Announcing the public release of the Virtual Boy (VB) Firmware v0.25. This firmware adds the ability to read and write VB SRAM saves. SRAM support requires a modified VB plugin detailed below. I've added other changes to improve VB cart recognition. I also added the "vboy" setting for [forceSystem] in the Config file in case a VB cart is not detected properly.
UPDATE (v0.25a): I fixed the support for Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Sonic 3 & Knuckles that was broken in v0.24a. The code changes that added support for Super Street Fighter 2 broke the reads for Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
Here's a summary:
v0.25a (2018-08-17)
- Changes by skaman:
-- SEGA Genesis/Megadrive Fix for Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
The v0.24a code changes to support Super Street Fighter 2
broke the support for Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
v0.25 (2018-05-12)
- Changes by skaman:
-- Virtual Boy Saves!
-- Added VB SRAM save support.
-- VB SRAM carts should be identified by Product Code
and display the .SAV file. The .SAV file can be read
and written.
-- SRAM support requires a modified VB Plugin with the SRAM
control pins connected.
-- Fixed identification of Red Alarm.
-- Fixed Galactic Pinball and Mario's Tennis detection.
-- Moved VB cart detection ahead of NGP cart detection.
Some VB carts were incorrectly detected as NGP.
-- Added "vboy" setting for [forceSystem] in the Config file.
-- Fixed VB size detection code to work with [forceSystem].
The v0.25 firmware is available here:
The updated v0.25a firmware is available here:
I've been working on a modified Virtual Boy Plugin with SRAM save support.
Here's the modified pinout with the SRAM pins connected:
Sega Edge Signal VB Edge
A1 gnd 1, 2
A2 +5v 54
A3 a8 15
A4 a11 22
A5 a7 17
A6 a12 24
A7 a6 19
A8 a13 26
A9 a5 21
A10 a14 28
A11 a4 23
A12 a15 30
A13 a3 25
A14 a16 32
A15 a2 27
A16 a17 34
A17 a1 29
A18 gnd 33
A19 d7 38
A20 d0 39
A21 d8 37
A22 d6 42
A23 d1 43
A24 d9 41
A25 d5 46
A26 d2 47
A27 d10 45
A28 d4 50
A29 d3 51
A30 d11 49
A31 +5v 36, 53
A32 gnd 59, 60
B1 N/A -
B2 N/A -
B3 N/A -
B4 a9 18
B5 a10 20
B6 a18 13
B7 a19 11
B8 a20 16
B9 CS2 (SRAM), /CE (ROM) 7, 31
B10 /CS1 (SRAM Enable) 6
B11 /WE0 (SRAM Write Enable) 3
B12 N/A -
B13 N/A -
B14 N/A -
B15 N/A -
B16\ /OE (Output Enable) 35
B17/ /OE (Output Enable) 35
B18 N/A -
B19 N/A -
B20 N/A -
B21 N/A -
B22 d15 40
B23 d14 44
B24 d13 48
B25 d12 52
B26 N/A -
B27 N/A -
B28 /LDSW (not used) -
B29 /UDSW (not used) -
B30 N/A -
B31 N/A -
B32 /CART_IN (not used) -
Here are pics of the Plugin PCB:
The section with the holes at the top of the PCB breaks off and is used to help align the pins for assembly. I use pins from 1.27mm male right angle pin headers (2 row) and hand assemble them.
Great work!! Awesome to see plugins and support for the virtual boy.
I have been toying with the idea of creating a plugin for a while now that my personal virtual boy has a dead pixel which results in a solid black line across the screen. Now with a google cardboard headset or a 3d TV you can actually make virtual boy look really nice.
I might change the SRAM pinout that was posted as I was asked to support Hyper Fighting. In order to read out Hyper Fighting, I need to free up pins on the Retrode to connect the uppermost address pins on the VB. Right now, the uppermost address pins on the Sega slot are used to control the VB SRAM. I didn't want to use them for addressing as the Retrode uses those pins for configuring other cart types.
I'll have to do more testing to find the best pin configuration.
I looked for a pinout that would support both SRAM and Hyper Fighting.
Unfortunately, support for both is not possible due to a lack of available control pins on the Retrode.
I'm going to stick with my current plugin design with support for the SRAM.
If anyone wants to read out Hyper Fighting, then the original pinout needs to be modified with the following pins:
Sega Signal VB
B9 a21 14
B10 a22 12
B11 a23 10
If the cart is not detected, then use FW v0.25 with forceSystem set to "vboy" and forceSize set to "32". The ROM should be identified as FightingDemo.vb.
Pat1986 found a bug in FW v0.24a that broke support for Sega Genesis/Megadrive Sonic 3 & Knuckles. The bug was related to the code changes that enabled reading Super Street Fighter 2. I've fixed the bug and now both Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Super Street Fighter 2 work.
I've released a new firmware FW v0.25a with the fix:
Finally I can post!!! ;D
I couldn' get the activation message.
So I made a adapter like your Skaman, but I added a HC4053 and a switch so I can change to SRAM to Hyper Fighting:
I put your name and JonY on the PCB since you are both the originals sources for this project.
It works with Red Alarm, I'm waiting a Wario Land. But I can't verify Hyper Fighting.
There's some stuff I could optimize (some traces I keep in a way I could cut them to rewire if needed).
Also for the pins, I need to find a way to copy the original spring-loaded port (someone gave me some pics of the actual VB port.
Nice work!
It's Brilliant :D
Small update, I made a 3D printed "sled" to force the insertion straight and avoid bending the pins.
and a clear laserdecal as sticker:
Love it!
That's a great enhancement.
Here's a video about it:
Github depository:
Nice work!
Please post the info on the Plugins that you plan to assemble.
Anyone wanting to use Virtual Boy carts with their Retrode should definitely watch for the info.
The hand assembly of the VB Plugins is no joke. It is definitely worth buying one fully assembled.