started by Asaph, 23/Jan/2018 03:37:41 AM

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I dumped my BS-X cart with the new firmware .23a and it is only playable with BSNES emulator. It comes out with a checksum of 8B86 which is an ok checksum. However using an older firmware it dumps 7479 which is an ok checksum and is playable in most emulators. Emulators used zsnes(never works), snes9x, bsnes older and newer versions.

I checked ROM data and Everything is the same, I changed the windows file name to SatellaviewBs-x.7479 as it was dumped with a previous revision from the retrode2 and it started working.. checksum header is 8B86. while header compliment is 7479. Both ROMs are exactly the same except the file name uses different numbers to explain the checksum on the end.

Maybe its an issue with the emulator itself? Just thought i'd put this out there if someone ever has an issue.

Name: Satellaview BS-X
Speed: 30/FastROM
Type: e5
Kart contents: ROM+RAM+BAT+BS
Header ROM Size: 8Mbits
Calculated ROM Size: 8 Mbits
SRAM size: 256Kbits (256Kbit)
Actual Checksum: 8B86
Header Checksum: 8B86
Header Checksum Compliment: 7479
Output: NTSC 60Hz
CRC32:   F51F07A0
Licensee: Nintendo
ROM Version: 1.0
Region: Japan


Are the two files using different extensions?  It might be a difference between ".SFC" and ".BS".

If the file uses ".BS", then you generally have to load the BSX BIOS first.  It depends on the emulator.  The emulator authors are getting better at incorporating Satellaview support.

As a general notice to anyone reading these Satellaview posts, PLEASE DUMP YOUR MEMORY PAKS BEFORE USING THEM.  Even if the Memory Pak shows as empty when using the BSX cart, there is a possibility that recoverable data still exists on the pak.  Satellaview ROMs have a "Limited Starts" byte that can control the number of times a ROM can be used.  After hitting the limited starts number, the data simply does not show up in the BSX menu.

If anyone dumps anything interesting off their memory pak or are unsure of what exists in their dump, then please let me know.  I've been working with KiddoCabbusses and LuigiBlood on Satellaview data preservation.

Good Luck!


SatellaviewBs-x.7479.sfc dumped using.. revision .19? Works on snes9x
SatellaviewBs-x.8B86.sfc dumped using .23a works on snes9x after changing file name.
Both roms have the exact same information above. Rom header compliment is 7479, Rom header is 8B86 I'm sure this isn't an issue with the retrode but rather snes9x or even windows (Windows 10 pro 64 bit, snes9x 1.53)
Just in case someone dumps the bs-x cart and they are having issues try simply renaming the file. Maybe the next revision can simply use the .7479? I know you can change the retrode setting to just state the Rom version but I like the check sum setting better in the file name.
