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Retrode 2 Extracted Files to Retropie?

Started by TomCat3, 11/Mar/2019 03:02:05 AM

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Hi. I was wondering if anyone knew if the files you get from extracting an snes cartridge for example, on a retrode 2, would work with retropie. I am NOT wanting to hook up a retrode to a pi, just curious if the files it extracts you, are usable with retropie. I asked on the Retropie Forums and no one could answer. I'm really hoping someone here could answer my question or at least try it, that would help me out greatly. Thank you for your time!  ;D


I don't use RetroPie, but the ROMs that are dumped are bog-standard, I always verify against the hashes from DAT-o-MATIC, and they play fine in my standalone mupen64plus and Retroarch installs, which would be the options RetroPi could build on for emulating N64.

If RetroPie didn't work with them, it'd not only be something people would be raging about en masse, it'd mean that they had to actively work to break something.