So I bought the retrode 2 and all the available plug-ins that were available for purchase, and I have enjoyed using them greatly. However when I got my SMS plug-in I was disappointed to see that despite having been developed to also support SGG games as well that it only had a connector for SMS.
Frankly I don't really have very many SMS games, but I have a crate full of SGG games.
I know it is a fairly simple matter of salvaging an old SGG cartridge connector from either a broken SGG or a Game Genie for one and building a board since they have the same pinouts just in a different arrangement. However, I haven't built a board before so I was curious if anyone with more experience could build either an SGG plug-in or an adaptor I could use to plug my SGG cartridges into my SMS plug-in for me.
The SMS plug-in circuit board already has the pins needed to add a Game Gear slot; if you manage to salvage one, you can add it to the board in no time.
So then If I just simply salvage the cartridge connector out of a broken Game Gear then I can just pop the SMS plug-in open and solder it in? Will this also work with the cartridge connector from the SGG's Game Genie or are the pins spaced differently between them?
Chris ive gone through the process. I bought a broken GG and desolderd the connector. When you take the shell off the SMS adapter you will see the pin holes for the GG connector. It takes some time but you can solder each line to the board.
I also used my dremel to cur away part of the casing too.
Im pretty sure there was a more detailed description somewhere that i followed, google for it.
I cant tell you that the game genie will work. Clearly that connecter must have all the same pins, but i would worry that the pins layout is different. But if you take the case off both it should be obvious pretty quickly if its even close.
Even though this sounds simple I would rather pay someone knowledgeable to do it than attempt it myself. If anyone decides to offer such a service, please let me know.
I'd love a Gamegear plugin too. Especially for sram backups of the few (but great games) that support saves.