Now I got a hex editor there any method I could use that might change the code to run it on my Genesis & Kega?
If it doesn't run, the checksum isn't the only problem. Emulators don't strictly enforce checksum correctness.
Aw crap, so you're telling me something else is hindering it. I would like nothing more than to get to the bottom of this. There anyway to fish out other abnormalities in the rom? Would Kega be able to report whatever lingering bugs there maybe or am I totally screwed?
False alarm! Finally got it to come on. I'm guessing it wasn't clean enough (even though it spent most of the time in the box - cleaned it 10 ways from Tuesday - seeing now that wasn't enough). That covers 100% of my Genesis library. The only confusing part is it ripped under the code 8BF8 twice. First time it wouldn't boot. Deleted it. I tried multiple times to rip... each time gave me a different number. Until finally it cycled me back to 8BF8 where it finally worked despite the fact that code title did not work previously. Anywho you can add Maximum Carnage (Genesis - U) to the compatibility list. I'll make a thread at some point updating all games I got to work that didn't make that list.