
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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Anyone received theirs yet?

Started by Matthias_H, 28/Dec/2011 01:46:21 PM

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Quote from: Matthias_H on 08/Jan/2012 12:14:45 PM
Quote from: Ness and Sonic on 07/Jan/2012 05:59:33 AM
I am debating over waiting for the batch that properly handles the SNES lockout chip or get a new one for my cousins to use.
Sorry to disappoint but for that one you may have to wait forever :)

Out of interest, does anyone know how the pirates dumped the game in the first place? They must have had some method... perhaps that could lead to a solution for the Retrode?


I know of at least one case where games were dumped by unsoldering the ROM chip, which may be hard to emulate in firmware ;)

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


The two I ordered finally arrived today! Very excited to check them out when I'm done with work.


BTW, have you shipped out first of the non-preordered ones, or are you still busy with those?


Quote from: Muzer on 10/Jan/2012 10:03:17 PM
BTW, have you shipped out first of the non-preordered ones, or are you still busy with those?

Nothing other than the pre-ordered units has gone out yet. I'm still in the process of setting up a smooth order fulfilment pipeline, hence the projected shipping date of Jan 23.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Ah, fair enough, makes sense. Sorry if I'm being a bit impatient; I'm just too excited ;)


Mine arrived yesterday, am very pleased with it, much more professional looking than version 1!


Just reporting in to say I got mine today, and it's looking lovely. Thanks a lot! I'll give it a go a little later...


Just tested my rather modest collection of SNES games. All seem to work fine:

Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (SNSP-NX-UKV): 8Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Donkey Kong Country (SNSP-8X-UKV): 32Mbit, 16kbit SRAM, Checksum fine; OK.
F-Zero (SNSP-FZ-UKV): 4Mbit, 16kbit SRAM, Checksum fine; OK.
Family Dog (SNSP-D8-UKV): 8Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Krusty's Super Fun House (SNSP-FH-UKV): 4Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Lamborghini American Challenge (SNSP-L8-UKV): 4Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Mario Paint (SNSP-MP-UKV): 8Mbit, 256kbit SRAM, Checksum fine; OK.
Nintendo Scope 6 (SNSP-LR-UKV): 8Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Starwing (SNSP-F0-UKV): 8Mbit, 256kbit SRAM, Checksum fine; OK.
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (SNSP-S2-UKV): 16Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Street Fighter II: Turbo (SNSP-TI-UKV): 32Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Super Gameboy (SNSP-A-SG(UKV)): 2Mbit, Checksum fine; OK (but obviously doesn't actually work).
Super Mario All-Stars (SNSP-4M-UKV): 16Mbit, 64kbit SRAM, Checksum fine; OK.
Super Mario Kart (SNSP-MK-UKV): 4Mbit, 16kbit SRAM, Checksum fine; OK.
Super Mario World (SNSP-MW-UKV): 4Mbit, 16kbit SRAM, Checksum fine; OK.
Super Metroid (SNSP-RI-UKV): 16Mbit, 64kbit SRAM, Checksum fine; OK.
The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare (SNSP-BN-NOE): 8Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Yoshi's Safari (SNSP-RH-UKV): 8Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.


I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


One thing I did notice but forgot to mention is that hotplug seems VERY sketchy. I rarely got a case in which I used hotplug and the cartridge was detected as being the correct size/type even - very frequently they were detected as being double or half their actual size, and also as Atari 2600 games. After a reset it always worked fine. This is on Linux. Not a big deal, I just replugged it every time, but reporting it in case it's important.

I wasn't unmounting in between, though - were you supposed to?


Now done the Mega Drive games. Most of these I've picked up along the way - I didn't choose them, don't judge me ;). If you don't want to read through the whole list, I'll summarise the (all minor) issues I found:

Firstly, Kega Fusion would only accept saves with the 16-bit mode enabled, as I explained in the other thread, I personally think this should be enabled by default.

* Sonic 3 & Knuckles's SRAM (well, FRAM) did not show up, presumably meaning you'd have to put just Sonic 3 in, copy the save, put it in your emulator's save directory, rename it, and then put Sonic 3 & Knuckles in, and point the emulator to that save directory. Which seems like a bit of a pain. I don't know whether it's actually possible to access the save, but if it is, it would be nice :)
* A few games had checksum errors I couldn't get rid of. Then I noticed, so did the online dumps (marked [!]), so it's probably an error in the cart itself.
* EEPROM doesn't work, which we already know about of course - I included every game I noticed should have had EEPROM, but I might have missed/misidentified a few, as I only briefly turned them on, and I'm not familiar with many of these.
* Micro Machines 96 has no name, so the name just appears as a dot, which makes the file hidden on Unix (meaning it only shows up in ls -a). Obviously impossible to correct the no name thing (unless there's a third, hidden, name field somewhere), but perhaps have the Retrode detect when a file would begin with a dot, and insert "UnnamedGenesisGame" before it or something.
* I assume the controller ports on J-Carts don't work, though I haven't tested it (there was talk about that earlier, and I linked to docs, but presumably that's quite low down on priorities so I assume it hasn't been done - at any rate, I can't see anything in the readme).

No games failed to work completely, it was just the above minor issues.

Altered Beast: 4Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Earthworm Jim: 24Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Ecco the Dolphin: 8Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Ecco the Tides of Time: 16Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
F-22 Interceptor: 6Mbit, Checksum error; seems OK (online dumps also have incorrect checksum).
Game Genie: 512Mbit, Checksum error; menu works, but no game will start.
Jack Nicklaus' Power Challenge Golf: 8Mbit, 8kbit SRAM, Checksum fine; OK.
LHX Attack Chopper: 8Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Mick & Mack Global Gladiators: 8Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Mega Games I: 8Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Mega Games 3: 16Mbit, Checksum error; seems OK (online dumps also have incorrect checksum).
Menacer: 8Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Mortal Kombat: 16Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
PGA Tour Golf III: 16Mbit, 64kbit SRAM, Checksum fine; OK.
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure: 16Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Sonic & Knuckles: 16Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Sonic 3: 16Mbit, 4kbit SRAM, Checksum fine; OK.
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: 32Mbit, SRAM NOT PRESENT, Checksum fine; Game OK, but no SRAM.
Sonic the Hedgehog: 4Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Sonic 1 & Knuckles (Blue Spheres Game): 24Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2: 8Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Sonic 2 & Knuckles: 26Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball: 8Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Stargate: 16Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
T2: The Arcade Game: 8Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Taz in Escape from Mars: 16Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Theme Park: 16Mbit, EEPROM NOT PRESENT, Checksum fine; Game OK, but no EEPROM.
Micro Machines '96: 8Mbit. Name not present, just a dot, so shows up as hidden file on Unix-based OSes, much to my confusion. EEPROM NOT PRESENT, Checksum error; Game OK (online dumps also have incorrect checksum), but no EEPROM or name. Also, J-Cart ports presumably don't work.
Worms: 16Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
California Games: 4Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Super Hang-On: 4Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
After Burner II: 4Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Urban Strike: 16Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Zool: 8Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.
Desert Strike: 8Mbit, Checksum fine; OK.