Retrode Forum

General Category => Support => Topic started by: RazorX2014 on 13/Oct/2015 06:21:35 PM

Title: [Solved] Master System Cartridge To Sega Card (Retrode Help)
Post by: RazorX2014 on 13/Oct/2015 06:21:35 PM
hi i designed a cartridge for my master system (mainly just for fun) which allows you to play sega cards using the cartridge slot but i would also like to use it to dump my sega cards on my retrode 1 using my master system plugin however all that shows up is the retrode config file is there anyway i can get this to work?

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Sega Card:

Sega Card Pinout:

just to clarify this is a working cartridge which i can use to play sega cards on my sega master system.

hopefully this is something @Matthias_H could look into since the pinout for the sega cards is pretty much the same as the cartridges and update the retrode to support it, if he could that would be fantastic.
Title: Re: Master System Cartridge To Sega Card Help
Post by: JonY on 14/Oct/2015 10:32:12 AM
This is great RazorX, it's a shame it's not working.

Could you post your wiring information? It would be useful to check, so we can make sure you got the pins correct.

If my memory serves me correctly from when I was looking into the Master system adapter, it should just be a case of linking the right pins from the card to the right pins on the Megadrive edge connector. The Retrode should see something, even if the file isn't named correctly. There should be no issue with the firmware needing to do any address switching as I think the largest Sega Card games were 32KB.
Title: Re: Master System Cartridge To Sega Card Help
Post by: RazorX2014 on 14/Oct/2015 11:40:07 AM
Quote from: JonY on 14/Oct/2015 10:32:12 AM
This is great RazorX, it's a shame it's not working.

Could you post your wiring information? It would be useful to check, so we can make sure you got the pins correct.

If my memory serves me correctly from when I was looking into the Master system adapter, it should just be a case of linking the right pins from the card to the right pins on the Megadrive edge connector. The Retrode should see something, even if the file isn't named correctly. There should be no issue with the firmware needing to do any address switching as I think the largest Sega Card games were 32KB.

It does work just not with the retrode, on the master system it works perfectly.
Title: Re: Master System Cartridge To Sega Card Help
Post by: JonY on 14/Oct/2015 12:28:14 PM
Ah, I misunderstood. If it works on real hardware, I don't see why it wouldn't on the retrode.

I would still like to see the wiring you used please :)
Title: Re: Master System Cartridge To Sega Card Help
Post by: RazorX2014 on 14/Oct/2015 01:13:25 PM
once ive tested it some more i will share it on my oshpark account and link it here so you can order the board
Title: Re: Master System Cartridge To Sega Card (Retrode Help)
Post by: RazorX2014 on 19/Oct/2015 07:32:02 PM
i just hope Matthias_H reads this thread and is willing to add retrode support
Title: Re: Master System Cartridge To Sega Card (Retrode Help)
Post by: Matthias_H on 20/Oct/2015 08:26:04 AM
If the pinout is equivalent (you're writing, "pretty much the same" - how much the same exactly?), the Retrode should support this adapter without problems. Is your firmware up to date?
Title: Re: Master System Cartridge To Sega Card (Retrode Help)
Post by: RazorX2014 on 20/Oct/2015 04:48:30 PM
the pinout is exactly the same as a master system cartridge except the sega card doesnt use:


i dont know if the extension is different not that it matters having it .sms should still allow it too play, the game i am testing this with is hang on and i believe the rom size is 32.5 KB

oh and yes my retrode 1 is running the .18d update, ive never seen anything like my cartridge so this may be a first so i hope it will work with the retrode it would be great to dump my sega cards.

here is an image of the whole thing:

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again just to clarify this works in the master system but when connected to the retrode all that shows up is RETRODE.CFG
Title: Re: Master System Cartridge To Sega Card (Retrode Help)
Post by: RazorX2014 on 23/Dec/2015 04:29:47 AM
any info on this?
Title: Re: Master System Cartridge To Sega Card (Retrode Help)
Post by: Matthias_H on 24/Dec/2015 08:28:23 AM
Just meditated over your design another bit, and I think I have got it. You are not using Pin 19 from the SMS connector, and that is exactly the pin that is being used to sense cartridge insertion. Given your layout, the best fix is to short pin 19 to pin 21 on the card edge connector. This way, you should be able to insert the adapter with the Card in, and have it properly detected.

In a future iteration, run another trace from SMS's Pin 19 to one of the SEGA Card's GND pins so insertion of the Card itself is detected.

Regarding the holes, I never designed a replacement SMS cartridge so I won't be able to help you there.
Title: Re: Master System Cartridge To Sega Card (Retrode Help)
Post by: RazorX2014 on 31/Dec/2015 08:55:49 AM
Quote from: Matthias_H on 24/Dec/2015 08:28:23 AM
Just meditated over your design another bit, and I think I have got it. You are not using Pin 19 from the SMS connector, and that is exactly the pin that is being used to sense cartridge insertion. Given your layout, the best fix is to short pin 19 to pin 21 on the card edge connector. This way, you should be able to insert the adapter with the Card in, and have it properly detected.

In a future iteration, run another trace from SMS's Pin 19 to one of the SEGA Card's GND pins so insertion of the Card itself is detected.

Regarding the holes, I never designed a replacement SMS cartridge so I won't be able to help you there.

thanks i will bridge it with a wire and give it a try and if it works add it to the board design.
also i will let you know what it detects it as aswell as the size and extension hopefully i will just need to rename it from .sms until you add support for it if thats something you would be willing to do on a future update.
Title: Re: Master System Cartridge To Sega Card (Retrode Help)
Post by: Matthias_H on 04/Jan/2016 10:50:18 AM
Yes, please keep us posted about the outcome.
Title: Re: Master System Cartridge To Sega Card (Retrode Help)
Post by: RazorX2014 on 24/Jan/2016 03:12:16 AM
im afraid it didnt help, i tryed a quick fix by soldering a wire from pin19 to one of the center ground pins as shown here:


but still only the RETRODE.CFG shows up, here is a pic of the wire:

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i also checked it with my multimeter and it does indeed ground pin19 i also updated my retrode to 0.18d beta3 on the off chance that would do something but still the same all that shows up is the RETRODE.CFG.

If it helps please send me a pm Matthias_H with your email address and i will send you the schematics for you too look at because if we can get this working i would be happy to share those schematics with everyone. As i have mentioned above this board already works on a master system model 1 and 2 all im waiting for now is too get this working on the retrode.
Title: Re: Master System Cartridge To Sega Card (Retrode Help)
Post by: Matthias_H on 25/Jan/2016 05:59:25 AM
support at (productname) dot org
Title: Re: Master System Cartridge To Sega Card (Retrode Help)
Post by: RazorX2014 on 29/Jan/2016 07:07:52 PM
email sent
Title: Re: Master System Cartridge To Sega Card (Retrode Help)
Post by: RazorX2014 on 10/Mar/2016 11:38:28 PM

problem solved turns out there was nothing wrong with my board or the retrode but for some reason i have to use the 3.3v converter i made, once i did that my hang on sega card showed up as the following "TmrSega.4081.sms" with a file size of 32kb and seems to work fine on my emulator so im happy, not sure how i didnt test that before or perhaps its something else thats changed either way its working now so im happy now i can dump and/or play my sega cards.

when i get time i will remove the wire you suggested i added and see if it still works and will let you know.
Title: Re: [Solved] Master System Cartridge To Sega Card (Retrode Help)
Post by: ericbazinga on 11/Mar/2016 06:56:41 PM
Cool! One more system added to the library of consoles and handhelds that the Retrode supports.
Now all there is to do is put the plugin into a Master System cart shell and you'll be all set.
Title: Re: [Solved] Master System Cartridge To Sega Card (Retrode Help)
Post by: RazorX2014 on 11/Mar/2016 08:44:41 PM
i was thinking of doing something like that actually but maybe i will buy another one first so i have an untouched one too.