Let's clean those old video games!
You will need the following items:
1. a game cartridge to clean. I chose to use a Game Boy Advanced but any old cartridge will work.
2. A video game cleaning solution.
3. A non-aggressive cleaning device. I will be using a foam disk.
These disks can be found as packing devices placed into spindles of blank DVD's
4. You will need a non-violent way of opening your cartridge.
Today I will use my Tri-wing driver.
5. You'll also want to have a game system that is capable of reading your clean cartridge.
Open your cartridge as shown. Grab your Tri-wing driver and loosen the screw.
Once the screw is removed, you will need to slide the front and back; gently, up and down.
Squirt two drops of the solution onto a foam disk.
Step two: fold the disk in half over the contact points of the cartridge.
Step three: Wipe the contact points vigorously until they are a nice, shiny, golden surface.
Step four: Replace the chip into it's cartridge after ensuring that it is dry.
Step five: Insert screw back into cartridge and tighten until it has been fastened.
Step six: Enjoy!