Retrode Forum

General Category => Support => Topic started by: hammer on 28/Dec/2014 05:23:40 AM

Title: Issue with SMS Control Pad
Post by: hammer on 28/Dec/2014 05:23:40 AM
Hey Matthias (and other Retrode gurus),

I am having an issue getting a Sega Master System control pad to work with the Retrode 2, with latest firmware. The pad works fine on a real SMS. A Genesis controller works fine on the Retrode.

The issue I have with the SMS pad specifically is that when I go to the Windows USB game controller setup, each button on the SMS pad is registered as 2 button presses by Windows. Button 1 on the pad gets read by Windows as if both buttons 1 and 2 on the virtual joypad were pressed, and button 2 on the pad gets read by Windows as if both buttons 4 and 5 on the virtual joypad were pressed. As a result, I can't set up the pad properly in Fusion, because it first asks to press the button for button 1, and gets 2 buttons in return, so it assigns the first to button 1 and the second to button 2, and they're both really the same button on the pad.

Does anyone else have this issue?

Title: Re: Issue with SMS Control Pad
Post by: hammer on 28/Dec/2014 05:37:09 AM
I was able to work around the issue in Fusion by editing the Fusion config file directly, but the issue I experienced still seems like a bug...
