
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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Cannot get n64 plugin to work.

Started by mrhappyasthma, 01/Apr/2019 07:31:49 AM

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I purchased the Retrode 2 and all the plugins from I have no problem with gameboy, SNES, or Genesis games. But the n64 games won't work.

I flipped the switch to 3.3v. I've tried multiple games (all of which were cleaned with q-tips and rubbing alcohol). No luck.

The green LED on the front of the device lights up when I plug a game into the plug-in slot, but I only see the retrode.cfg file. I don't see the n64 game at all.

I tried on both a PC and a Mac, the behavior is the same.

According to the Mac Retrode tool, I'm running firmware 0.25a, which from what I can tell is the latest.

Any help would be appreciated.


Just to rule it out as the problem, what slot are you plugging the n64 plugin into?


I'm plugging it into the Genesis cartridge slot. (Same as the other plug-ins). It wouldn't even fit onto the prongs for the snes slot.

The instructions say to have the game face the same direction as the label on the plugin. Just to be encompassing I tried both orientations. I confirmed that when it was backwards it did not work and the LED would not turn on. But putting it in the correct orientation will get the LED on, but the computers never show the ROM.


Sorry I was thinking of another system. Regarding orientation, at least on the ones Matthias made the instructions were correct and the n64 game works oriented with its label on the same side as the label on the plugin (so label facing out).

This should be more pertinent: Is [forceSystem] set to anything other than auto? Could you see what happens to set it to n64?


My existing configuration is:

; Retrode .25a-beta - Config
; Remove any line to revert setting to factory default

[HIDMode] 2 ; 0: Off; 1: 4Joy+Mouse; 2: 2Joy; 3: KB; 4: iCade
[blinkControllers] 1

[nesMode] 0         ; 1: NES gamepads; 0: SNES

[filenameChksum] 1  ; checksum in filename? 0=no, 1=yes
[detectionDelay] 5  ; how long to wait after cart insertion/removal
[saveReadonly] 1    ; write protect save? 0=no, 1=yes
[segaSram16bit] 1   ; 0=no, 1=yes, 2=y+large
[sramExt] srm
[snesRomExt] sfc
[snesOverdump] 1    ; overdump correction? 0=no, 1=yes
[snesRomVer] 0      ; version instead of checksum? 0=no, 1=yes
[segaRomExt] bin
; Override autodetect:
[forceSystem] auto
[forceSize] 0
[forceMapper] 0
; Optional plug-ins:
[n64RomExt] z64
[gbRomExt] gb
[gbaRomExt] gba
[smsRomExt] sms
[ggRomExt] gg

Updating the forceSystem to n64 does not do anything different: [forceSystem] n64.


Nothing additional comes to mind. I just updated to .25a and tested on a mac, but mine is working fine. Maybe reach out to dragonbox and ask them to verify that the plugin is working for them?