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Retrode on OUYA [Solution: Yes, it works]

Started by GL1zdA, 31/Jul/2012 01:12:45 PM

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Will you consider supporting the OUYA when it comes out?


Not much to support from our side. Either it does have a USB port or it doesn't, either they include drivers for the mass storage and game controller standards or they don't :)

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.

Ness and Sonic

I was thinking about getting an OUYA and using it with a retrode, too. I'll do a little research and see if I can find out what I need to know first.

Edit: I found this:
USB 2.0 support.
Also, given 8GB of storage, I wouldn't be too surprised if they include external storage as an option. Of course, the thing to remember is that it can change over time. (PS3 went through a number of changes. Anyone else remember the boomerang controller?)
Some times modern video game characters chase older ones. Some times older video game characters just say the wrong thing.


Update: Yes, it works! No special settings required, apparently.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Well, at least it's possible to play your original cartidges on the ouya. But its not possible to configure your Megadrive or SNES Pad yet. The Buttons don't get recognized when trying to define them.


Alright I finally got my ouya in. I can confirm above it all works except gba.emu. This emulator kept crashing on me when loading from retrode.

You do need to configure the controller a bit. On the snes/md/gb make sure you enable icade and also have icade on the retrode. The n64 the controllers were kinda garbage. I was trying to play Zelda OoT and had a big problem doing just backflips. I have not tried SMS games so I really cannot vouch for that.

Emulators I recommend:
N64: Mupen64 Plus AE
GBA: GBA.emu
MD/Genesis: MD.emu



glad you got it to work.  i dont have one yet :(

if you feel there is enough to write a tutorial about, and are so inclined, please do, and email it to and i will see about getting it added to the tutorials section on

The goal of is to catalogue the software of as many classic systems as possible. does not and will never host ISO or ROM downloads


Quote from: korori on 05/Jul/2013 12:50:35 AM
Alright I finally got my ouya in. I can confirm above it all works except gba.emu. This emulator kept crashing on me when loading from retrode.

You do need to configure the controller a bit. On the snes/md/gb make sure you enable icade and also have icade on the retrode. The n64 the controllers were kinda garbage. I was trying to play Zelda OoT and had a big problem doing just backflips. I have not tried SMS games so I really cannot vouch for that.

Emulators I recommend:
N64: Mupen64 Plus AE
GBA: GBA.emu
MD/Genesis: MD.emu


i'm using Retroarch on my Ouya (mainly for Sega Emulation as its running the latest Genesis Plus GX Core, MD.Emu has pretty broken Mastersystem and MegaCD emulation) and setting the Retrode to iCade works but not very good. I can map all the buttons, but ingame there's a huuuuge lag and sometimes the Controls doesn't respond at all. I've already mailed Matthias, if he could add an option to let the Retrode just work as an USB Pad Adapter without the USB Mass Storage device, as the Ouya can only handle 1 USB Storage at a time.


pretty sure you need mass storage for the emu to read the carts.

unless you want the retrode for controllers only?
The goal of is to catalogue the software of as many classic systems as possible. does not and will never host ISO or ROM downloads


Well. I might sit down on a workaround for this extremely nonstandard problem. Or you could just kick the OUYA folks' butt until they implement proper USB handling that is worthy of a device released in 2013 and based on a standard Linux distro...

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Quote from: emuDrache on 07/Jul/2013 08:26:02 PM
pretty sure you need mass storage for the emu to read the carts.

unless you want the retrode for controllers only?

yes, as i have all my cartidges dumped to an usb stick to have my collection always with me. ;)