I own a copy of 40 Winks for n64 from Piko Interactive but would like to extract the rom so I can use with my Everdrive 64. Other games work fine but this one cartridge just gives me "GenericRomInSegaSlot.dat" every time. If I force n64 format it will give me a "NoName.z64" file which does not work. Any suggestions? I paid quite a lot of money to get the Retrode, n64 plugin and the game itself. Hope I didn't waste it :(
PS, I do have the switch set to 3.3v
Compatibility with repro carts is hit or miss.
Thanks but 40 Winks is not a repro. It is a full blown n64 release. They obtained the rights then took the prototype code and finished the game then manufactured the cartridges. Are you suggesting there's nothing I can do to make this work?
If it isn't on an original Nintendo PCB, then it is a repro cart.
Any tips on dumping it?
If you can't get the Retrode to read the cart, then I would suggest using something else to dump it. Cheapest alternative would be a Gameshark with working parallel port.
Ok thanks. $100 down the drain :(