Retrode Forum

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gladson on 07/May/2019 09:28:10 PM

Title: New to Retrode: Some basic questions (voltage and version)
Post by: Gladson on 07/May/2019 09:28:10 PM
I've started to research methods of backing up and restoring saves from all my retro systems when I discovered the Retrode, that would allow me to do that on many systems with a single piece of hardware, great tool. I just ordered the kit with all plug-ins from Dragonbox so I'm reading as much as I can about it before I start using it so I don't do anything wrong.

I've read about the voltage switch, that must be set to 3.3V when using N64/GBA carts and 5V otherwise. Is that correct? Is there any other systems that needs to be set to 3.3V? Even though GBA must be set to 3.3V should I use 5V for classic GB / Game Boy Color carts?

Other than changing the voltage switch is there anything else that should be changed when backing up/restoring saves from different systems? I plan on upgrading to 0.25a as soon as I get so I can start backing up not only SNES/Genesis saves from cartridges but also N64, Master System and classic Gameboy saves from their carts.

And finally, any other advice for a complete newbie? I really don't want to risk corrupt/delete saves from my cartridges when trying to backup them due to any kind of mistake.

By the way, let me take this opportunity to make a (probably) really dumb question: I see there is a "Retrode" and a "Retrode 2". What's the difference? I haven't seen any unboxing with "Retrode 2" written on the box, they're all like the following picture. Is that "Retrode 2" even though the box doesn't show it?

Title: Re: New to Retrode: Some basic questions (voltage and version)
Post by: Land95 on 10/May/2019 12:09:16 PM
The voltage selection is crucial, just mind it.  The retrode 2 comes with a pamphlet of correct voltages.
I've experienced zero issues corrupting data on carts.
Upgrade firmware as the first step.
Pay attention to proper cart orientation.
I had to disassemble and clean/polish/restore most of my cartsfor proper reads.  I personally take out board, initially clean with 90% rubbing alchol, then polish with a white poly eraser.  After assembly hit the pins one time with a q-tip saturated with contact cleaner.    One backed up, I again took apart the carts, cleaned/restored the cases, and replaced old batteries with battery holders and fresh batteries.  Finnaly put into mylar bags with dessicant and o2 eaters.
v differences:
NES dumps via
Title: Re: New to Retrode: Some basic questions (voltage and version)
Post by: Ness and Sonic on 12/Jun/2019 09:34:07 AM
Stick with 5 V for Game Boy (Color) games. I just figured this out with Pokemon Pinball and Pokemon Blue.