Does anyone have links to a couple of snes and megadrive emulators for the ipad?
Do they need a jailbroken ipad?
I see the icade application mentioned, but cannot find it on the App Store. Does nayone have a link to it?
iCade is a hardware, not a software. Please see this page ( for more information a list of applications that support it. Starting with Firmware v0.17d, the Retrode features an iCade-compatible mode for the controller port. You need a USB adapter (Apple's own camera adapter ( or a much more reasonably priced 3rd party alternative ( to connect the Retrode.)
The App Store does not admit emulators because they would allow execution of user-loadable code without you throwing more $$ into the pomaceous giant's greedy throat. So that's what you would need to jailbreak for. The controller (iCade) part of the Retrode has been confirmed to work on non-JB devices, both iPad 1 and 2, by at least 3 users.
once jailbroken, there is a free snes emulator you can get from the Cydia store (Snes9x EX).
I can confirm it works with SNES9X EX and MD.EMU
But I would have to jailbreak my ipad to use these?
Quote from: dadopson on 22/Feb/2012 09:12:14 AM
But I would have to jailbreak my ipad to use these?
Yes. Apple does not like emulation.
So jailbreaking is for emulators plus roms only?
And if I use the original cartridges (not emulator) plus camera kit plus original controller - iPad jailbreaking not needed?
Jailbreaking allows you to run un-authorize or homebrew apps such as emulators (not part of the retrode). The retrode can connect to the ipad through the camera kit which allows you to load either a snes or genesis/mega drive game plus a controller. I personally would rather play using the cartridge also there is a lot of legality issues if you use roms. That is the main reason I bought my retrode.
FYI Jailbreaking also allows you to create themes. Modify the iOS in certain ways like root access.
SNES9X EX and all *.emu emulators so far work with the retrode/controller.
Amazing, thank you for the answer. Glad I can play with all the original cartridges and controllers without jailbreaking my poor iPad. :D
Still wondering if I need to use any app to run a cartridge game or it will run automatically after connecting?
Quote from: Anya on 27/Sep/2012 03:48:56 AM
Amazing, thank you for the answer. Glad I can play with all the original cartridges and controllers without jailbreaking my poor iPad. :D
Still wondering if I need to use any app to run a cartridge game or it will run automatically after connecting?
That may be a misinterpretation. I am not aware of any emulators for non-jailbroken i-devices; only such emulators are allowed in the app store that come with their own fixed set of software titles (like the C64 or MS-DOS ones). The reasons are likely banal, I assume Apple simply does not want applications to bypass the money printing machine that is the app store. However, some games (such titles that are compatible with the iCade controller device ( can use one of the Retrode's controller ports without jailbreak. Here's a video demonstrating what's possible with and without jailbreak (
Matthias_H, thanks for the reply, saw that great video. Hovewer, in that video he shows playing Sonic on an jailbroke iPad using an emulator. And I was wondering if you you still need an emulator to run cartridge games (not roms)?
The Retrode translates cartridge games to ROM files, therefore from a technical point of view there is no difference between the two.
Oh I see now. So the jailbreak is necessary to run a game from an emulator (rom or cartridge).
In the video he says you can use only one controller at a time. How about multiplayer games? On a website it says Retrode features multi-player with up to 4 people - is that for PC/MAC and TV only? Not an iPad?
Non-jailbroken devices and app store apps only support one controller via iCade protocol; otherwise it depends on the emulator and the OS. If both support joystick and/or keyboard input (don't know for iOS), then up to 4 players should be possible.
That is very interesting, Matthias, thanks for the info. I'll test it out once I get my retrode.