I have a problem with the controller detection of the Retrode. Everything worked perfectly until today and there was never a problem before. The Retrode isn't detecting my SNES Controller anymore and I have no idea why. I even tried to do a firmware update to solve the Problem, but it didn't change anything (I have no idea if the firmware update worked, where can I see my Version?) Dumping my games still works fine.
Under "Gamecontroller" there is not a single one listed when the Retrode is connected. I have no genesis controller so I didn't check them but I guess they are not working either.
Hope someone can help me, because I would like to play my games^^
Sorry to hear about your issue. Here are a few quick questions to nail this down:
- Which operating system?
- What when you connect the Retrode without a controller in?
- Does the controller work on other devices?
- Which [HIDMode] setting in your RETRODE.CFG?
- Voltage selector switch still at 5V?
- Operating System: Windows Vista
- When I connect the Retrode without a controller it works normally
- the controllers are working just fine on my SNES
- [HIDMode] 0 ; 0: Off; 1: 4Joy+Mouse; 2: 2Joy; 3: KB; 4: iCade
- Voltage Switch is still at 5V
Sounds like your config file somehow got screwed up. With [HIDMode] 0, obviously there are no controllers. The checksum thing could have to do with [ForceSystem] being anything other than "auto", or maybe you've pressed the HWB button by accident (which changes the file size).
In case you can't seem to edit/save the RETRODE.CFG file, this (http://www.retrode.org/documentation/troubleshooting/troubleshooting-saving-files-to-the-retrode-does-not-work/) might be of help.
By the way, the firmware version should be visible in the config file (first line or so).
Actually I did the wrong Firmwareupdate. I did the one for the Retrode 1 but now I did the right one and the checksum fail problem is solved.
But the Controller Problem remains and was there before. So I have to edit the config file? Which numbers do I have to change and how do I change it?
If controllers are deactivated, they won't work :) You'll probably want to put the [HIDMode] setting back to 1.
[HIDMode] 0 ; 0: Off; 1: 4Joy+Mouse; 2: 2Joy; 3: KB; 4: iCade
I am not good with these stuff, so please tell me how this line should look like. Do I have to switch both zeros to1's?
[HIDMode] 1 ;everything behind semicolon is comment and doesn't matter
Thank you so much for this support in the middle of the night :D Everything is working well now!
One last question remains, how did this number chance happend in the first place? I never messed around with the config data. Or will this forever be a mystery?^^
Firmware updates sometimes do that. It's why we recommend a back-up of the config file.
Quote from: Matthias_H on 26/Sep/2012 01:02:20 AM
Firmware updates sometimes do that. It's why we recommend a back-up of the config file.
That's good to know but the Problem was there before I did the Firmware Update ;D
But never mind, the main thing is that everything is alright now and if it should happen again, I know what to do.
Maybe at some point, you accidentally hit Up+Start while powering up the Retrode. That would set [HIDMode] permanently to 0. (http://www.retrode.org/2012/05/firmware-update-lots-of-good-new-stuff/) Anyway, now that everything is back to normal, enjoy! :)