Retrode Forum

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: nitro322 on 17/Mar/2012 04:37:43 AM

Title: How to deal with (possibly) previously undumped ROMs?
Post by: nitro322 on 17/Mar/2012 04:37:43 AM
I just received my Retrode 2, and of course I've been dumping my SNES games like a madman.  So far, I've had great luck, with dumps falling into two categories:

1. ROMs that match previously dumped versions (using the no-intro set as a baseline for comparison)

2. ROMs that are overdumped, but can be fised using NSRT's -trim option (which then match the no-intro set)

However, my dump of Street Fighter II Turbo is neither.  Initially I thought it was just a bad dump, but I've redumped it several times and get the same result every time, and the more I examine it the more I'm thinking this is a new revision that's not included in either the no-intro or goodnes set.  Of course, I realize how exceedingly unlikely that is, so I really don't know what I should do.  I certainly wasn't expecting to run into this problem.  :-)

So here are the details, as compared to the 1.0 NTSC revision identified as "Street Fighter II Turbo (USA)" in no-intro:

File sizes are identical (after nsrt -trim):
<SNIP> 2,621,440 1996-12-24 23:32 Street Fighter II Turbo - Hyper Fighting (USA).sfc
<SNIP> 2,621,440 2012-03-16 01:25 StreetFighter2Turbo.sfc

NSRT ROM info matches, along with a clear "Revision: 1.1", although there's no database match:
---------------------Internal ROM Info----------------------
       File: Street Fighter II Turbo - Hyper Fighting (USA).sfc
       Name: Street Fighter2 Turbo    Company: Capcom
     Header: None                        Bank: HiROM
Interleaved: None                        SRAM: 0 Kb
       Type: Normal                       ROM: 20 Mb
    Country: USA                        Video: NTSC
  ROM Speed: 120ns (FastROM)         Revision: 1.0
   Checksum: Good 0x119A            Game Code:
      CRC32: A45CADD6
        MD5: AC63BD5085B0F8F35E2CFF59E9C34456
       Name: Street Fighter II Turbo
    Country: USA                     Revision: 1.0
     Port 1: Gamepad                   Port 2: Gamepad
    Genre 1: Fighting                 Genre 2: Hand To Hand

---------------------Internal ROM Info----------------------
       File: StreetFighter2Turbo.sfc
       Name: Street Fighter2 Turbo    Company: Capcom
     Header: None                        Bank: HiROM
Interleaved: None                        SRAM: 0 Kb
       Type: Normal                       ROM: 20 Mb
    Country: USA                        Video: NTSC
  ROM Speed: 120ns (FastROM)         Revision: 1.1
   Checksum: Good 0xAAAF            Game Code:
      CRC32: D43BC5A3
        MD5: 014863E139F5A9E9FC8ECF59A133223B
    ROM wasn't found in the database (possible bad dump).
    You can try using -fix or -findover to see if the
    file has been slightly altered in a rectifiable way.

And, as a final check, the game loads and plays perfectly fine in bsnes.

So, what do you think?  Could this really be a new revision?  Is there anything else I can/should do to verify?  I'm (very) new to the whole dumping thing, so I'd appreciate any guidance.

Title: Re: How to deal with (possibly) previously undumped ROMs?
Post by: ICEknight on 17/Mar/2012 02:47:07 PM
Perhaps you could do a hex compare between the normal 1.1 ROM and yours?

But in any case, I find it odd that you're getting many overdumps. I've dumped all my SNES cartridges and never came across one. Are you resetting the device after inserting each new cartridge?
Title: Re: How to deal with (possibly) previously undumped ROMs?
Post by: nitro322 on 17/Mar/2012 06:38:06 PM
I tried doing a hex compare, but I really don't know what I'm looking for.  I tried doing a diff of the hex dumps, but there were lots and lots of changes.  Do you have any suggestions on what to look for?

Yes, I'm resetting in between dumps.  I have to, otherwise I'll get some funky interaction between the retrode, my usb driver, and udev, causing mounts to permafail until I reboot my computer (this is Linux by the way, so I'm guessing it's just not as well tested as under Windows).  Pretty damn annoying.  But, the I've found the following process to be mostly reliable, if a bit slow:

(starting from a good state)
1. Insert cart
2. Check dmes output and ensure no errors - if error, try resetting again, or try removing cart and resetting
3. Wait for red LED to turn off
4. Mount retrode
5. Copy files
6. Unmount retrode
7. Remove cart
8. Reset retrode
9. Watch dmesg output and ensure no errors - if error, try resetting again
10. Repeat from 1

I used that process to dump the second half of my games, and only had to reboot once as too rebooting after every 3rd or so dump for the first half.  I still got a few overdumps, though, and there were three games (Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, Donkey Kong Country 3, and one other I'm forgetting) that I had to manually set the forceSize option for, as autodetect would fail and I'd just see Ataliri2600Cartridge.a26, or in one case something like GenericRomImage.bin.

So, obviously my ripping process was not without its problems, but in every other case I was able to match the resulting dump with an existing dump.  SF2 Turbo is the only one I couldn't, but I used the same processes as the others and the resulting dump seems to be valid, even though it doesn't match
Title: Re: How to deal with (possibly) previously undumped ROMs?
Post by: Muzer on 17/Mar/2012 07:30:15 PM
I tend to unmount + unplug, remove game, insert new game, replug, mount. That doesn't produce any overdump issues for me, but doing it any other way (including just resetting) does.
Title: Re: How to deal with (possibly) previously undumped ROMs?
Post by: nitro322 on 17/Mar/2012 08:03:09 PM
Thanks for the tip.  I did try unplugging a few times, but usually after there was already a problem, so it didn't make much of a difference.  I've already finished dumping all of my games, but when I get some more, or (hopefully) when I can pick up an adapter to dump games from other systems, I'll try adding the unplug step and see if that helps.
Title: Re: How to deal with (possibly) previously undumped ROMs?
Post by: emuDrache on 17/Mar/2012 08:06:35 PM
i will check my sf2 turbo when i get home (monday evening) and see if mine matches yours.

til then can you paste me a snippet of the hex dumps for both in a private message ?
i think the forum allows attachments in private messages..not sure.
Title: Re: How to deal with (possibly) previously undumped ROMs?
Post by: nitro322 on 17/Mar/2012 08:21:59 PM
Thanks, FelixV.  I'll be curious to see what you find.

I dumped the first 50 KB of each game (which should include all header info) and zipped them here:
Title: Re: How to deal with (possibly) previously undumped ROMs?
Post by: emuDrache on 17/Mar/2012 08:40:50 PM
got it thanks
Title: Re: How to deal with (possibly) previously undumped ROMs?
Post by: emuDrache on 17/Mar/2012 11:16:39 PM
so, your 211 version has a date in it of     Jul.15.1993
where as your 210 version says               Jun.08.1993

the 211 version also refers to Chiboshi who was the guy behind the 'hyper fighting' edition of street fighter 2
where as the 210 version doesnt.

do both versions show 'turbo' and 'hyper fighting' on the title screen ?

like this...

i will check my SF2 carts on monday and see if any of them match yours.

if all else fails, you can contact the no-intro guys see if they know about that version just missing from the db
Title: Re: How to deal with (possibly) previously undumped ROMs?
Post by: nitro322 on 18/Mar/2012 02:42:51 AM
Yep.  I ran both versions side-by-side to be sure, and the copyright and title screens are both identical, as well as the demo fight between Ryu and Blanka.

I did try asking about this over on the no-intro site, but they don't seem to be very active these days and I haven't gotten a response.  Am keeping an eye on it, though; hopefully someone will pipe up soon.

Btw, "carts"?  You have multiple copies of this game?  Must really be a fan.  :-)
Title: Re: How to deal with (possibly) previously undumped ROMs?
Post by: emuDrache on 18/Mar/2012 08:32:47 PM
2 turbo (snes)

1 world warrior (snes)

1 SF II - Championship Edition arcade pcb

1 EPROM set for the board to change it to
'Rainbow' Edition. Which is imho the best bootleg

The Movie with Raúl Julia
The Cartoon Film
The Chun Li Film

Hmm Not sure if i forgot anything