Retrode Forum

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ness and Sonic on 03/Mar/2012 02:00:12 AM

Title: Retrogen and Retroport
Post by: Ness and Sonic on 03/Mar/2012 02:00:12 AM
I came across something interesting. It seems there's some new adapters that let SNES consoles and console clones play Genesis and NES games.

This got me thinking, could they be used with the Retrode? The Retrogen may seem pointless with the Retrode unless you really love Genesis games since the retrode already has a Genesis slot, but I am wondering about the Retroport. Could it be used as an NES adapter, or would it just be like the Super Game Boy?
Title: Re: Retrogen and Retroport
Post by: Matthias_H on 03/Mar/2012 06:39:00 AM
Looks very similar to the SuperGB: a little Genesis/NES in cartridge format, with video out / controller in from the console.
Title: Re: Retrogen and Retroport
Post by: Ness and Sonic on 03/Mar/2012 02:32:27 PM
Yeah, I noticed. That's why I brought it up. I was wondering if there is a chance the Retroport would save you the trouble of dealing with the Nightmare Emulating System (NES) adapter. Even if I did know how to develop custom firmware, I still don't have any NES games to test it with if I did get one.
Title: Re: Retrogen and Retroport
Post by: Muzer on 03/Mar/2012 06:51:46 PM
The main question is, does it give you direct access to the game ROM? The most probable answer is "no", because why would the SNES need access to the NES game's ROM - what, precisely, would it do with it? No, the most likely thing is you'd just get the ROM of the emulator itself.