Apparently, the owner of Dragonbox has taken over production of the Retrode:
Does anybody know much about this? And will this new line of Retrode differ in terms of features, cart/system compatibility and performance?
I do know much about this, and so should EvilDragon :) Hardware will be the same as it ever was.
Good news in my book. And that means we got a new batch of Retrodes coming up for sale within the following weeks!
Can you say whether this will include any of the adapters? I'd still like to get my hands on a GB adapter one of these days... (and the possibility of an NES adapter looks great too!).
Looking forward to this!
Great news!
Is there any chance we could get a Virtual Boy plugin made? I wouldn't expect an edge connector included, just the PCB would be great!
I'd definitely like to second the question about more adapters being made... I really want that GB one. And in case it matters I'll buy an NES adapter the instant it comes out, if one is in the works.
Looks like there's SMS adapters available on dragonbox at the moment. Not sure if that's new or they just never ran out.
EDIT: Oh okay, just looked into that twitter post and I see they say more GB adapters will indeed be coming. Yay!
Great. Now we just need the update that allows srm transfers for N64 and hopefully someday GBA. ^^
I'm excited that production is going to be starting again!
I'd like to see a production version of the combined N64/GBx adapter.
Not just because I'm cheap, but because I don't need to use original N64 controllers (don't have any). :)