Retrode Forum

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: korori on 03/Apr/2013 02:42:10 AM

Title: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: korori on 03/Apr/2013 02:42:10 AM
Here's a list of games I have tested.

NameWorksRequires [ForceSize]ForceSize
007 The World is not EnoughYesNo
Army Men Sarge's HerosYesNo
Bomberman 64YesYes8
Bust-A-Move '99YesYes8
Cruis'n USAYesNo
Diddy Kong RacingYesNo
Donkey Kong 64YesNo
Doom 64YesNo
Duke Nukem Zero HourYesNo
Extreme GYesNo
Extreme G2YesNo
F-Zero XYesNo
Goldeneye 007YesNo
Hey You PikachuYesYes32
Jet Force GeminiYesNo
Kirby 64 The Crystal ShardsYesNo
Legend of Zelda, The Majora's MaskYesNo
Legend of Zelda, The Ocarina of TimeYesYes32
Legend of Zelda, The Ocarina of Time (Collectors Edition)YesYes32
Mario Kart 64YesNo
Mario PartyYesNo
Perfect DarkYesNo
PilotWings 64YesNo
Pokemon Puzzle LeagueYesYes32
Pokemon SnapYesNo
Pokemon StadiumYesNo
Pokemon Stadium 2YesNo
Quake IIYesNo
Star Wars Episode I RacerYesNo
Shadows of the EmpireYesNo
Starfox 64YesNo
Super Mario 64YesNo
Super Smash Bros.YesNo
Turok 2 Seeds of EvilYesNo
WaveRace 64YesNo
Yoshi StoryYesNo

N64  (E) (AU?)

Jet Force Geminiyes



      Requires [ForceSize]

F-Zero X


Legend of Zelda, The Majora's Mask


Legend of Zelda, The Ocarina of TimeYesYes32
Pokemon Gold & Silver


Super Mario 64


Super Smash Bros




DragonBall Z Buu's FuryYes
DragonBall Z The legacy of GokuYes
Kingdom HeartsNo
Legend of Zelda , The A Link to the Past Four SwordsYes
Legend of Zelda , The Minish CapNeed to try force
Megaman ZeroYes
Pokemon EmeraldNo
Pokemon Leaf GreenNo
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue TeamYesYes32
Pokemon Pinball Ruby and SapphireYes
Pokemon Ruby VersionNo
Pokemon Sapphire VersionNo
Yu Yu YakushoYes
Sword of ManaYes
Final Fantasy IV Advance (U) Yes

Legend of Zelda Oracle of Season (E) - Worked
Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages (E) - Worked
Powerpuff Girls Battle Him (E)- Loads But Crashes
Pokemon Cystyal (E) -Worked
Dragon Warrior III (U) -Worked

Pokemon Yellow (E) -Worked
Pokemon Yellow (J) -Worked
Pokemon Gold (J) -Worked
Pokemon Gold (E) -Worked
Pokemon Blue (E) -Worked
Pokemon Red (E) -Worked
Pokemon Silver (E) -Worked
Pokemon Silver (J) -Worked
Legend of Zelda Links Awakening DX (E)- Worked
Tetris (E) -Worked
Pokemon Trading Card Game (E) - Worked
Kirby's Dream Land (E) - Worked
Game And Watch Gallery (E) - Worked
Kirby's Dream Land 2 (E) - Worked
Kirby's Star Stacker (E) - Worked
Super Mario Lan 2 6 Golden Coins (E) - Worked
TMNT II: Back from the Sewers -Worked
Metroid II: Return of Samus-Worked

Sonic The Hedgehog-Worked

All the ones in red have been test to force size. Except one.
Click the link below (
Scroll to the bottom and read the information.

Please use this topic to help others out to see what games work. Post your list as well. I will add more later. Unfortunately, I will not be able to have access to all my games since I am in the middle of moving right now. But I still have around 20 more N64 Games that I have access to. If there is another topic please combined this topic with the other one.

Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: MasterOfPuppets on 03/Apr/2013 02:55:11 AM
Ocarina of Time should work if you force it to be a 32MB dump. Probably the same for the other GBA games as well (not 32MB, obviously).

It would be nice to have an official compatibility list started so we can add games.
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: korori on 03/Apr/2013 02:56:49 AM
I havent tried to force it yet. I only tried to load it straight and see if it worked.

Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: Matthias_H on 03/Apr/2013 04:23:25 AM
N64 and GBA games do not come with a header, so the Retrode has to guess their size out of thin air. I think that having a list with recommended overdump settings will be of great help to all GBA/N64 users. korori, would you like to maintain one on I could give you editing rights...
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: Vangar on 03/Apr/2013 07:19:22 AM
Jet Force Gemini (E) (AUS?) Works
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: korori on 04/Apr/2013 05:35:37 PM
I have updated my list to help people out. Those that do not work I have looked up the proper size and tested that size. I have variations of 8,16,32 MB for those GBA Games.

Thank you Matthias_H for the offer but I do not feel like I would be able to give the time it needs to maintain it. I thought I would just share the list of games I could test for those here.

Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: alakhira on 04/Apr/2013 08:29:35 PM
I'm just starting to test my GBX plug-in but I can now add that Dragon Warrior III (U) for GBC works as does Final Fantasy IV Advance (U) for GBA.
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: Jim VanDeventer on 05/Apr/2013 05:19:33 AM
Bomberman 64 appears to be 1 MB when inserted normally and needs to be forced to 8 MB.

EDIT: I would also like to add that Shadows of the Empire (N64) works fine and dandy as well as TMNT II: Back from the Sewers (GB.)
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: Retrofan on 05/Apr/2013 11:49:41 AM
I'd like to let you know that Metroid II: Return of Samus (GameBoy) and Sonic The Hedgehog (SMS) are both working fine, without forcing any file size.
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: Zerker on 07/Apr/2013 01:24:11 PM
I created a few other threads for a few problem games, but I'll add my summary to this one. All games are North American releases (from Canada if it ever makes a difference).

All of the following worked as-is:
F-Zero X
Goemon's Great Adventure
Kirby 64
Mario Kart 64
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Ogre Battle 64
PilotWings 64
Starfox 64
Star Soldier Vanishing Earth
Super Mario 64
Super Smash Brothers
Zelda Majora's Mask

The following needed to force size:
Zelda Ocarina of Time to 32 as mentioned above
Paper Mario DOWN to 48. This game had problems when overdumped to 64.

All Gameboy and Gameboy Colour games worked as is, with some notes:
A Boy and his Blob - the Rescue of Princess Blobette
Castlevania 2 - Belmont's Revenge
Donkey Kong
Dragon Warrior 1 & 2
Dragon Warrior 3
Gargoyle's Quest
Kid Icarus - of Myths and Monsters : No saveram?
Kirby's Block Ball
Kirby's Dream Land
Kirby's Dream Land 2
Kirby's Pinball Land : No saveram?
Kirby's Tilt 'n Tumble : No saveram. It apparently uses EEPROM to save.
Metal Gear Ghost Babel (aka Metal Gear Solid)
Metroid 2
Ninja Gaiden Shadow
Operation C
Super Mario Land 2
Super Mario Land
Wario Land
Wario Land 2
Wario Land 3
Zelda - Link's Awakening
Zelda - Link's Awakening DX

Gameboy Advance
For GBA games, I don't really have a good list of what did or did not require force size. I had enough mis-sizes that I ended up forcing sizes using even when I didn't need to. I used as a reference, which was given to me by MasterOfPuppets. I did notice that the size identification was fairly good for ROM sizes less than 16 MB (although it often overdumped smaller games to 8 MB), but every single 16 MB game I tried with autodetection was detected as an 8 MB game. As such, I will simply list the games as 16 MB and < 16 MB, to give you an idea of what probably won't autodetect:

< 16 MB:
Advance Wars 2
Advance Wars
Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow
Castlevania - Circle of the Moon
Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance
Drill Dozer
Final Fantasy 4 Advance
Final Fantasy 5 Advance
Final Fantasy 6 Advance
Game & Watch Gallery 4
Golden Sun
Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland
Megaman Zero
Metroid Fusion
Metroid Zero Mission
Ninja Five-0
Super Mario Kart Super Circuit : Note, this is 4 MB, but was misidentified as 2 MB
Super Mario World
Tactics Ogre
Tales of Phantasia
Unreleased and Indie
Wario Land 4
Warioware Inc

16 MB:
Boktai 2
Final Fantasy 1 & 2 Dawn of Souls
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem the Sacred Stones
Golden Sun - The Lost Age
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
Mario vs Donkey Kong
Warioware Twisted
Zelda - the Minish Cap
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: korori on 08/Apr/2013 02:18:10 AM
I notice that site you posted has the pokemon rom set at 128 mb but the firmware doesn't allow more than 32mb is there a way to forcesize higher so we can test this.

Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: Matthias_H on 08/Apr/2013 03:48:29 AM
[forceSize] is in Megabytes, so 128Mbit => [forceSize] 16
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: korori on 08/Apr/2013 11:21:05 AM
Sorry didnt notice it was bits not bytes. I have tried 8/16/32 Mb. Then this means Pokemon Ruby/ Pokemon Sapphire/ Pokemon Emerald/Pokemon Leaf Green/Pokemon Fire Red do not work at least for me. Is anyone else having issues playing these games.

Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: BFC on 08/Apr/2013 05:34:50 PM
Hello everyone. I'm from no-intro and I'm very interested in all the redump info you provide. As you might know the goal is the verification of all ROM images for all console system and any redump information is inserted into the online database maintained with the Dat-o-Matic system.

Now for proper entries we'd love to receive a scan/photo of the media and information like cart serial, ROM chip serial if possible, PCB code and more. I cannot ask for all this information but if you are interested helping with the project would it be possible for you to post the cart-code as identifier in the database and post an output of all your dumps from ucon64 or gameheader? This would be very kind :) I haven't sorted out the info you posted but some games are most likely wanted. For instance I see Pokemon Crystal in Korori's list which I know is on our list. Thanks in advance!

QuotePowerpuff Girls Battle Him (E)- Loads But Crashes

This is compatible - I dumped it myself. You should check the global checksums of the games with VBA or gameheader etc. to make sure you got a good read. It was not compatible with an older firmware though.
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: Matthias_H on 09/Apr/2013 04:50:19 AM
Hi folks,

Following the feedback in this thread, I've gone through the GBA and N64 size detection routine and found a few things that needed fixing/improvement. In particular, the N64 heuristics were insufficient for some titles, and GBA had a bug that caused it to default to 8MB in more cases than it should have.

Please try this firmware for Retrode 2: ( and let me know if it fixes some of the problematic titles as expected.

By the way: Thanks to everybody for testing! This is what makes the project so great - as a one-man business, there's no way I could possibly give the plug-ins such a thorough test run... it's thanks to people like you that our favorite USB retro gaming adapter keeps getting better and better :)

Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: BFC on 09/Apr/2013 06:00:56 PM
QuoteLegend of Zelda, The Ocarina of Time   Yes   Yes   32

Did you get an exact byte-wise match of the existing dump here? I never succeeded reading my copy - there were always some incorrect bytes in different places.
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: korori on 09/Apr/2013 06:09:11 PM
Yes on both the collectors and the regular edition. I used the v0.18c-alpha3

Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: MasterOfPuppets on 09/Apr/2013 10:25:27 PM
Went through my N64 games, two games had a problem. Ocarina works fine now!

Bust-A-Move '99 is detected as 32MB when it should be 8MB.

Star Fox 64 was detected as 32MB twice and once as 64MB when it should be 12MB.

I don't remember if it had the same problem in the previous firmware for those two, but if it's okay to downgrade and it would help, let me know and I'll check.

Also, if anyone here has Pokemon Stadium 1 (US version), the checksum of my copy is completely different from 1.0 so I don't know which version I have. If anyone could check the MD-5 of their copy I would appreciate it.
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: korori on 10/Apr/2013 12:09:25 AM
Weird on the Starfox I will have to double check mine since the firmware update. I will have to dig my Stadium back out when I can and get the hash for you. Also I still unable to get pokemon ruby/sapphire/leaf green/fire red/emerald version working. If anyone has please post the settings you used for everyone.

Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: MasterOfPuppets on 10/Apr/2013 01:38:06 AM
Quote from: korori on 10/Apr/2013 12:09:25 AM
Weird on the Starfox I will have to double check mine since the firmware update. I will have to dig my Stadium back out when I can and get the hash for you. Also I still unable to get pokemon ruby/sapphire/leaf green/fire red/emerald version working. If anyone has please post the settings you used for everyone.


Thanks! I should be able to check Leaf Green, but it might be a little while.
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: korori on 12/Apr/2013 05:20:35 PM
Quote from: MasterOfPuppets on 09/Apr/2013 10:25:27 PM
Star Fox 64 was detected as 32MB twice and once as 64MB when it should be 12MB.
Mine is 32MB constant

Also, if anyone here has Pokemon Stadium 1 (US version), the checksum of my copy is completely different from 1.0 so I don't know which version I have. If anyone could check the MD-5 of their copy I would appreciate it.

40e03eda831c01e0a12294287fd240e2 *PokemonStadium.NPOE.n64

Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: MasterOfPuppets on 12/Apr/2013 05:59:07 PM
Quote from: korori on 12/Apr/2013 05:20:35 PM
Mine is 32MB constant

40e03eda831c01e0a12294287fd240e2 *PokemonStadium.NPOE.n64


I never got it to register as 64MB again, it was probably due to me hot-plugging the carts.

Thanks for the checksum! We both have the same one, so we must have a non-kiosk 1.1 or 1.2.

Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: Muzer on 15/Apr/2013 11:32:31 PM
My list (sorry for lack of formatting). I haven't tested these perfectly against known good dumps but for most of them I've tried to at least play them for a second:

Sonic The Hedgehog WORKS
Shooting Gallery WORKS
Rescue Mission WORKS
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 WORKS
Space Gun WORKS
The Terminator WORKS
Lemmings WORKS
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse WORKS
Laser Ghost WORKS
The Jungle Book WORKS
Asterix WORKS
Black Belt WORKS

Funny story: I was trying for a while to work out why Shooting Gallery utterly failed. When I compared it to a known good ROM and found them to be the same, I suddenly noticed I was opening it in an Atari 2600 emulator. Oops...

More coming tomorrow...
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: Seik on 17/Apr/2013 07:30:40 AM
Thanks to this thread I managed to rip all my GBA library with the 'forcesize' trick I didn't know about at first. :D

Here a little list of the GBA games with which I needed to force 16mb (All US versions), for science!

-Zelda The Minish Cap
-Sonic Advance 3
-Sonic Battle
-Super Robot Taisen Original Generation
-Super Robot Taisen Original Generation 2
-Golden Sun The Lost Age
-Fire Emblem
-Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones
-Mega Man Zero 4
-Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga

My copy of Zelda OoT (US) did work with the N64 plug-in first shot though, by this I mean before I learned about the forcesize trick. The file is 32Mb and it does seem to work pretty much perfectly with Project64. Am I the only one who's Zelda OoT worked without the trick?
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: Matthias_H on 19/Apr/2013 06:34:09 AM
Here's the latest firmware that should improve autodetection of GBA/N64 sizes as per forum input. New, whenever the Retrode fails to detect a size and uses the default value (or when using HWB overdump), the filename will tell us so where the 4-letter game code used to be. ( (

Note that the filename feature is completely untested, so please let me know if it works for you. Thanks! Matthias
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: korori on 19/Apr/2013 02:26:51 PM
Thanks Matthias. I will try it out and report back :).

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories Works with 32 ForceSize
Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Fire Red, Leaf Green , Emerald still do not work.

Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: MasterOfPuppets on 19/Apr/2013 04:17:55 PM
Quote from: Matthias_H on 19/Apr/2013 06:34:09 AM
Here's the latest firmware that should improve autodetection of GBA/N64 sizes as per forum input. New, whenever the Retrode fails to detect a size and uses the default value (or when using HWB overdump), the filename will tell us so where the 4-letter game code used to be. ( (

Note that the filename feature is completely untested, so please let me know if it works for you. Thanks! Matthias

Hmm... My three problem games, Minish Cap and Kingdom Hearts detect as 1MB and and Zelda II is detected as 8MB.

N64 seems to still work as it should.
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: Matthias_H on 19/Apr/2013 09:31:03 PM
Should I have uploaded the wrong version? There should be no more GBA dumps smaller than 4MB... Will check later
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: BFC on 20/Apr/2013 11:15:37 AM
QuoteThanks for the checksum! We both have the same one, so we must have a non-kiosk 1.1 or 1.2.

I'm interested in that one. You can check your cart for the revision by holding the backlabel into a light source and searching for the 2-digit imprint. If there is no letter after the digits you have a v1.0. If you see an A or B you got revision 1.1/1.2. You can also check out your file with ucon64 or a hexeditor. Just let ucon64 scan your file by typing ucon64 "filename" and it will display the header. The byte right next to the game-id code "NPOE" is the version. 00=v1.0, 01=v1.1, 02=v1.2. I doubt you have the v1.2 because it is verified and does not match your hash. The other ones are not verified. This means that either the retrode for some reason dumped it wrong or the available 1.0 or 1.1 in the net are bad dumps.

I could successfully dump my copy of Ocarina (v1.1) US-NTSC now with alpha4. I also confirm once again that my copy of Powerpuff Girls Battle Him CGB-BBHP-EUR is still dumpable with alpha4. It does not use a 44-pin MX-chip though - there might be different PCB-versions around.
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: MasterOfPuppets on 20/Apr/2013 06:40:33 PM
Quote from: BFC on 20/Apr/2013 11:15:37 AM
I'm interested in that one. You can check your cart for the revision by holding the backlabel into a light source and searching for the 2-digit imprint. If there is no letter after the digits you have a v1.0. If you see an A or B you got revision 1.1/1.2. You can also check out your file with ucon64 or a hexeditor. Just let ucon64 scan your file by typing ucon64 "filename" and it will display the header. The byte right next to the game-id code "NPOE" is the version. 00=v1.0, 01=v1.1, 02=v1.2. I doubt you have the v1.2 because it is verified and does not match your hash. The other ones are not verified. This means that either the retrode for some reason dumped it wrong or the available 1.0 or 1.1 in the net are bad dumps.

Mine has 01, but I only see 1.1 referenced as a kiosk version, and mine isn't a kiosk version.
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: BFC on 21/Apr/2013 07:21:43 AM
It means that the 1.1 was found on a Kiosk Demo only before but usually these demos match final builds when they use the same game code. As long as the ROM chip id is the same it has to be the same dump. We'd need to get our hands on that Kiosk to make sure. Are you able to compare your dump to the existing Kiosk 1.1 to see what's different? If only 1 or 2 bytes then the old dump is certainly bad. If there are lots of differences then we need to investigate. You can easily compare with Total Commander for example (menu "file" -> compare).
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: MasterOfPuppets on 21/Apr/2013 05:03:47 PM
There's one difference. EF -> FF.
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: jmckay on 21/Apr/2013 07:07:51 PM
These new plugins are great, but I've had one or two issues.

All games are EU/PAL unless otherwise stated.  Sizes listed in Kbytes or Mbytes.  Firmware used, either 0.18c-alpha3 or 0.18c-alpha6 for the ones that were not perfect.

SMS Problems (underdumping and names)

Champions of Europe (TmrSega.FFFFF.sms dumped as 128K) 27034-50 (should be 256K) (works when forced).
R-Type (TmrSega.F9002.sms dumped as 128K) 9200 (should be 512K) (works when forced).

Note the filenames...  the extra F at the start of the code.  I tested all SMS games with Meka's ROM identifier.

Megadrive Problems (underdumping and names)

ZeroWing not working (ZeroWing.95C9 - dumped as 0.5MB, has to be forced to 1MB), works but claims bad checksum.

Dynamite Headdy (DynamiteHeaddy.2078 - 2MB) works but claims bad checksum (probably fine).
Quackshot (QuackShotStarringDA4B3 - 1.25MB) works but claims bad checksum (it is Rev01, which is an odd size, so it is probably fine).  Note that there's no dot between the game name and the 4 digit code.

Ristar is NoNameAr.7F4D (bad name, but otherwise is completely fine).
Alisia Dragoon is NoName.0F81 (bad name, but otherwise is completely fine).

Megadrive games tested with Kega Fusion.

N64 Problem (underdump)

Paper Mario (PaperMario.NMQP) is dumped as 16MB and has to be forced to 48MB (as stated on another post on this forum, somewhere).

N64 games tested with Project 64 2.0.

Also, here are my lists of successful dumps:


AlienStorm.7075.sms (256K)
BubbleBobble.7770.sms (256K)
ForgottenWorlds.7056.sms (256K)
Gauntlet.25006.sms (128K)
ImpossibleMission.25007.sms (128K)
LandOfIllusion.9014.sms (512K)
MarbleMadness.27024.sms (256K)
MasterOfDarkness.7107.sms (256K)
Mercs.9007.sms (512K)
Shinobi.7009.sms (256K)
Sonic1.7076.sms (256K)
Sonic2.9015.sms (512K)
WonderboyInMonsterland.07007.sms (256K)
WorldSoccer.05059.sms (128K)


AlienSoldier.A62B.bin (2MB)
BlueSphere1|.DFB3.bin (3MB) (Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic 1)
BuckRogersCountdoD7B6.bin (1MB)
ComixZone.BE9B.bin (2MB)
DrRobotnik'sMeanBe4D70.bin (1MB)
EarthwormJim2.5272.bin (3MB)
EarthwormJim.7B94.bin (3MB)
Ecco.0D1A.bin (1MB)
EternalChampions.883F.bin (3MB)
GoldenAxe2.4C69.bin (512K)
GunstarHeroes.A147.bin (1MB)
Landstalker.2482.bin (2MB)
LightCrusader.8109.bin (2MB)
Menacer.742A.bin (1MB)
Probotector.AF61.bin (2MB)
RocketKnightAdvent9C3B.bin (1MB)
ShadowOfTheBeast.9810.bin (1MB)
ShadowOfTheBeastIi0722.bin (1MB)
Soleil.0C47.bin (2MB)
Sonic2&Knuckles.DFB3.bin (3.25MB)
Sonic3&Knuckles.DFB3.bin (4MB)
Sonic3dFlickies'IsA934.bin (4MB)
Sonic&Knuckles.DFB3.bin (2MB)
SonicSpinball.795E.bin (1MB)
SonicTheHedgehog2.D951.bin (1MB)
SonicTheHedgehog3.A8F2.bin (2MB)
SonicTheHedgehog.264A.bin (512K)
StreetFighterU'spe104F.bin (3MB)
StreetsOfRage2.492A.bin (2MB)
StriderHiryu.B7AC.bin (512K)
TheRevengeShinobi.36A8.bin (512K)
TheStoryOfThor.16E7.bin (3MB)
Vectorman.E039.bin (2MB)
VirtuaFighter2Gene406B.bin (4MB)


DonkeyKongCountry.5EF6.sfc (4MB)
F-zero.3D03.sfc (512K)
MysticalNinja.7374.sfc (1MB)
Pilotwings.1CF3.sfc (512K)
StarWing.FF00.sfc (1MB)
StreetFighter2.C62F.sfc (2MB)
SuperGhouls'nGhostBFBB.sfc (1MB)
SuperMarioAllStars5656.sfc (2MB)
SuperMarioWorld.F616.sfc (512K)
SuperMetroid.8404.sfc (3MB)
SuperProbotector.D937.sfc (1MB)
SuperR-typeE.D4BF.sfc (1MB)
SuperSoccer.E56F.sfc (512K)
SuperTennis.8134.sfc (512K)
TheAddamsFamily.C5AD.sfc (1MB)
TheLegendOfZelda.50F2.sfc (1MB) (US NTSC)
WwfSuperWrestleman1107.sfc (1MB)
Yoshi'sIsland.CEAB.sfc (2MB)


MischiefMakers.NTMP.n64 (8MB)
MysticalNinja.NG5P.n64 (16MB)
MysticalNinja2Sg.NGMP.n64 (16MB)
Super Mario 64.NSMP.n64 (8MB)
TheLegendOfZelda.NZLP.n64 (32MB)
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: BFC on 22/Apr/2013 07:33:18 PM
There's one difference. EF -> FF.

I found the byte you are referring to. It really looks like the old dump was bad. The european version also has "FF" in this place for instance. Thanks a lot for that information!
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: MasterOfPuppets on 22/Apr/2013 09:00:25 PM
Quote from: BFC on 22/Apr/2013 07:33:18 PM
There's one difference. EF -> FF.

I found the byte you are referring to. It really looks like the old dump was bad. The european version also has "FF" in this place for instance. Thanks a lot for that information!

No problem!
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: BFC on 23/Apr/2013 08:27:00 AM
Added to Dat-o-Matic as new verified dump (because the hash was verified by korori and MasterOfPuppets) . Hash refers to byteswapped format:

Additional info like cart/PCB-scans and serials are always welcome.
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: Ness and Sonic on 17/May/2013 05:14:57 AM
For those with Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, try force size of 32MB. I'm not sure what's up with Sonic Battle, Resident Evil 2 revision 1 and Ocarina of Time revision 1.
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: speedyjohnny on 04/Jan/2019 08:04:02 AM
I've seen some of you mention forcing a game to be a particular size. I'm testing Kingdom Hearts for the Game Boy Advance and it is showing as only 0 bytes, and obviously does not work. Any suggestions?  I don't know how to change a file size... or if that's even possible.
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: KingMike on 27/Jan/2019 05:42:08 PM
Yes it is possible and pretty much required for the majority of the GBA library. (for me, Retrode seemed to be detecting everything as 8MB.
You need to plug in the Retrode, then go to its directory and edit the settings file in a text editor.
You might need to change [ForceSystem] from auto to gba, but then you have to put ForceSize as 32.

(also, while it's an old thread, I think the PAL version of Paper Mario was larger than the NTSC versions due to the PAL version having multiple languages? I have heard the NTSC versions reported at 40 MB.)
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: Koda on 19/May/2019 08:56:40 PM
Just hooked my retrode2 up again today to try and dump my Perfect Dark copy, but for some reason it's only 8 mb and just doesn't wanna start. Am I missing some setting somewhere? I think this is the only game that I have that isn't dumped yet.
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: Lowe0 on 12/Jun/2019 02:12:45 AM
Quote from: Koda on 19/May/2019 08:56:40 PM
Just hooked my retrode2 up again today to try and dump my Perfect Dark copy, but for some reason it's only 8 mb and just doesn't wanna start. Am I missing some setting somewhere? I think this is the only game that I have that isn't dumped yet.
Did you set the system (n64) and size in the RETRODE.CFG file?
Title: Re: Compatible Game Listing for GBX/N64/SMS
Post by: Ness and Sonic on 12/Jun/2019 09:19:03 AM
Quote from: speedyjohnny on 04/Jan/2019 08:04:02 AM
I've seen some of you mention forcing a game to be a particular size. I'm testing Kingdom Hearts for the Game Boy Advance and it is showing as only 0 bytes, and obviously does not work. Any suggestions?  I don't know how to change a file size... or if that's even possible.
There's a configuration file on the retrode. It will have options you can change. You need to edit that. Also, keep in mind things like voltage of the system. While not all games may be picky, you may have to switch to 3.3V for some N64 and GBA games, but to 5V for other systems.