I just received my retrode a few days ago, and I'm already loving it :D
I read about compatibility issues with SA-1 games like Super Mario RPG. My idea about this topic was: Has anybody tried (or would be willing to try) tho disable the SA-1 inside the cartridge, as described in this short manual (http://www.mmmonkey.co.uk/console/nintendo/mariorpg.htm)?
Maybe this way SA-1 games could work on a retrode?
I doubt it will work. The data still needs to pass through the SA-1, which requires 2 additional clock signals on the cartridge port. The Retrode doesn't provide these clocks.
Maybe I will get my hands on a copy of Mario RPG soon, then I can try :)
I have a copy of SMRPG, and let me tell you I've tried quite a bit. I wish you the best of luck! :)