hey guys i thought we could make a topic for other possible plugins which may (or not) work with the retrode here are a few to start with:
ones from the retrode website:
Here's how to connect Sega Pico cartridges to the Megadrive port. Wiring courtesy of [crazy2001] from the arcadezentrum.com forums.
PICO - Megadrive | Description
01 - A16 | A17
02 - A14 | A16
03 - A12 | A15
04 - A10 | A14
05 - A08 | A13
06 - A06 | A12
07 - A04 | A11
08 - B05 | A10
09 - B04 | A9
10 - B08 | A20
11 - B09 | A21
12 - B07 | A19
13 - B06 | A18
14 - A03 | A8
15 - A05 | A7
16 - A07 | A6
17 - A09 | A5
18 - A11 | A4
19 - A13 | A3
20 - A15 | A2
21 - A17 | A1
22 - B17 | CE (CAS0)
23 - A01 | GND
24 - A18 | GND
25 - B16 | OE(IC11#8*)
26 - A20 | D0
27 - A21 | D8
28 - A23 | D1
29 - A24 | D9
30 - A26 | D2
31 - A27 | D10
32 - A29 | D3
33 - A30 | D11
34 - A31 | VCC
35 - A28 | D4
36 - B25 | D12
37 - A25 | D5
38 - B24 | D13
39 - A22 | D6
40 - B23 | D14
41 - A19 | D7
42 - B22 | D15
43 - A32 | GND
44 - A32 | GND
45 - B19 | CLK
46 - A02 | VCC
47 - Not Connected | SRAM(IC17#7*)
48 - Not Connected | LWR
49 - Not Connected | MRES
50 - A02 | VCC
Here's how to connect TG16 carts to the SNES port. Wiring courtesy of [AaronE] from consoleclassix.com
PIN5 - PIN18 PIN36 - PIN18
PIN6 - PIN27 PIN37 - PIN6
PIN7 - PIN25 PIN38 - PIN30
PIN8 - PIN28 PIN39 - PIN31
PIN9 - PIN29 PIN40 - PIN5
PIN10 - PIN7 PIN41 - PIN4
PIN11 - PIN8 PIN42 - PIN32
PIN12 - PIN9 PIN43 - PIN3
PIN13 - PIN10 PIN44 - PIN33
PIN14 - PIN11 PIN45 - PIN24
PIN15 - PIN12 PIN46 - No Connect
PIN16 - PIN13 PIN47 - No Connect
PIN17 - PIN14 PIN48 - No Connect
PIN18 - No Connect PIN49 - PIN26
PIN19 - PIN23 PIN50 - PIN19
PIN20 - PIN22 PIN51 - PIN17
PIN21 - PIN21 PIN52 - PIN16
PIN22 - PIN20 PIN53 - PIN15
PIN23 - No Connect PIN54 - No Connect
PIN24 - No Connect PIN55 - No Connect
PIN25 - No Connect PIN56 - No Connect
PIN26 - No Connect PIN57 - No Connect
PIN27 - PIN38/PIN34 Vcc (pull /WR to Vcc.) PIN58 - PIN38/PIN34 Vcc
Virtual Boy
[JonY] managed to hook up his Retrode to his Virtual Boy cartridges. All it takes is a donor Sega cartridge and a solution made from a 2.5? hard disk connector and the somewhat thinner pins from a PCMCIA/Cardbus connector. Eventually, he made a few cutouts in the cartridge case and put it all back in. Nice! Here is his pinout:
--------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
Sega Edge Signal VB Edge Sega Edge Signal VB Edge
--------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
A1 gnd 1, 2 B1 N/A -
A2 +5v 54 B2 N/A -
A3 a8 15 B3 N/A -
A4 a11 22 B4 a9 18
A5 a7 17 B5 a10 20
A6 a12 24 B6 a18 13
A7 a6 19 B7 a19 11
A8 a13 26 B8 a20 16
A9 a5 21 B9 a21 -
A10 a14 28 B10 a22 -
A11 a4 23 B11 a23 -
A12 a15 30 B12 N/A -
A13 a3 25 B13 N/A -
A14 a16 32 B14 N/A -
A15 a2 27 B15 N/A -
A16 a17 34 B16 /C_OE (Output Enable) 35
A17 a1 29 B17 /C_CE (Chip Enable) 31
A18 gnd 33 B18 N/A -
A19 d7 38 B19 N/A -
A20 d0 39 B20 N/A -
A21 d8 37 B21 N/A -
A22 d6 42 B22 d15 40
A23 d1 43 B23 d14 44
A24 d9 41 B24 d13 48
A25 d5 46 B25 d12 52
A26 d2 47 B26 N/A -
A27 d10 45 B27 N/A -
A28 d4 50 B28 /LDSW (not used) -
A29 d3 51 B29 /UDSW (not used) -
A30 d11 49 B30 N/A -
A31 +5v 36, 53 B31 N/A -
A32 gnd 59, 60 B32 /CART_IN (not used) -
V.Smile Plugin Wiring courtesy of [crazy2001] from the arcadezentrum.com forums.
V.SMILE - Megadrive | Description
A01 - not connected | -
A02 - A01 | GND
A03 - B09 | A21
A04 - A14 | A16
A05 - A10 | A14
A06 - A06 | A12
A07 - B05 | A10
A08 - B07 | A19
A09 - A03 | A08
A10 - A07 | A06
-------------- |
A12 - A11 | A04
A13 - A15 | A02
A14 - A17 | A01
A15 - B22 | D15
A16 - B24 | D13
A17 - B25 | D12
A18 - A30 | D11
A19 - A22 | D06
A20 - A25 | D05
A21 - A28 | D04
A22 - A29 | D03
A23 - A32 | GND
A24 - not connected | NC2
A25 - not connected | RW
------------ |
B01 - B17 | CS1
B02 - B10 | A22
B03 - B08 | A20
B04 - A12 | A15
B05 - A08 | A13
B06 - A04 | A11
B07 - B04 | A09
B08 - B06 | A18
B09 - A05 | A07
B10 - A09 | A05
------------ |
B12 - A13 | A03
B13 - A16 | A17
B14 - B23 | D14
B15 - A21 | D08
B16 - A24 | D09
B17 - A27 | D10
B18 - A19 | D07
B19 - A20 | D00
B20 - A23 | D01
B21 - A26 | D02
B22 - not connected | CS2
B23 - not connected | Sense
B24 - not connected | NC1
B25 - A31 / A02 | VCC
Others (may or may not work):
36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2
35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1
Pin Description
2 Vcc +5VDC
3 A7
4 Vcc +5VDC
5 A6
6 A8
7 A5
8 A9
9 A4
10 A11
11 A3
12 *OE Inverted copy of 'E' clock from CPU. Valid CPU access when E is high
13 A2
14 A10
15 A1
16 *CE (Maybe A15)
17 A0
18 D7
19 D0
20 D6
21 D1
22 D5
23 D2
24 D4
25 GND
26 D3
27 GND
28 GND
29 A12
30 R/*W Note: unused on many carts
31 A13
32 *CART Active low Cartridge enable - low when E is high and A15 low.
33 A14
34 *NMI
35 ? Port B, Bit 6 of the 6522 PIA (software controlled line)
36 *IRQ
Atari 5200
--1- --2- --3- --4- --5- --6- --7- --8- --9- -10- -11- -12- -13- -14- -15- -16- -17- -18-
INTL A11 A12 A10 A13 A9 A-IN A8 NULL A7 +5V GND GND GND A4 A3 A1 A0
EN1 = Enable 80-8F
EN2 = Enable 40-7F
INTL = Interlock
A-IN = Audio In (2 port)
Top Bottom
D0 1 36 Interlock
D1 2 35 A11
D2 3 34 A12
D3 4 33 A10
D4 5 32 A13
D5 6 31 A9
D6 7 30 Audio In (2 port)
D7 8 29 A8
Enable 80-8F 9 28 Not Connected
Enable 40-7F 10 27 A7
Not Connected 11 26 +5V DC
Ground 12 25 Ground
Ground 13 24 Ground (Video In on 2 port)
Ground (System Clock 02 on 2 port) 14 23 Ground
A6 15 22 A4
A5 16 21 A3
A2 17 20 A1
Interlock 18 19 A0
Atari 7800
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
Pin Name Description
1 R/W Read/Write
2 HALT Halt
3 D3 Data 3
4 D4 Data 4
5 D5 Data 5
6 D6 Data 6
7 D7 Data 7
8 A12 Address 12
9 A10 Address 10
10 A11 Address 11
11 A9 Address 9
12 A8 Address 8
13 +5V +5 VDC
14 GND Ground
15 A13 Address 13
16 A14 Address 14
17 A15 Address 15
18 EAUDIO External Audio
19 A7 Address 7
20 A6 Address 6
21 A5 Address 5
22 A4 Address 4
23 A3 Address 3
24 A2 Address 2
25 A1 Address 1
26 A0 Address 0
27 D0 Data 0
28 D1 Data 1
29 D2 Data 2
30 Gnd Ground
31 IRQ Interrupt
32 CLK2 Phase 2 Clock
Pins 3-14 and 19-30 are identical to the Atari 2600 and allow the 7800 to utilize existing 2600 cartridges. The remaining pins are 7800 specific pins.
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 26 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
Top Bottom
1 B18 VCC 2 A18 VCC
3 B17 CLK4 4 A17 CA18/LK2
5 B16 CA16 6 A16 CA17/LK4
7 B15 CA15/LK6 8 A15 CA14
9 B14 A12 10 A14 A13
11 B13 A7 12 A13 A8
13 B12 A6 14 A12 A9
15 B11 A5 16 A11 A11
17 B10 A4 18 A10 A3
19 B9 A10 20 A9 A2
21 B8 /CE 22 A8 A1
23 B7 D7 24 A7 A0
25 B6 D6 26 A6 D0
27 B5 D5 28 A5 D1
29 B4 D4 30 A4 D2
31 B3 D3 32 A3 SIN
33 B2 CCLR 34 A2 GND
35 B1 GND 36 A1 GND
The SIN,CCLR,CLK4 pins are special signals for the ACID chip. Cartridges won't work without ACID.
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
Pin Name Dir Description
1 D2 --> Data 2
2 /C000 --> Chip Select 0xC000
3 D1 <-- Data 1
4 D3 <-- Data 3
5 D0 <-- Data 0
6 D4 <-- Data 4
7 A0 --> Address 0
8 D5 <-- Data 5
9 A1 --> Address 1
10 D6 <-- Data 6
11 A2 --> Address 2
12 D7 <-- Data 7
13 SHLD <-> Shield (It is connected to a screw post, but not to a signal)
14 A11 --> Address 11
15 A3 --> Address 3
16 A10 --> Address 10
17 A4 --> Address 4
18 /8000 --> Chip Select 0x8000
19 A13 --> Address 13
20 A14 --> Address 14
21 A5 --> Address 5
22 /A000 --> Chip Select 0xA000
23 A6 --> Address 6
24 A12 --> Address 12
25 A7 --> Address 7
26 A9 --> Address 9
27 /E000 --> Chip Select 0xE000
28 A8 --> Address 8
29 GND <-> Ground
30 +5 --> +5VDC
Mark III
A1 |25 |A0
A2 |26 |A1
A3 |27 |A2
A4 |28 |A3
A5 |29 |A4
A6 |30 |A5
A7 |31 |A6
A8 |32 |A7
A9 |8 |A8
A10 |9 |A9
A11 |12 |A10
A12 |10 |A11
A13 |33 |A12
A14 |7 |A13
A15 |24 |D0
A16 |23 |D1
A17 |22 |D2
A18 |18 |D3
A19 |17 |D4
A20 |16 |D5
A21 |15 |D6
A22 |14 |D7
B1 |1, 35 |+5V
B2 |NC |NC (CSCN4)
B4 |5 |M8-B (breaks compatibility with two games - use jumper)
B5 |4 |RD
B6 |2 |WR
B7 |NC |NC (I/O RD)
B8 |NC |NC (I/O WR)
B10 |13 |MREQ / CE
B11 |34 |CONT
B12 |NC |NC (RAS0)
B13 |NC |NC (CAS0)
B14 |NC |NC (CA7)
B15 |NC |NC (RAS1)
B16 |NC |NC (CAS1)
B18 |6 |A14
B19 |36, 11 |A15, M0-7
B20 |37 |M1
B21 |19, 20, 21 |GND
B22 |19, 20, 21 |GND
This isnt me saying these will all work this is me saying we as a community should look into this and see how far we can take this.