Retrode Forum

General Category => Support => Topic started by: korori on 27/Jan/2012 08:35:21 PM

Title: Wii Support
Post by: korori on 27/Jan/2012 08:35:21 PM
I was wondering if anyone tried theirs on the wii for some reason my doesn't see it at all. I tried it on both of my wii's. Yes there both modded :). Just wondering if I am doing something wrong. Other than that this thing is great.

Steps I did:
Pluged in the retrode with LoZ
Started my Wii
Went to Homebrew
Started Emulator
Went to USB Storage

Then throws cannot find USB Device. Retry or quit.

Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: emuDrache on 27/Jan/2012 10:27:37 PM
That's odd.

I haven't tried my Retrode 2 out on the Wii (yet)

I just received my Retrode 2 yesterday, so will try it again.
I know my Retrode (Classic) works fine
Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: emuDrache on 28/Jan/2012 11:41:30 AM
Ok I verified it works on Retrode 2 still.

Steps I did:
Started my Wii
Went to Homebrew
Pluged in the retrode
Inserted Super Mario World
Started Emulator
  Tweaked Load/Save settings   (see  screenshot)
Went to USB Storage
Selected game

Played Super Mario World

Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: korori on 28/Jan/2012 03:33:58 PM
Weird I am still having issues.

Here's a video of me trying. Also I made sure its not the USB ports buy using external hdd that has some roms on it before I tried.

Not sure if this is related I was trying to update the firmware and it read it as unrecognized usb so i tried to use the flip driver usb and Windows keeps prompting me "Windows was unable to install your Unknown Device."
On Step 4/5.

Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: emuDrache on 28/Jan/2012 03:42:03 PM
if windows wont recognize it in normal mode, the wii wont either.

probably Matthias will have an better answer,
but sounds like the firmware is borked and needs reloaded.

which firmware were you trying?
i hope :)
Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: korori on 28/Jan/2012 07:30:27 PM
Windows reads it as normal. I am trying to update to  0.17c. Its when i try to put it in the firmware update mode it doesnt see it.

Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: emuDrache on 28/Jan/2012 07:43:44 PM
I see.

maybe Matthias can figure it out :)
Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: Matthias_H on 28/Jan/2012 10:03:24 PM
Quote from: korori on 28/Jan/2012 03:33:58 PM
Weird I am still having issues.

Here's a video of me trying. Also I made sure its not the USB ports buy using external hdd that has some roms on it before I tried.

Not sure if this is related I was trying to update the firmware and it read it as unrecognized usb so i tried to use the flip driver usb and Windows keeps prompting me "Windows was unable to install your Unknown Device."
On Step 4/5.


That's quite weird indeed. Maybe you have connected and unplugged (or put to HWB mode) the device fast enough to confuse Windows' driver framework. I'd suggest you hold down both buttons, connect the Retrode to a USB port you haven't used before. After a few seconds, release the Reset button and another two seconds later also the HWB button. Then install the DFU driver as per instructions.

Also, the USB cable you use in the video seems fairly long. Have you tried with a shorter one?

In case all of the above doesn't help, it would be very use to have a lsusb ( transcript.
Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: korori on 29/Jan/2012 12:23:09 AM
I tried a shorter one, followed exactly what you said and still showed it as unrecognized usb device. I also pluged it into the wii ran that wii usb program.

USB Device Details

bLength: 18
bDescriptorType: 1
bcdUSB:  1.10
bDeviceClass: 0
bDeviceSubClass: 0
bDeviceProtocol: 0
bMaxPacketSize0: 8
idVendor: 0x0403
idProduct: 0x97c1
bcdDevice:  0.10
iManufacturer: 1
iProduct: 2
iSerialNumber: 0
bNumConfigurations: 1
Config Descriptors:
bLength: 9
bDescriptorType: 2
wTotalLength: 82
bNumInterfaces: 3
bConfigurationValue: 1
iConfiguration: 0
bmAttributes: 0x80
bMaxPower: 100
Interface Descriptors:
bLength: 9
bDescriptorType: 4
bInterfaceNumber: 0
bAlternateSetting: 0
bNumEndpoints: 2
bInterfaceClass: 8
bInterfaceSubClass: 6
bInterfaceProtocol: 80
iInterface: 0
Endpoint Descriptors:
bLength: 7
bDescriptorType: 5
bEndpointAddress: 0x81
bmAttributes: 0x02
wMaxPacketSize: 0x0040
bInterval: 0
bLength: 7
bDescriptorType: 5
bEndpointAddress: 0x02
bmAttributes: 0x02
wMaxPacketSize: 0x0040
bInterval: 0
bLength: 9
bDescriptorType: 4
bInterfaceNumber: 1
bAlternateSetting: 0
bNumEndpoints: 1
bInterfaceClass: 3
bInterfaceSubClass: 0
bInterfaceProtocol: 0
iInterface: 0
Endpoint Descriptors:
bLength: 7
bDescriptorType: 5
bEndpointAddress: 0x83
bmAttributes: 0x03
wMaxPacketSize: 0x0008
bInterval: 10
bLength: 9
bDescriptorType: 4
bInterfaceNumber: 2
bAlternateSetting: 0
bNumEndpoints: 1
bInterfaceClass: 3
bInterfaceSubClass: 1
bInterfaceProtocol: 2
iInterface: 0
Endpoint Descriptors:
bLength: 7
bDescriptorType: 5
bEndpointAddress: 0x84
bmAttributes: 0x03
wMaxPacketSize: 0x0008
bInterval: 10

The retrode works just cant put it in that HWB mode or hook it to the wii.

Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: korori on 30/Jan/2012 07:42:14 AM
Sorry for the double post. I was able to update the firmware. It was a driver conflict on my pc's :|. Anyways its still not letting me play on my wii even after the update but here is a new dump just in case. They look the same though.

USB Device Details

bLength: 18
bDescriptorType: 1
bcdUSB:  1.10
bDeviceClass: 0
bDeviceSubClass: 0
bDeviceProtocol: 0
bMaxPacketSize0: 8
idVendor: 0x0403
idProduct: 0x97c1
bcdDevice:  0.10
iManufacturer: 1
iProduct: 2
iSerialNumber: 0
bNumConfigurations: 1
Config Descriptors:
bLength: 9
bDescriptorType: 2
wTotalLength: 82
bNumInterfaces: 3
bConfigurationValue: 1
iConfiguration: 0
bmAttributes: 0x80
bMaxPower: 50
Interface Descriptors:
bLength: 9
bDescriptorType: 4
bInterfaceNumber: 0
bAlternateSetting: 0
bNumEndpoints: 2
bInterfaceClass: 8
bInterfaceSubClass: 6
bInterfaceProtocol: 80
iInterface: 0
Endpoint Descriptors:
bLength: 7
bDescriptorType: 5
bEndpointAddress: 0x81
bmAttributes: 0x02
wMaxPacketSize: 0x0040
bInterval: 0
bLength: 7
bDescriptorType: 5
bEndpointAddress: 0x02
bmAttributes: 0x02
wMaxPacketSize: 0x0040
bInterval: 0
bLength: 9
bDescriptorType: 4
bInterfaceNumber: 1
bAlternateSetting: 0
bNumEndpoints: 1
bInterfaceClass: 3
bInterfaceSubClass: 0
bInterfaceProtocol: 0
iInterface: 0
Endpoint Descriptors:
bLength: 7
bDescriptorType: 5
bEndpointAddress: 0x83
bmAttributes: 0x03
wMaxPacketSize: 0x0008
bInterval: 10
bLength: 9
bDescriptorType: 4
bInterfaceNumber: 2
bAlternateSetting: 0
bNumEndpoints: 1
bInterfaceClass: 3
bInterfaceSubClass: 1
bInterfaceProtocol: 2
iInterface: 0
Endpoint Descriptors:
bLength: 7
bDescriptorType: 5
bEndpointAddress: 0x84
bmAttributes: 0x03
wMaxPacketSize: 0x0008
bInterval: 10

I appreciate you guys helping me out.

Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: Matthias_H on 30/Jan/2012 07:48:17 AM
It's hard to believe that the HWB mode should be broken on the Retrode (after all, the very same mode was used to flash the initial firmware onto the device). In order to allow Windows to detect/install the Retrode in HWB mode from scratch, I suggest you start the registry editor and locate/delete all records belonging to the Jungo driver: VID 03EB, PID 2FF9. (Since they do not always show up in the same form, try searching for 03EB and check if there's a 2FF9 nearby to make sure you don't accidentally delete the wrong entries.)

Edit: Okay, so the HWB mode is fixed. Maybe you should exchange Wii/Homebrew OS version numbers with FelixV in order to to narrow down the problem.
Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: korori on 30/Jan/2012 08:12:19 AM
My Wii info:

Wii System Version 4.1U
Homebrew Version 1.0.8 w/ IOS61 v19.26
SNES9xGx 4.2.9

Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: emuDrache on 30/Jan/2012 09:02:56 AM
Wii System Version 3.2E
Homebrew Version 1.0.8 w/ IOS36 v4.18  (if it aint broke, dont fix it.. it does everything i need)

SNES9xGx 4.2.9  running on ISO:58   
(Click the Snes9xGX Logo on the top right and look at bottom left of credits screen for IOS version)
Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: Matthias_H on 30/Jan/2012 04:00:55 PM
Could be they kicked all sorts of USB drivers out of later Wii System releases, but I really don't know enough about this matter to be of help. Does the system recognize random other USB devices? Do other Wii Homebrew users report about USB problems too?
Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: Muzer on 30/Jan/2012 05:20:44 PM
Quote from: korori on 30/Jan/2012 08:12:19 AM
My Wii info:

Wii System Version 4.1U
Homebrew Version 1.0.8 w/ IOS61 v19.26
SNES9xGx 4.2.9


Do USB drives normally work on *that emulator* on your Wii? Have you modified the IOSes at all (custom IOS packs like cIOSCorp, etc.)?

You could also try updating your Wii, then reinstalling Homebrew Channel to get it to use IOS59. This has USB2.0 support, as opposed to older IOSes (like 61, I think) which don't, so that could be part of the problem - it could be that the Retrode requires USB2.0 support to work, or at least, work with that specific emulator.
Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: korori on 30/Jan/2012 06:29:40 PM

I downgraded to 3.2U

Upgraded to remove Homebrew Channel.

Use Smash Stack to reinstall Homebrew Channel .

But now it finally see's the device. This means your Homebrew Channel must be lower than IOS61 then in order to use the retrode.

My Specs of right now are:

Wii Version: 4.3U
Homebrew Channel: IOS58 v24.32
SNES9xGx 4.2.9

Thanks to everyone that helped.
Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: Muzer on 30/Jan/2012 06:38:54 PM
Quote from: korori on 30/Jan/2012 06:29:40 PM

I downgraded to 3.2U

Upgraded to remove Homebrew Channel.

Use Smash Stack to reinstall Homebrew Channel .

But now it finally see's the device. This means your Homebrew Channel must be lower than IOS61 then in order to use the retrode.

Well, I wouldn't jump to conclusions (especially since Nintendo weren't very consistent with their IOS numbering, with IOS59 actually being newer than 61, for instance), but I'm glad you got it working :)
Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: korori on 30/Jan/2012 06:41:51 PM
Alright we just say needs to be on IOS58 or IOS59 as of right now. :)

Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: Matthias_H on 30/Jan/2012 07:02:27 PM
Glad you got it to work. I hope the OS downgrade doesn't mean too much of an inconvenience to you.

Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: korori on 30/Jan/2012 07:20:35 PM
Not at all. I rather get retrode to work on it than run some random homebrew on it. :)

Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: emuDrache on 30/Jan/2012 09:09:43 PM
I agree with muzer. probably the emulator was running on an IOS without USB support.

Thats why I asked in an earlier post which IOS the emulator itself was running under, since
as you notice, my HBC was on a different IOS than the emulator.

I am glad you got it to work korori.  The genesis emulator should also work.
Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: Matthias_H on 30/Jan/2012 10:16:00 PM
Thanks muzer and FelixV for helping korori sort this out!
Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: Ness and Sonic on 31/Jan/2012 12:55:51 AM
It's IOS 58, trust me. Without IOS 58, USB storage devices (the retrode in this case) won't work. Now you can update the firmware 4.3 to get it. Or you can search for a homebrew app created to download and install it. Also, you need the latest version of the homebrew channel too. The latest one will run on it even if a higher number IOS like IOS 60 is installed.

Edit: One thing to note about updating your system, you should avoid cIOS. Nintendo has patched at least one out so it may cause problems with your system if you have any installed.
Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: Muzer on 31/Jan/2012 08:35:33 AM
Well, USB support was in the older IOSes, but only USB1.1, and I suppose either the Retrode doesn't support USB1.1, or some emulators don't (any more - they obviously used to before IOS58/59 came out).
Title: Re: Wii Support
Post by: zin0099 on 11/Apr/2013 04:28:07 AM
are you having difficalties updating your retrode2 on a win7 like i did? i had to find the device manager and install the update usb drivers from there because windows wasn't looking or wanting to install usb drivers