Retrode Forum

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Crijns on 08/Mar/2012 06:47:35 PM

Title: Question about Secret of Mana Using the Retrode
Post by: Crijns on 08/Mar/2012 06:47:35 PM
Unfortunately i am in possession of  a german version of Secret of Mana,whereas i just want to read everything in english,because i don't understand any german .
So my question is, is it possible ,using the retrode,to replace the german version with an english version?

thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Question about Secret of Mana Using the Retrode
Post by: MasterOfPuppets on 08/Mar/2012 08:12:00 PM
No, the Retrode cannot rewrite cartridges for a couple reasons but the largest is that the chips in the cart are not rewritable.
Title: Re: Question about Secret of Mana Using the Retrode
Post by: emuDrache on 08/Mar/2012 11:23:33 PM
However you should be able to copy the rom and apply an English patch
Or maybe in a future retrode matthias could probably add in patch support (probably not possible atm
due to not enough space left on the firmware)

Your best bet is to find an emulator that can patch the rom on the fly. Offhand I can't think of
any tho.
Title: Re: Question about Secret of Mana Using the Retrode
Post by: emuDrache on 09/Mar/2012 09:20:55 AM
I am not sure where to find the german -> english translation (if any) probably google knows :)

also, from

If you're using ZSNES, it has a neat feature that automatically patches your ROM when you load it. It does not modify your original ROM copy. No additional programs are necessary.(Of course this only works on SNES games.) Just rename your patch to the same name as the ROM and place them in the same directory (Folder) together, and ZSNES will find the patch and apply it every time the game is run, which leaves the original ROM untouched!

An example: If your ROM is FF5.SMC, and your patch is RPGER0X.IPS, change the IPS file to FF5.IPS. Other emulators that support auto-patching are Gens, SNES9x, and VisualBoy Advance. FCE Ultra also auto-patches, but the ROM's full filename plus extension has to be the patch's filename. So, if you wanted to patch FF3.NES, you would change the patch's name to FF3.NES.IPS.

If you are having auto-patching problems and you're using ZSNES AND you have a separate directory for your saved games, you need to put the patch in that directory, instead of the same one as your ROM. Fortunately, SNES9x finds the patch either way. If your ROM is in a zip file, your IPS filename should match the ROM name inside the zip file, and not the name of the zip file itself.

Title: Re: Question about Secret of Mana Using the Retrode
Post by: Crijns on 09/Mar/2012 10:18:08 AM
Alright thanks for the help guys :)