Retrode Forum

General Category => Support => Topic started by: Cerwym on 24/Feb/2013 05:05:33 PM

Title: 360 Wireless controller driver issue
Post by: Cerwym on 24/Feb/2013 05:05:33 PM

I've been having an issue tied to my Retrode whenever I try to use my 360 controller (via the Wireless Receiver) at the same time the Retrode is plugged in.

For an example, I will use the game Super Meat Boy.

When I try to play SMB with the Retrode plugged in, the game accepts no input from my 360 controller, but will accept input from the SNES joypad were I to unplug the Retrode, the 360 controller functions normally.
Of course this issue is not specific to this game, I have tried in quite a few others and this situation still happens, I never USED to have this issue and unfortunately I never kept a track of what firmware I was running before I updated.

Some games that have a configuration utility will not have an entry for Xbox 360 wireless receiver but will have two entries labelled 'Retrode' (I'm assuming #1 & #2 SNES ports)

I'm running Windows 7 x64
Retrode 2 18a -> [HIDMode] 1 ;

(Also, when you get some time to make a new firmware revision Matthias, could you possibly please make the LED flashing on controller input optional? I personally find it quite annoying as the device is sat on my desk with the LED in my face :/)


Title: Re: 360 Wireless controller driver issue
Post by: Matthias_H on 25/Feb/2013 03:58:14 PM
Sorry to hear about your problems. Could it be that your software only supports so many controllers connected simultaneously? In [HIDMode] 1, the Retrode enumerates as four USB joysticks. Have you tried any of the alternative modes, in particular [HIDMode] 3 which only registers a keyboard and no game controllers at all? (Hold SNES D-pad to southwest position while connecting Retrode to give it a try (
Title: Re: 360 Wireless controller driver issue
Post by: Cerwym on 25/Feb/2013 08:41:10 PM
[HIDMode] 3 works, of course I now have 4 keyboards registered when the device is plugged in (duh.)

QuoteCould it be that your software only supports so many controllers connected simultaneously?

I'm fairly certain that is not the case as I have had the exact same setup but with [HIDMode] 1 set on a previous firmware and the game's configuration utility listed to 'Retrode' joypads and 1 Xbox 360 controller.

Title: Re: 360 Wireless controller driver issue
Post by: Muzer on 06/Apr/2013 11:39:07 PM
I would expect the software is detecting the Retrode joysticks first and automatically assigning them to players 1-4 or whatever, and the 360 controller is coming out as player 5.