Since I now have confirmation below, I'll make this into a nicely-formatted table. I've also done a bit of research and found answers to a few unanswered questions:
(The voltages are all found from a quick Google. While I have done my best to verify any vague-looking results I found to ensure they are all accurate, I will not be responsible for any damage to your cartridges caused by an incorrect voltage selection. Use at your own risk.)
Console(s) | State | DIY provisions | Production run | Firmware support | Slot | Voltage | Link |
Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Mega Drive/Genesis | (Built-in support in Retrode 1 and 2) | None | Ongoing batches of production of Retrode 2 | Yes | N/A | 5V | here ( |
Nintendo 64 (with controller ports) | Working | PCB layout and schematic soon | Ongoing production | Yes | Mega Drive | 3.3V | here ( |
Game Boy variants | Working | PCB layout and schematic soon | Ongoing production | Yes | Mega Drive | 3.3V for Game Boy Advance; 5V for Game Boy and Game Boy Color | here ( |
Nintendo 64 and Game Boy variants | Working | PCB layout, schematic | Previous sold out; none planned | Yes | Mega Drive | 5V for Game Boy and Game Boy Color; 3.3V for Game Boy Advance and Nintendo 64 | here ( |
Sega Master System and Game Gear | Working | Wiring key, design and build write-up/rough guide (for original prototype); PCB layout and schematic soon | Ongoing production (without Game Gear slot, but space provided to solder your own on) | Yes | Mega Drive | 5V | initial design ( | final testing ( | testing follow-up ( | production status ( | wiring key (for prototype) ( |
Atari 2600 | Working | PCB layout and schematic | Previous sold out; none planned | Yes | SNES | 5V | here ( |
TurboGrafx16/PC Engine | Working | Wiring key | None planned | Yes | SNES | 5V | here ( |
Virtual Boy | Working | Wiring key; design and build write-up/rough guide | None planned | Yes | Mega Drive | 5V | final pinout ( | build writeup ( | part 2 ( | case - part 1 ( | case - part 2 ( | case - part 3 and conclusion ( |
Neo Geo Pocket variants | Working | Wiring key; Japanese design and build write-up/rough guide | None planned | Yes | SNES | 3.3V | Japanese writeup ( | Google translated to English ( |
Nintendo Entertainment System | Considering | Will be PCB layout and schematic if completed | Probably if completed | No | ? | 5V | None yet (source: a post below) |
Atari Lynx | Planning | ? | ? | No | ? | 5V | None yet (source: a post below) |
Sega Pico | Working | Wiring key; design and build write-up/rough guide | None planned | Yes (ROM format identical to Mega Drive games) | Mega Drive | 5V | German forum thread ( | Translated instructions ( |
V.Smile | Working | Wiring key; brief build notes | None planned | No (but generic ROM format works) | Mega Drive | Unknown (5V?) | here ( |
Is all of this accurate?
(Just about to order my Retrode from the new store! Very excited!)
EDIT: Just ordered, but the addresses appeared as blank in the confirmation email (despite being present on the confirmation screen). I assume it processed OK, but you might want to sort that out so as not to worry people.
EDIT2 (2012-01-05): Added NES to the list, and Colecovision rumours I just stumbled upon. Changed to a nice table.
EDIT3 (2012-01-08, Matthias_H): Stickied
EDIT4 (2012-01-15): Added link that I just found to original design/build of the SMS/GG adapter
EDIT5 (2012-02-11): Added "design and build write-up/rough guide (for original prototype)" to SMS/GG adapter's DIY Provisions column, because there is one.
EDIT6 (2012-02-13): Removed Colecovision, added Atari Lynx.
EDIT7 (2012-02-28): Added Sega Pico
EDIT8 (2012-03-04): Added newly-posted wiring key for the prototype of the SMS/GG adaptor. Fixed Pico entry (had a duplicate column for some reason). Added "slot" field.
EDIT9 (2012-04-27): Added the just Game Boy and just Nintendo 64 adaptors, changed estimated dates.
EDIT10 (2012-07-28): Added the SNES/MD entry at the top; added voltages.
EDIT11 (2013-04-07): Changed the statuses of the plugins that are apparently shipping.
EDIT12 (2013-09-27): Changed statuses of plugins, add V.Smile.
That's about right. As for production runs of assembled plug-ins, it always boils down to being able to find the right connectors. We have parts for N64, GBx, SMS in stock -- so expect those adapters to pop up in a short while. If enough people are interested, we could also look into designing and producing some bare boards.
Also, I recently got my hands on a NES connector. Will have to see when I find the time for it. The plethora of mappers does scare me a bit, though.
Mmm, I've seen the list of NES mappers, it's not pretty. Though many of them do appear to be used by only a handful of pirate carts.
Anyway, great work. Was there ever a production run of the A2600 ones, out of interest? I have vague recollection of reading about them, but it may just be my brain making things up.
BTW, does it ever stop asking for captcha responses?
I'm kind of hoping for a DS adapter in the future.
I imagine that Matthias will avoid DS for now just because of how new it is and he has gone through some effort to keep this device off of any drm circumventing list. I imagine in the eventual future when Matthias is ready to opensource the retrode then we may see one or maybe just for time for ds to fade into obscurity.
It's the 3ds that's the problem, not the DS. The DS is about 8 years old if I'm not mistaken and almost dead. 3DS is new, but those games have a notch on them to prevent them from working on an older DS similar to how Game Boy Advance games have a couple of notches on them to prevent them from fitting into an older Game Boy.
Anyway, the whole system being too new and Retrode could be considered a DRM circumvention device is part of the reason why I didn't ask for a PSVita adapter even though I feel like Sony would deserve that kind of thing eating into PSVita sales for using online passes for first party games and ruining PSN being "free." The other part of the reason is Sony's too sue-happy.
3DS cards haven't even been reversed yet, so nobody knows how they work except Nintendo...
And DS cards, I believe (I might be wrong), are encrypted, so you'd have to include software to break the encryption, which would be illegal in many countries. New, officially-licenced games are still selling so you can't call it dead, Nintendo certainly wouldn't look at it that way.
@Matthias_H: Does the captcha never go away? I think if you have a certain number of posts it should stop pestering you.
EDIT: Just made a nice table at the top there.
I'm eagerly awaiting a production run of assembled gameboy plugins.
Judging by how the Wii discs are (edge to center is the only thing Nintendo did other than firmware updates if I am not mistaken), I get the feeling Nintendo took the cheap route and didn't really encrypt DS cards. 3ds is a different matter, I get the feeling that after seeing wiis get hacked without mod chips or unlicensed accessories being plugged into the system made them step their game up. Also, while it is true new DS games are still being released and sold, the release of the 3ds has marked it's decline. I get the feeling the massive first year price cut of the 3ds is going to help speed things up. That's why I said "almost" dead. It's not dead yet, but it's looking like it's not going to last much longer. Of course, that's just my guess. Anyway, I am willing to wait a little while for a DS adapter while the N64/Game Boy Adapter satisfies me and my cousins with more classics once I manage to get one from Stone Age Gamer, assuming that they get some this time.
Quote from: Ness and Sonic on 07/Jan/2012 05:48:29 AM
Judging by how the Wii discs are (edge to center is the only thing Nintendo did other than firmware updates if I am not mistaken)
Actually, Wii discs are read just like other discs (it's an urban myth that they spin the other way, started by the fact that the disc-stopping mechanism in the gamecube that activates when you open it makes it spin the other way a bit). And they are similar to DVDs, but don't follow the standard completely so can't be read in normal drives without firmware updates.
QuoteI get the feeling Nintendo took the cheap route and didn't really encrypt DS cards.
Just looked it up - they are encrypted, but this encryption was broken (which is why it took so long for slot 2 flash cards/cheat devices to arrive).
Quote3ds is a different matter, I get the feeling that after seeing wiis get hacked without mod chips or unlicensed accessories being plugged into the system made them step their game up. Also, while it is true new DS games are still being released and sold, the release of the 3ds has marked it's decline. I get the feeling the massive first year price cut of the 3ds is going to help speed things up. That's why I said "almost" dead. It's not dead yet, but it's looking like it's not going to last much longer. Of course, that's just my guess. Anyway, I am willing to wait a little while for a DS adapter while the N64/Game Boy Adapter satisfies me and my cousins with more classics once I manage to get one from Stone Age Gamer, assuming that they get some this time.
For many Nintendo gamers, yes, many people will have bought a 3DS. But you must remember the huge market for casual players, even people who aren't interested in conventional gaming but prefer the mind games like Brain Training.
Anyway, the DS game cards probably work more like SD cards than ROM cartridges (judging by the small number of pins), so the point is moot - even if they weren't encrypted, I doubt they'd work in the Retrode without a load of hardware additions.
Out of curiosity, you said on Twiter that in order to get MBC3 and MBC5 working you will need to cut and re-route a trace. Does this mean that it's either/or, where by doing so you can dump the Pokemon games, but not other games? And if not, will the newest batch of adapters be able to dump these games also?
Quote from: MasterOfPuppets on 10/Jan/2012 04:23:47 PM
Out of curiosity, you said on Twiter that in order to get MBC3 and MBC5 working you will need to cut and re-route a trace. Does this mean that it's either/or, where by doing so you can dump the Pokemon games, but not other games? And if not, will the newest batch of adapters be able to dump these games also?
The modification will do no harm to other games. It concerns the clock signal on the GB port with is wired to ground in the old version but connected to Retrode I/O in the new version.
The owner of Consoling Myself has posted a post on Matthias_H's PCB for the Master System/Game Gear adaptor that he designed:
Quote from: Muzer on 15/Jan/2012 01:24:32 PM
The owner of Consoling Myself has posted a post on Matthias_H's PCB for the Master System/Game Gear adaptor that he designed:
I have indeed! Just to let you know, I am now registered on the forum for all the lovely Retrode chat.
Quote from: JonY on 16/Jan/2012 12:10:18 AM
Quote from: Muzer on 15/Jan/2012 01:24:32 PM
The owner of Consoling Myself has posted a post on Matthias_H's PCB for the Master System/Game Gear adaptor that he designed:
I have indeed! Just to let you know, I am now registered on the forum for all the lovely Retrode chat.
That was you? Good work, I never got to spend much time playing with that platform, but I'd love to as it was quite nice. It's just a shame that the battery life was so lame.
So there is a new batch of N64 adaptors coming soon? I want to buy a Retrode 2 in combo with it. Is there any precise date about when these will be available? Is there any way to preorder them to be sure I'll get one from this batch? I want to backup my whole games cartridges collection, this seems to be to perfect thing to do this job!
By the way, thanks Matthias for creating this awesome gadget, perfect thing for an old school maniac like myself! XD
Not yet; the only thing we have is the estimated date of Q2 2012.
If anyone needs just an N64 adaptor then I have one which, I think, still works. I'll test it.
I screwed up the GBA/GB cartridge slot soldering, it could probably be rescued by someone with the necessary skills.
I'm waiting for pre-made adaptors to land, so I have zero chance of messing them up. And I also specifically wanted the N64/GBA one for GBA games... making my botched one a little useless for me.
Out of curiosity, is "Q2 2012" for the N64/GBx adapters fiscal year (US - January 1, 2012 - March 31, 2012, or another country's) or April, May, June?
Western calendar. I don't see how taxes should be able to speed me up here. :)
Sounds good. No hurry, I'd much rather have a polished product instead of a rushed one.
No ColecoVision adapter on the horizon whatsoever. I am not in the possession of any Coleco hardware.
OK; deleted.
I am going to make a start on an Atari Lynx plug-in adapter soon, you can add that to the list if you like.
Nice! Good luck with that! I have a Lynx myself, though not many games sadly.
Will the GB adapter be plugged in the SNES slot? I'd like to butcher a Super Game Boy to fit the adapter in.
Quote from: Damien on 14/Feb/2012 05:41:04 PM
Will the GB adapter be plugged in the SNES slot? I'd like to butcher a Super Game Boy to fit the adapter in.
No, sorry. the adapter goes into the Sega slot. Besides, last time I checked, the SGB was too fat to fit into the SNES slot.
Quote from: Matthias_H on 14/Feb/2012 05:47:08 PM
Quote from: Damien on 14/Feb/2012 05:41:04 PM
Will the GB adapter be plugged in the SNES slot? I'd like to butcher a Super Game Boy to fit the adapter in.
No, sorry. the adapter goes into the Sega slot. Besides, last time I checked, the SGB was too fat to fit into the SNES slot.
The PAL one fits fine for me, you just get the ROM for the SGB itself (as suspected).
I think he wanted to gut it, and put the Retrode GB adapter in.
Just wanted to add that the 32x while plugged into the retro gold genesis port will rip 32x games fine, ive had no problems with that.
Quote from: Matthias_H on 14/Feb/2012 07:47:19 PM
I think he wanted to gut it, and put the Retrode GB adapter in.
Indeed that's what I would like to do, I have a faulty SGB at home that I don't know what to do with.
I just found out that one of my Game Boy Color games (Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble) uses MBC-7 and EEPROM to save. Is it known if this game will work at all with the adapter?
Quote from: MasterOfPuppets on 20/Feb/2012 11:56:55 PM
I just found out that one of my Game Boy Color games (Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble) uses MBC-7 and EEPROM to save. Is it known if this game will work at all with the adapter?
Not known until someone gives it a try. There is little documentation on the MBC7 bank controller. EEPROM saves and the accelerometer gimmick will not work, that's for sure.
You can add a Sega Pico adapter to the list now: (
Done :)
I really hope that there will be an adapter for the original NES... I purchased the Retrode2 just so I could play my old games, but I mistakenly thought that they were SNES. I was wrong :(
I have *some* N64 games, but most of the cartridges that I have are NES.
Sorry to hear about your confusion about SNES/NES. I'm afraid my plans for an NES plug-in are pretty low on the priority list (like, page 3 or 4 in a 10pt font) so I can't make any promises there. One thing I can promise is that, should there ever be a NES plug-in, it will be nowhere nearly as much fun to use as the other cartridges, because for every game you put in you will have to make 4 or more settings by hand. NES cartridges were clearly not designed for easy dumping :-)
Just out of interest, would you do all that via retrode.cfg, or would you consider using switches on the unit itself? I would guess the latter would make it a lot less fiddly, though would of course bring the price up a little (and it would need either good labels or good documentation else it would be more confusing ;)).
No plans yet.
Is the Neo Geo Pocket plugin supported in the firmware? It says it is on the list but I see nothing about it in the config.
There are currently two versions of NGP plug-ins supported in the firmware; my own (Sega slot) and ponrev's version (SNES slot). The file extension is hardcoded to .ngp since the config can be at most 1K :)
Good to hear! Didn't know there were two adapters.
Can't. Wait.
Little update re: the three adapters I've currently got in the pipeline (SMS, N64, GBx). Everything will be delayed a bit -- more Q3 or Q4 than Q2/2012, I'm afraid. On the other hand, the N64 one is VERY likely to get controller ports (!/Retrode/status/195551519200911362). The GBx will come with cartridge auto-detection (in earlier versions, you'd have to hit a reset button to trigger re-detection).
Updated first post with details :)
Let me pre-order and give you more money :D
Quote from: Matthias_H on 27/Apr/2012 12:45:55 AM
Little update re: the three adapters I've currently got in the pipeline (SMS, N64, GBx). Everything will be delayed a bit -- more Q3 or Q4 than Q2/2012, I'm afraid. On the other hand, the N64 one is VERY likely to get controller ports (!/Retrode/status/195551519200911362). The GBx will come with cartridge auto-detection (in earlier versions, you'd have to hit a reset button to trigger re-detection).
Does this mean the Retrode 2 will be able to handle N64 Controllers from the Adapter?
Great process!!
I really want to backup my saves, and replace the battery and game on. :)
Lots of SNES and Gameboy and N64 games to save here.
And of course play my games with this device on my HDTV with the original controllers and cartridge is amazing!
I did read that the Gameboy can't re write the save files back to the cartridge at this moment?
Or is that already fixed?
Thanks for your time!
Quote from: Adr990 on 01/May/2012 02:19:22 PM
Does this mean the Retrode 2 will be able to handle N64 Controllers from the Adapter?
I really want to backup my saves, and replace the battery and game on. :)
Lots of SNES and Gameboy and N64 games to save here.
I did read that the Gameboy can't re write the save files back to the cartridge at this moment?
Or is that already fixed?
In the same order:
My current plan is to build the N64 adapter in a similar way to the Codemasters J-Carts, with two extra controller ports on board. Since I'm still waiting for the shipment of a controller, I haven't had the opportunity for some serious development yet.
Yep, at the moment GB can only read but not write saves (SRAM only; don't know if there are any other types). It's not a "fix" that's missing but something that I need to sit down on, and implement. Hope to have it done in time for the next production run (the more features are on the factory firmware, the more folks can happily use their Retrode without additional updates).
N64 saves of any kind are currently not supported. If at all technically possible, they will take a long time to get right.
Good thing to hear about the Gameboy save backup coming along. :)
As for the N64, I suppose as those are newer they will hold on for a longer while, so no hurry there then. haha
Thanks for your reply, and thanks for Retrode!
N64 and GBA mostly use nonvolatile saves (flash, EEPROM) (, so data retention shouldn't be that much of an issue there anyway.
Hmm yea I just thought of that too actually, but you said it way before me posting now.
So that's no big deal indeed, on the N64 it's just a handful I believe, and those you can probably transfer to the Memory pak.
As for the GBA, I think there are more battery cartridges on the GBA. But even so, not much.
Now hopefully the Retrode will be in my hands very soon, really excited for it.
Also for the fact that I can play games on my flatscreen without having this blurred picture ofcourse. :)
I wonder how many people would be interested in Atari Jaguar adapter. I don't own any Jaguar or Master System games yet, but I might consider buying the adapters and looking for used games for those systems.
Quote from: Ness and Sonic on 03/May/2012 04:21:07 AM
I wonder how many people would be interested in Atari Jaguar adapter.
I was actually looking into building a Jaguar adapter and have searched for it multiple times but cannot find the pinout. If someone has it and can post it that would be helpful for someone.
Quote from: Ness and Sonic on 03/May/2012 04:21:07 AM
I wonder how many people would be interested in Atari Jaguar adapter. I don't own any Jaguar or Master System games yet, but I might consider buying the adapters and looking for used games for those systems.
I'll take one too! :)
Quote from: MasterOfPuppets on 03/May/2012 03:24:23 PM
I was actually looking into building a Jaguar adapter and have searched for it multiple times but cannot find the pinout. If someone has it and can post it that would be helpful for someone.
I managed to find this:
Hope it helps.
Quote from: MasterOfPuppets on 03/May/2012 03:24:23 PM
Quote from: Ness and Sonic on 03/May/2012 04:21:07 AM
I wonder how many people would be interested in Atari Jaguar adapter.
I was actually looking into building a Jaguar adapter and have searched for it multiple times but cannot find the pinout. If someone has it and can post it that would be helpful for someone.
I was going to have a look into this when I got the Atari Lynx adapter working (not quite there yet), now I don't have to :)
I found this when I was looking for Jaguar cartridge info ( ...Doh, few seconds late on that one (Ness and Sonic posted a link to the same docs while I was typing this).
Thanks to both of you for the info!
Quote from: JonY on 03/May/2012 05:48:49 PM
I was going to have a look into this when I got the Atari Lynx adapter working (not quite there yet), now I don't have to :)
If I can make it. I'll look into it, but can't promise anything.
EDIT: I just saw that the Jaguar has 31 data lies, which the SNES or Genesis doesn't have half of that. I'm not an electronics expert, but I have a feeling that would be a problem.
It's all about the pin count. If the total number of lines needed is more than, say, 40, things get VERY messy.
I don't have a Jaguar, but I would consider getting one if there were a Retrode plugin ;)
Just had my retrode2 arrive yesterday and worked as expected.
Looking forward to the public release of the upcoming adapters (mostly n64)
I'm the one, who made the SEGA PICO adapter! if someone is interested in such an adapter, i can now offer to make one or two of them! As i have to destroy an console for each adapter, and also a Megadrive-Cartridge and need about 2-3hours to wire everything together...the price will be about 100eur for each!
What you will get, will look something like that:
This adapter can currently read about 90% of all PICO games, the other 10% would need a firmware-update for the retrode, as it reads the games too fast currently.
just contact me:
Wouldn't it be possible to make adapters like this without actually destroying SEGA Pico units?
no! the pinout-layout of the PICO is extremely's not possible to use any other slot. we already tried many other slots, but none it's the only possible way to built a working adapter!
btw. you get japanes PICO consoles cheap in Japan (for about 1 - 2 euro) but the shipping to Europe costs about 65 euro for each console! So if you find someone in Japan who would wire such an adapter, the costs would be reduced to maybe 20euro per adapter!
Quote from: Adr990 on 01/May/2012 07:49:48 PM
As for the N64, I suppose as those are newer they will hold on for a longer while, so no hurry there then. haha
AFAIK the N64-carts don't use batteries but EEPROMs to keep saves. If that's true, your saved games should indeed be safe for a looooooong time! :)
Quote from: teameurope on 29/May/2012 09:42:12 AM
I'm the one, who made the SEGA PICO adapter!
Just out of curiosity, does your adapter also play the games on a regular Mega Drive console?
QuoteJust out of curiosity, does your adapter also play the games on a regular Mega Drive console?
never tested this. but i don't think so, the Pico uses a modified Megadrive Hardware, other Sound-Hardware! And how do you want to control PICO Games on a Megadrive? You don't have a Pen, Touchpad or anything....
so maybe the games boot...but you won't have sound and can't control anything!
Hey Matthias, regarding the SMS plug-in, would a Card Catcher ( work to get dumps of Sega Cards?
As far as I know, all the Card Catcher does is redirect the pins, but I know that there are all sorts of oddities regarding the differences between Japanese and American pinouts for the SMS, so I thought I'd ask.
I recently picked up a set of SMS games at a garage sale, and some of them are Sega Cards, so I'm hoping this will work so that I can dump them all.
Quote from: HowlingBlue on 11/Jun/2012 10:55:00 PM
Hey Matthias, regarding the SMS plug-in, would a Card Catcher ( work to get dumps of Sega Cards?
As far as I know, all the Card Catcher does is redirect the pins, but I know that there are all sorts of oddities regarding the differences between Japanese and American pinouts for the SMS, so I thought I'd ask...
From reading that article, the Card Catcher just maps signals to the relevant pin on the Mark III connector. As the Master System and Mark III carts are not pin-compatible, it wouldn't work plugged into the Master System plug-in adapter. Shame really as it would be a very neat solution for reading the Sega card games.
Sounds like you should be able to make one that does work though, just map the correct signals from the card edge to the Master System edge.
Sega pinouts (
edit: my poor spelling :)
QuoteFrom reading that article, the Card Catcher just maps signals to the relivant pin on the Mark III connector. As the Master System and Mark III carts are not pin-compatible, it wouldn't work plugged into the Master System plug-in adapter. Shame really as it would be a very neat solution for reading the Sega card games.
Sounds like you should be able to make one that does work though, just map the correct signals from the card edge to the Master System edge.
Ah! You're right, I didn't notice that.
Hmm, I'll have to get more creative.... I guess one could create a more direct adapter, but I hate circuits (and have a crippling inability to solder correctly besides), so perhaps I can find some odd set of adapters that could work?
I wonder if this odd converter ( from Tototek plus the Card Catcher would work in the Retrode... or just with games at all in general.
Quote from: HowlingBlue on 13/Jun/2012 03:05:40 AM
I wonder if this odd converter ( from Tototek plus the Card Catcher would work in the Retrode... or just with games at all in general.
That adapter was mentioned in the Does the Master System adapter allow for Mark III cartridges? (,30.0.html) thread, where I said that it wouldn't work in the Retrode.
However, I see no reason why it wouldn't work with a card catcher, a Sega Card and a Mega Drive though.
So is there any news about the N64/Gameboy plug-in? Last news I heard is that there was going to be N64 controller ports, which is awesome.
How's the project going? Any release date soon? :)
Still haven't found a source for cartridge shells, so in the worst case it may end up being bare boards... :(
Oh, that's too bad indeed. :(
Though in my case, as long as it does the job of extracting my library I'll be a happy man! So you can still count on me to dip for it! :P
For the sake of my sanity, does anyone have a link to a table/chart for voltages for the cartridge adapters? Mainly the nintendo carts.
Thank you.
Oh! I'll add that to the first post now. I knew it was missing something; surprised nobody else mentioned it earlier!
Quote from: Muzer on 28/Jul/2012 04:39:46 PM
Oh! I'll add that to the first post now. I knew it was missing something; surprised nobody else mentioned it earlier!
You Absolute star! 8) I swear i saw a table before but couldn't find it anywhere. with the retrode1, i never knew when to connect the voltage adapter and flip the switch on the retrode2. Going test me carts with both me retrodes now!
Ok, now i'm really confused. The Game boy game (tetris) worked with the regulator but the GBA and N64 carts didn't. they both only worked without it.
Whats going on?
Well, I just double-checked and the GBA and N64 definitely take 3.3V. Is your regulator definitely supplying that?
Quote from: Muzer on 29/Jul/2012 02:08:39 PM
Well, I just double-checked and the GBA and N64 definitely take 3.3V. Is your regulator definitely supplying that?
It's the black plug that comes with the adaptors that matthias made. Have no other way to confirm Voltage and amp output. Can anyone else confirm this?
Here's a quote on the plug-in page ( on the main site:
Since N64 and GBA run at 3.3V instead of the Retrode's 5V, there is a slight risk of cart damage without an additional voltage converter (though I've yet to fry my first GBA or N64 cartridge, and I always use 5V).
Please note it is the "gold" retrode with the limited first production run N64/GBA adaptors.
How exactly did you test whether something "works" or not? I can't quite seem to figure out from your description.
Quote from: Matthias_H on 29/Jul/2012 09:15:08 PM
How exactly did you test whether something "works" or not? I can't quite seem to figure out from your description.
My bad. When the usb regulator was connected, the Game boy cart would download normally but if the GBA cart (Final fantasy tactics) and/or N64 cart (goldeneye) is connected then the retrode would error on connection or the file would be unreadable. take out the regulator and connect it directly and both carts would read normally. Is this expected behaviour or a total fluke on my end?
Have you tried hitting the reset button on the Retrode after all was connected?
For cartridge shells, I recommend just grabbing some crap gameboy games from a used games store/pawn shop and gutting them :). I can help if you want.
hello i finally got a retrode in the mail last wed of july and was very happy with it! just posting to let u all know sufami turbo does boot but will not load game so it doesn't work
Quote from: Zerker on 04/Aug/2012 12:28:52 PM
For cartridge shells, I recommend just grabbing some crap gameboy games from a used games store/pawn shop and gutting them :). I can help if you want.
Thanks for your offer! I'd need Genesis/MegaDrive carts for the plug-ins, though, and at least 1000 of them. Wouldn't want to put you through the trouble for that :D
Maybe having retrode owners donate their old game genie/action replay carts would help. I mean, since they can run the games with emulators and can use cheats that way, what's the point of keeping those things? Just a thought on how you could get a few carts. It may not be enough, but it is a start.
I should add that they have to be cheap, too. Shipping a cartridge across the globe costs more than making one. Then, someone would have to machine a slot in all of them. While I'm sure lots of folks would donate their cart shells, there really is no alternative to custom production.
Well, it's your call. I hope to see the adapters available on the Stone Age Gamer site in the near future.
What would a custom run cost? I know that you said the mold is heavy and costs out the ying-yang..
I'm in contact with people who have a mold and offer a competitive price for cartridges (even with a custom logo stamped on the back :)). The issue of cutting the slots is still open, though.
Last time I checked up you seemed to be missing cartridges/shells and now you got them? That's great! :D
Any update? Can't wait to buy these things! (N64/GB plug-ins) :P
I can get shells, but that alone doesn't make a finished product. For the time being, I'm thinking about a bare-PCB run to get at least some plug-ins out soonish.
How about offering them with a blank shell, to be cut by the purchaser?
Quote from: JonY on 26/Aug/2012 06:15:53 PM
How about offering them with a blank shell, to be cut by the purchaser?
That could be an option, but only for the GBx and the SMS plug-ins that can be cut with a knife/hacksaw/etc. N64 requires two large round cutouts, and that won't be much fun unless you have the tools for it.
Quote from: Matthias_H on 26/Aug/2012 05:31:47 PM
I can get shells, but that alone doesn't make a finished product. For the time being, I'm thinking about a bare-PCB run to get at least some plug-ins out soonish.
Well, in my case, shell or not, I'll buy it in a heartbeat as soon as I know its available! :P
I might even try to make a case for it myself, why not.
Quote from: Seik on 27/Aug/2012 03:18:25 AM
Quote from: Matthias_H on 26/Aug/2012 05:31:47 PM
I can get shells, but that alone doesn't make a finished product. For the time being, I'm thinking about a bare-PCB run to get at least some plug-ins out soonish.
Well, in my case, shell or not, I'll buy it in a heartbeat as soon as I know its available! :P
I might even try to make a case for it myself, why not.
Same. The retrode I ordered hasn't arrived yet, but it'd be awesome to order a gameboy or n64 adapter.
SMS, N64, GBx adapters now available for pre-order (!
For users in the States do we pre-order through you are will Stone Age Gamer be getting them.
I haven't worked out anything with SAG yet, but I guess they'll have some too at a later point. Preorders from will be the first to be fulfilled.
Holy shhhh-
Its done, I paid for a N64/GB adapter. :D
Where is Firmware v0.18b alpha ?
Quote from: nico on 14/Oct/2012 02:36:44 PM
Where is Firmware v0.18b alpha ?
Retrode 1 (
Retrode 2 (
Maybe Virtual Boy should be added to the homepage poll. There seemed to be a bit of interest for one over the various blog posts talking about its creation.
I made PCE Adapter.
But, I cant use this with v0.18b.
v0.17h is no problem.
Quote from: nico on 23/Oct/2012 11:10:23 AM
I made PCE Adapter.
But, I cant use this with v0.18b.
v0.17h is no problem.
Could you be more specific - what files do you get? v0.18b is designed to read both TG16 and PCE HuCards through a TG16 adapter.
In v0.18b,
PC can't read Retrode2 with HuCards.
(PC can't display Retrode2 in "My Computer".)
But, PC can read Retrode2 with SNES Cart.
In v0.17h,
PC can read both Hucards and SNES Cart.
My PC is Win7 32bit.
Thank you for your report. Firmware 0.18b alpha is designed for TG16 wiring (data lines in reverse order) but has not been tested on either PCE or TG16 adapters. If it works for you, please keep on using v0.17 until I find the time to look into this.
Now that we're two months post-preorders. Is there any news or an approximation of a future release date? I'm hungry for news. :P
(I'm talking about the N64/GB adapters.)
While searching for TG16/PCE connectors, I managed to find this: I'm not sure if it would be helpful in production of TG16 adapters or not, but I'm posting it here in the off chance that it might.
Quote from: Seik on 03/Nov/2012 06:55:12 PM
Now that we're two months post-preorders. Is there any news or an approximation of a future release date? I'm hungry for news. :P
(I'm talking about the N64/GB adapters.)
No news; everything still looks good for our initial projection of Dec 31 (or earlier).
Quote from: Ness and Sonic on 12/Nov/2012 03:46:54 PM
While searching for TG16/PCE connectors, I managed to find this: I'm not sure if it would be helpful in production of TG16 adapters or not, but I'm posting it here in the off chance that it might.
Modifying PCI slots sounds like lot of manual labour (adding roughly $2/minute on the final price).
Well, the first post had a link to a site the sells 38 pin connectors for about $2 each. (Even if that site is not selling them in bulk, maybe you could find out if they are getting them from another supplier and see if you can order them from that company if you think they'd work.)
Oh that. Not a cartridge slot but a pin header. Won't be of much use for our purpose.
Oh. I was thinking it could be arranged properly then placed into an SNES shell with a custom slot the size of a TG16 game to create something that looks like a Super Game Boy. Combined, the shell and pin header would make a cartridge slot. I'll just take your word for it, though.
No, you need proper (springy) contacts for halfway reliable connection. These pins won't push themselves down on the cartridge on their own.
Ness and Sonic:
For a one-off you might be able to bend a pin header into a usable connector, like was done here: This of course assumes that the header's spacing matches the contacts on the card, and that you also fabricate a way to keep the card from moving around. Even if it works, it's tedious and fiddly, not very repeatable, and probably rougher on the card's contacts than you want to be. Certainly not feasible for mass production.
Is there any update on the possibility of Atari 2600 adapter boards?
ad 2600 plugin: No update, still a possibility :)
Quote from: Matthias_H on 14/Nov/2012 06:42:24 AM
ad 2600 plugin: No update, still a possibility :)
I suppose there isn't any update on a (messy but hopefully still possible) NES-adapter plugin either, right? ;)
And still, this would be sooo cool to happen! It seems next to impossible to get any pre-assembled device that lets you dump NES carts (good luck tracking down a copyNES). When the adapters get released, I can see the Retrode become pretty much the universal goto-device for dumping carts and preserving savegames. An NES-adapter would be icing on the cake. :)
Believe me: if there ever is an update on something as unlikely as that NES adapter, you wouldn't have to ask me because I'd already have told on all channels.
Sorry if this has already been asked before. Are those new adapters (the ones coming out around the end of the month) compatible with the old Retrode 1.(IE the one that has a case made out of gold metal)
Quote from: DaveD on 09/Dec/2012 05:47:27 PM
Sorry if this has already been asked before. Are those new adapters (the ones coming out around the end of the month) compatible with the old Retrode 1.(IE the one that has a case made out of gold metal)
Yes, they are! A firmware update will be required for full compatibility.
Hello everyone
there appear to be some people in here who might be able to help out. I really think this is a great hardware but I'd love to see improved support for unlicensed games in the firmware - expecially for the Game Boy system. For example I own several games of Sachen's library for the GB/GBC which appear to have some timing issues when reading with the retrode.
When I first tried with the old 0.16 firmware Thunder Blast Man and Jurassic Boy II could be read (JB II only with "forced system"), but the whole dumps consisted of blocks that were duplicated twice before new data appeared. Only Beast Fighter, the only b/w game was correct the first time. Now with the newer firmware (tried 0.18 at least) both previously undumpable games can be read correctly. However I got another cart (Street Hero) that produces duplicated data again. Funny enough returning to the old 0.16 I get repeated blocks as well but those consits of the "missing" blocks so technically you could combine both reads. Still there is another problem: The header cannot be read correctly. No internal name is shown - the first 32k are incorrect because you get a lot of redundant data here again which neither firmware is able to fix. My guess is this is all more or less timing related. Is there anyone (Muzer) who feels capable of taking a look at this?
Then we have all the "4 in 1" releases by that company as well as the 31 in 1 Mighty Mix cart. For all those you can only read 32k similar to other devices of that kind. It would be awesome to see proper support for all these games in the retrode some day.
Happy new year to all of you guys!
Any news about the N64/GB plug-ins now that we entered the new year? :P
Quote from: Seik on 02/Jan/2013 11:23:46 PM
Happy new year to all of you guys!
Any news about the N64/GB plug-ins now that we entered the new year? :P
I got an e-mail saying mine will be shipping the week of January 14th.
Quote from: MasterOfPuppets on 03/Jan/2013 03:46:17 AM
I got an e-mail saying mine will be shipping the week of January 14th.
Really?! I didn't get this mail yet, maybe it depends on the region (I'm in Canada). I guess its coming soon then, thanks! :)
Pardon me for quoting a nearly-year-old post, but...
Quote from: Matthias_H on 10/Jan/2012 06:34:13 PM
Quote from: MasterOfPuppets on 10/Jan/2012 04:23:47 PM
Out of curiosity, you said on Twiter that in order to get MBC3 and MBC5 working you will need to cut and re-route a trace. Does this mean that it's either/or, where by doing so you can dump the Pokemon games, but not other games? And if not, will the newest batch of adapters be able to dump these games also?
The modification will do no harm to other games. It concerns the clock signal on the GB port with is wired to ground in the old version but connected to Retrode I/O in the new version.
Is this modification documented somewhere? I've got the old GBx/N64 combo adaptor and would like to try my hand at adding MBC3/5 support, but my Google-fu is apparently too weak to find the details.
Looking at and the schematics on I'm guessing it's GBx pin 2 that needs to be cut and re-routed, but I'm not sure where to connect it to...?
Hi folks,
In case you were wondering about the recent lack of communication from my side, here is why ( Please be a bit more patient while I get my life sorted out.
Quote from: Matthias_H on 08/Jan/2013 06:50:44 AM
Hi folks,
In case you were wondering about the recent lack of communication from my side, here is why ( Please be a bit more patient while I get my life sorted out.
No problem, Matthias. Take as much time as you need to get things in order -- you deserve the time off after the wonderful gift of the Retrode that you have given us. :)
<------ And now for a completely unrelated message that I would post separately if I didn't hate double-posting so much ------>
I have a question for any of the local plugin experimentors: would an MSX plugin for the Retrode be feasible? I have been considering expanding my cartridge game empire, and while there already exists a device to read MSX cartridges with a PC (, the device in question has been unsupported since the XP days, so there is a space for the Retrode to shine here.
There are certainly enough pins on the genesis to one-to-one the MSX's cartridge pinout and then some (here is the pinout for reference (, so that is not an issue, but I am sure there are other possible issues I know nothing about.
Does anyone have any input?
Quote from: BFC on 28/Dec/2012 12:29:14 PM
Hello everyone
there appear to be some people in here who might be able to help out. I really think this is a great hardware but I'd love to see improved support for unlicensed games in the firmware - expecially for the Game Boy system. For example I own several games of Sachen's library for the GB/GBC which appear to have some timing issues when reading with the retrode.
When I first tried with the old 0.16 firmware Thunder Blast Man and Jurassic Boy II could be read (JB II only with "forced system"), but the whole dumps consisted of blocks that were duplicated twice before new data appeared. Only Beast Fighter, the only b/w game was correct the first time. Now with the newer firmware (tried 0.18 at least) both previously undumpable games can be read correctly. However I got another cart (Street Hero) that produces duplicated data again. Funny enough returning to the old 0.16 I get repeated blocks as well but those consits of the "missing" blocks so technically you could combine both reads. Still there is another problem: The header cannot be read correctly. No internal name is shown - the first 32k are incorrect because you get a lot of redundant data here again which neither firmware is able to fix. My guess is this is all more or less timing related. Is there anyone (Muzer) who feels capable of taking a look at this?
Then we have all the "4 in 1" releases by that company as well as the 31 in 1 Mighty Mix cart. For all those you can only read 32k similar to other devices of that kind. It would be awesome to see proper support for all these games in the retrode some day.
Sorry for not replying for a while, I'm afraid I've been a little distracted.
First of all, the standard boring suggestions - have you thoroughly cleaned the contacts with a cotton bud and possibly methylated spirits, etc.?
Are these unlicensed or otherwise unusual games? The 4-in-1 games obviously are, but what about the ones in question? If so, I would expect there could be a physical reason aside from timing issues why the game won't dump correctly - it could be that there's some weird and wacky bankswitching method (mapper) in use that needs support in the Retrode firmware.
Of course, there is a strong possibility it IS timing-related, though I haven't done the calculations to work out how likely in comparison with the A2600 issues.
In general, I don't know enough about how the Game Boy works to help you further aside from these rather general and probably unhelpful statements. I'll make it a priority if I manage to fix the issues I'm currently working on to have a look for you, though. This isn't a promise I'll get things done quickly, mind you, I'm still not as active as I'd like to be with the Retrode, it's my own timing problems ;)
Finally, my build of the firmware that was released as an alpha way back still has some weird, serious issues involving the Retrode freezing randomly when dumping certain games of which I still don't have a vague clue of the cause, though I'm getting new ideas that I'll have to speak to Matthias about in due course, when he's not as busy.
Thanks a lot for the reply!
Yes, the cart is clean. These games are made by Sachen who are well-known for many unlicensed releases on the NES/Famicom.
They also were active on the Game Boy front resulting in several multigame-carts (those contain original Sachen software, not pirated games) and 4-5 ( a matter how you count)
single game releases. So indeed Street Hero is not licensed but what makes me believe there is a timing issue is the fact that the other games were dumpable with the correct
firmware and the data changed from FW to FW without someone actually touching the GB code or adding a Sachen mapper. Slightly different behaviour of the retrode appears to
affect the result of these games.
I wonder if the Game Boy one will have ports to hook up with an actual Game Boy (Color/Advance) or Gamecube/Wii. Probably won't, but it is a cool thought.
Quote from: HowlingBlue on 11/Jan/2013 03:21:04 AM
I have a question for any of the local plugin experimentors: would an MSX plugin for the Retrode be feasible? I have been considering expanding my cartridge game empire, and while there already exists a device to read MSX cartridges with a PC (, the device in question has been unsupported since the XP days, so there is a space for the Retrode to shine here.
There are certainly enough pins on the genesis to one-to-one the MSX's cartridge pinout and then some (here is the pinout for reference (, so that is not an issue, but I am sure there are other possible issues I know nothing about.
Does anyone have any input?
Just having a look at the signals, most of them look okay, but power wise, there is a +12v (pin #48) and a -12v (pin #50). Not knowing anything about the MSX, I have no idea if the standard cartridges have anything on them that require such voltages, but the retrode, in it's default state, does not have any means of outputting +/-12v.
Any updates on the ship date Matthias? I'm super excited for the adapters!
Brilliant, got my adaptors (I'd forgotten I'd ordered them to my university address, typical that they arrive during the easter break ;))
I stupidly forgot to bring my Retrode home though. D'oh! I'll bring some SMS/GB/N64 games to uni to try them out. The adaptors look incredibly professional though.
Received my adaptors, some thoughts:
* Only tried the SMS one so far. It works beautifully :D
* Took the SMS one apart, and there is indeed space for a GG slot. I'll have to try this... it's slightly annoying that the holes were pre-filled with solder, as it obviously makes it harder to add on, but hey.
* Took the Game Boy one apart, was surprised to find the N64 slot still there! Is it functional? Is there a mod I can perform to make the cartridge detect switch work? I do like the inset cartridge socket, though, makes it look like a small Game Boy player for a Mega Drive ;)
* No surprises under the case of the N64 adaptor, though of course, it's still well-labelled and good-looking.
* The build quality is amazing. Only Matthias could have done it this well, with this much attention to detail down to the Retrode engraving on the back. I do love the economical plastic bags with manual in which they came, as well; they seem to be just the right size - I like minimalistic packaging.
I only think it's a shame the N64 one couldn't have had a bigger label - I have the same qualm about official Mega Drive J-Carts though; something about carts with controller ports on them just seems intrinsically unofficial to my brain. No way it could have been improved ;)
Just received my adapters last week and thing look good. I was able to tryout the gb/n64 but not the sms.
It took a couple tried with the N64 to get the dumo right, maybe the cart.
The quality appears very good.
On a side note i was messing around with my sonic2 genesis cart and i was pulling it out and the retrode did something to actually cause my laptop to shutdown hard. It even reset the BIOS timer.
Nothing seemed damaged, just had to reset the time and reboot and all was fine. The usb port still worked, but very strange. I plan to never hotswap anymore and reconnect the usb before any cart swap.
Quote from: Pickle on 16/Apr/2013 05:38:18 PMOn a side note i was messing around with my sonic2 genesis cart and i was pulling it out and the retrode did something to actually cause my laptop to shutdown hard. It even reset the BIOS timer.
Nothing seemed damaged, just had to reset the time and reboot and all was fine. The usb port still worked, but very strange. I plan to never hotswap anymore and reconnect the usb before any cart swap.
Perhaps you tilted it when pulling out and somehow shorted a line at 5V to one at 0V, causing a short on USB power to which your laptop was (rightly) sensitive? Just a guess.
Got both the N64 and GB plug-ins in the beginning of the months!
Both works perfectly, my only nitpick is that my GB adapter have a little bit of chipped off plastic that wasn't cut properly near the cartridge port, but I don't mind, as long as it does its job I'm a happy man! :)
Quote from: Muzer on 16/Apr/2013 07:38:40 PM
Perhaps you tilted it when pulling out and somehow shorted a line at 5V to one at 0V, causing a short on USB power to which your laptop was (rightly) sensitive? Just a guess.
Quite possible, I also assume some kind of short had occurred.
SMS-Adapter will support Japanese SMS & SG-1000 Series Cartridge with Converter?
They have different pitch and pinout order.
Which converter are you referring to?
Well...I have tried to find JP to US SMS converter but I can't find any merchandise.
So,I can make that by comparing JP and US SMS pinouts.
But maybe that's not the point.
Quote from: jabara_sun on 03/May/2013 02:34:13 AM
Well...I have tried to find JP to US SMS converter but I can't find any merchandise.
So,I can make that by comparing JP and US SMS pinouts.
But maybe that's not the point.
You should indeed be able to build an adapter with a suitable cartridge socket. As you say, the pins are in a different order, but route them through to the correct pins on a megadrive edge connector (no point making a JAP > US/PAL master system adapter, it would probably be a bit unstable), and the retrode should be able to read it.
Some useful links:
Various Sega pinouts (
where to connect the signals to on the megadrive cart (
If you build one, let us know :)
Requesting once more now that the hiatus is over...
Quote from: shybry on 05/Jan/2013 07:33:39 PM
Quote from: Matthias_H on 10/Jan/2012 06:34:13 PM
Quote from: MasterOfPuppets on 10/Jan/2012 04:23:47 PM
Out of curiosity, you said on Twiter that in order to get MBC3 and MBC5 working you will need to cut and re-route a trace. Does this mean that it's either/or, where by doing so you can dump the Pokemon games, but not other games? And if not, will the newest batch of adapters be able to dump these games also?
The modification will do no harm to other games. It concerns the clock signal on the GB port with is wired to ground in the old version but connected to Retrode I/O in the new version.
Is this modification documented somewhere? I've got the old GBx/N64 combo adaptor and would like to try my hand at adding MBC3/5 support, but my Google-fu is apparently too weak to find the details.
Looking at and the schematics on I'm guessing it's GBx pin 2 that needs to be cut and re-routed, but I'm not sure where to connect it to...?
I would like to request a plugin to read/write PSX memory cards and possibly memory cards for other systems that load games from disks. This would be useful if someone was trying to build an all in one game system like I am.
Sorry if this has been covered several times but I haven't been able to find conclusive info searching.
Using the GBx adapter, does the Retrode currently support writing saves back to game boy games? I'm specifically wondering about Pokemon blue for all it's worth.
FYI I got this email from Matthias which further proves his awesomeness. Thanks again man!
Quote from: MatthiasHi,
Writing GB saves (not GBA, mind you) is in preparation and will be included in the next firmware update.
Matthias, There may be a way for you to bypass the complexity of most NES mappers while still providing an NES plugin. Make the plugin adaptor programmable with programmable flash memory. Of course this would increase cost. But, as long as you can match (or beat) the cost of a CopyNES, it will be a marketable product. It would come preloaded with the simple mappers (the work already done). The rest of the mappers would be outsourced to the community.
What port of your computer does the Retrode connect to?:
The front port of course
c704710, check out the kazzo information at nesdev, its a low cost solution that works well.
Sorry I haven't been around for a while. I'll update the first post with the plugin on the front page now.
Quote from: JonY on 03/May/2013 10:45:06 PM
Quote from: jabara_sun on 03/May/2013 02:34:13 AM
Well...I have tried to find JP to US SMS converter but I can't find any merchandise.
So,I can make that by comparing JP and US SMS pinouts.
But maybe that's not the point.
You should indeed be able to build an adapter with a suitable cartridge socket. As you say, the pins are in a different order, but route them through to the correct pins on a megadrive edge connector (no point making a JAP > US/PAL master system adapter, it would probably be a bit unstable), and the retrode should be able to read it.
Some useful links:
Various Sega pinouts (
where to connect the signals to on the megadrive cart (
If you build one, let us know :)
Thank you very much for showing some useful informations! :)
I made this table via above links.Is it correct?
(European - Japanese Master System connector & MasterSystem - GameGear converter ( <I can't understand how to read this.)
MD Edge | MD Signal | SMS Edge | SMS Signal | JSMS Edge | JSMS signal |
A1 | gnd | 21 | GND | B21,B22 | GND |
A2 | +5v | 1 | +5V | B1 | +5V |
A3 | a7 | 32 | A7 | A8 | A7 |
A4 | a10 | 12 | A10 | A11 | A10 |
A5 | a6 | 31 | A6 | A7 | A6 |
A6 | a11 | 10 | A11 | A12 | A11 |
A7 | a5 | 30 | A5 | A6 | A5 |
A8 | a12 | 33 | A12 | A13 | A12 |
A9 | a4 | 29 | A4 | A5 | A4 |
A10 | a13 | 7 | A13 | A14 | A13 |
A11 | a3 | 28 | A3 | A4 | A3 |
A12 | a14 | 6 | A14 | B18 | A14 |
A13 | a2 | 27 | A2 | A3 | A2 |
A14 | a15 | 11,36 | M0-7,A15 | B19 | A15,A15 |
A15 | a1 | 26 | A1 | A2 | A1 |
A16 | a16 | 49 | MC-F | | NC? |
A17 | a0 | 25 | A0 | A1 | A0 |
A18 | gnd | 20 | GND | B21,B22 | GND |
A19 | d7 | 14 | D7 | A22 | D7 |
A20 | d0 | 24 | D0 | A15 | D0 |
A21 | d8 | - | | | |
A22 | d6 | 15 | D6 | A21 | D6 |
A23 | d1 | 23 | D1 | A16 | D1 |
A24 | d9 | - | | | |
A25 | d5 | 16 | D5 | A20 | D5 |
A26 | d2 | 22 | D2 | A17 | D2 |
A27 | d10 | - | | | |
A28 | d4 | 17 | D4 | A19 | D4 |
A29 | d3 | 18 | D3 | A18 | D3 |
A30 | d11 | - | | | |
A31 | +5v | 35,46 | +5V,Reset | B1,B2 | +5V,CSCN4 |
A32 | gnd | 19 | GND | B21,B22 | GND |
B1 | N/A | - | | | |
B2 | N/A | - | | | |
B3 | N/A | - | | | |
B4 | a8 | 8 | A8 | A9 | A8 |
B5 | a9 | 9 | A9 | A10 | A9 |
B6 | a17 | 5 | M8-D | | NC? |
B7 | a18 | - | | | |
B8 | a19 | - | | | |
B9 | a20 | - | | | |
B10 | a21 | 2 | Wr | B6 | Wr |
B11 | a22 | 4 | Rd | B5 | Rd |
B12 | N/A | - | | | |
B13 | N/A | - | | | |
B14 | N/A | - | | | |
B15 | N/A | - | | | |
B16 | /C_OE | - | | | |
B17 | /C_CE | 13 | CE | B10 | Mreq |
B18 | N/A | - | | | |
B19 | N/A | - | | | |
B20 | N/A | - | | | |
B21 | N/A | - | | | |
B22 | d15 | - | | | |
B23 | d14 | - | | | |
B24 | d13 | - | | | |
B25 | d12 | - | | | |
B26 | N/A | - | | | |
B27 | N/A | - | | | |
B28 | /LDSW | - | | | |
B29 | /UDSW | - | | | |
B30 | N/A | - | | | |
B31 | N/A | - | | | |
B32 | /CART_IN | - | | | |
Would this Snes to Nes adapter work on the Retrode
I would get a Retrode if it will work for me thanks for any advice.
Quote from: KenM-64 on 23/Mar/2014 01:13:13 PM
Would this Snes to Nes adapter work on the Retrode
I would get a Retrode if it will work for me thanks for any advice.
Will Absolutely Not Work. (,158.msg1282.html#msg1282)
Quote from: Retrode64 on 23/Mar/2014 07:30:54 PM
Quote from: KenM-64 on 23/Mar/2014 01:13:13 PM
Would this Snes to Nes adapter work on the Retrode
I would get a Retrode if it will work for me thanks for any advice.
Will Absolutely Not Work. (,158.msg1282.html#msg1282)
You are right, wont work.
I done some more research on that adapter and it only emulates the Snes controllers
and has av jack on the side of the adapter.
Something I wouldn't mind knowing. Since Stone Age Gamer is sold out of the Master System adapter, I'm wondering if this might be an acceptable alternative:
Quote from: Ness and Sonic on 28/Mar/2014 04:04:35 AM
Something I wouldn't mind knowing. Since Stone Age Gamer is sold out of the Master System adapter, I'm wondering if this might be an acceptable alternative:
No. Won't work.
Well it seems that I've missed the boat on all the expanded feature goodness. I purchased a unit around this time last year, now its a year later, I've had virtually no time to explore the retrode any further. At the time I was simply content to get Donkey Kong Country up and running again after they had been mysteriously pulled from Nintendo's virtual console. Now that I've played that game forwards and backwards, I wanted to see about exploring more of the obscure titles that you can't find from an official retailer.
N64 and Gameboy functionality was a feature that greatly attracted me to this product, but as far as the website's status at the time, I found myself a little confused about what I would be buying to accomplish those capabilities. Suffice to say that something that can perform as combined solution "GBx/N64" seemed like a dream come true, however the unfortunate truth is that I'm really a novice to DIY schematics projects, especially those that merge different (complex) systems together.
I'm aware that these plugin adapters have been developed as standalone units,
the idea is solid, utilize the SMS port due to the similarities between the cartridge and the N64, Gameboy, (and even Virtual Boy) carts. You fine fellows over at retrode HQ made it work, I won't question the logic. My only thing concern is, if I had to do it all myself, where would I start?
I've got an old Gameboy advance that I no longer use and even some of those Transfer Paks designed for Pokemon and Perfect Dark. I can always purchase some units As Is online so performing some experimental reverse engineering wouldn't be a problem. Essentially, I guess what I'm asking is how I would go about deciphering the logic behind the concept of a plug in adapter.
I'm not even sure how to even search for a topic like this, so I understand if I'm off base by making a post here. I appreciate any redirection so I can get to studying the matter.
I have the same question. I have also been unable to find retrode N64 or gbx plugins to purchase... I love a challenge and generally tend to believe I can do anything (with wildly varying results) but don't have much experience with electronics past resoldering broken/loose connections. Like Cosmos I have parts of old consoles I thankfully never got rid of (someday I was going to fix them...).
I see the n64/gbx combo information on the community plug-ins page ( but then there's a warning about needing a voltage converter... aside from a sports game I don't have any n64 games I want to fry :o
Obviously the official plug-in didn't have that problem, did it? Are the schematics for those official plug-ins available as well?
Is there a source for these pcbs somewhere that I can add components to?
Thanks for any advice or information you could provide!
Quote from: flaco_dan on 04/Sep/2014 01:22:26 AM
I see the n64/gbx combo information on the community plug-ins page ( but then there's a warning about needing a voltage converter...
For 3.3V operation, the Retrode
1 needed an external voltage converter, which was plugged onto the USB cable.
The Retrode
2 has the voltage converter
built in. The voltage selection switch is reachable through the SNES slot.
Quote from: flaco_dan on 04/Sep/2014 01:22:26 AM
Obviously the official plug-in didn't have that problem, did it?
Both the initial N64/GBx combo plugin as well as the newer, separate N64 and GBx plugins have that problem - or more precisely: The N64 and GB Advance
cartridges have that problem that they need 3.3V, and the plugins themselves do nothing about it. :) See above.
The external voltage converter was sold along with the initial N64/GBx plugin. The newer plugins came without it (at least mine did), because at that time, the Retrode 2 was already available.
Awesome, thanks Wannado!
Does the voltage switch change the voltage for both slots or just the genesis slot?
Why did they separate the gbx/n64 adapter later? To add the controller ports?
Maybe I should wait to ask more questions until I receive my Retrode from Dragonbox... ;)
Sigh... still looking for that gbx adapter meanwhile!
Quote from: flaco_dan on 08/Sep/2014 11:45:06 AM
Sigh... still looking for that gbx adapter meanwhile!
Who isn't? :-\
Quote from: flaco_dan on 08/Sep/2014 11:45:06 AM
Does the voltage switch change the voltage for both slots or just the genesis slot?
AFAIK, the voltage converter works directly on the USB power supply lines, so the switch selects the voltage for the whole Retrode - the processor, both slots, all controller ports. (Otherwise you'd have to run some 40 signal lines through the converter individually...)
Quote from: flaco_dan on 08/Sep/2014 11:45:06 AM
Why did they separate the gbx/n64 adapter later? To add the controller ports?
I can only guess, but the combo plugin had the N64 slot on its front face, while the new plugin has the slot on the top edge, which not only makes room for the controller ports, but also enables the Retrode to keep its balance while one of those heavy N64 cartridges is inserted. Also, the new plugins have shells. More slots mean more cut-outs, more difficult assembly, more defective units, increased cost.
Quote from: RetrodeLuver on 13/Sep/2014 09:07:35 AM
Quote from: flaco_dan on 08/Sep/2014 11:45:06 AM
Sigh... still looking for that gbx adapter meanwhile!
Who isn't? :-\
I sure am.
Has anything been made available regarding trying to build a gbx adapter on your own? I understand if they're sold out and you're not making more, but if I can just get the full board diagram and such for it I will do whatever it takes to build my own. I HAVE the parts I'd need...
Sigh. It's on my agenda, but I have so little time for Retrode these days that every little thing takes forever.
Like Cosmos & flaco_dan, I too am an amateur when it comes to electronic manipulation. I would love to build one of the n64 plug-ins for my retrode 2 but I'm not sure where to begin.
I assume an old genesis cart, a n64 connection slot and a soldering iron would be in order? If I do my homework and figure out how to read a schematic, is this all the necessary tools to build such a device? What kind of wires would i need to solder the genesis cart pins to the n64 connection slot pins?
Any help would be great for us not so knowledgeable people 8)
GBx Plugin is available again ( on Dragonbox!
i have added a post here to my OSH Park Account where you can order some pcbs if you are interested
Thread (,304.0.html)
Quote from: Ness and Sonic on 04/Jan/2012 05:22:30 AM
It's the 3ds that's the problem, not the DS. The DS is about 8 years old if I'm not mistaken and almost dead. 3DS is new, but those games have a notch on them to prevent them from working on an older DS similar to how Game Boy Advance games have a couple of notches on them to prevent them from fitting into an older Game Boy.
I would LOVE to see a DS adapter for the Retrode. The post quoted above is about 3 or 4 years old. The DS is certainly dead and 3DS is enjoying strong albeit slowly dwindling sales. I personally think now would be a good time for one, I will be buying a Retrode soon and would love to dump my DS games (I have about 25 of them) and hopefully 3DS one day.
I would be interested in a DS plug-in as well. I'm not aware of any other DS dumpers, so it would be nice to be able to use the Retrode for that purpose.
I would much rather see a Gamegear plugin personally.
Quote from: Nori on 03/Mar/2016 09:25:02 PM
I would much rather see a Gamegear plugin personally.
From what I understand, the difficulty with the Game Gear is finding a supply of the cartridge sockets and, if you do, the SMS adapter has solder pads left open to add one.
(I'm lucky in that respect. The only Game Gear games I really care about are the Sonic ones and those are unlockable in my CD-ROM version of Sonic Adventure.)
First post in a month. ??? This forum is a real ghost town isn't it?
The SMS Plugin has space on the circuit board for a Game Gear slot. Of course, you'd have to supply the socket and solder it on yourself, but it would work. I could imagine some sort of deluxe version with both slots, but it most likely won't happen right now.
My only idea for getting a GG socket supply is finding Game Gears with broken screens/sound/controls and harvesting the sockets from them. Either that or destroying perfectly good Game Gears, and nobody wants that.
Hi. Where I can find the electronic manual reset switch for the GBx Plug-in ?? and since N64 and GBA run at 3.3v instead of the Retrode's 5v, there is a slight risk of cart damage without an additional voltage converter so the second question is where i can find that voltage converter ?? thanks in advance..!!
Uh, the Retrode 2 already has its own 3.3/5V toggle switch. The plugin doesn't need one.
Quote from: drag0nneus on 15/Feb/2012 03:58:40 AM
Just wanted to add that the 32x while plugged into the retro gold genesis port will rip 32x games fine, ive had no problems with that.
If somebody wants to add to the list that 32X cartridges (I've only tested it with Star Wars Arcade mind!) can be rippped using a simple region converter. You can also take your Retrode or cartridge apart for it to physically fit in the Megadrive slot.
I apologize if this has been asked before, but does the N64 adapter support Rumble Paks?
Quote from: Lylat1an on 04/Oct/2017 07:25:54 PM
I apologize if this has been asked before, but does the N64 adapter support Rumble Paks?
When I added firmware support for the N64 Controller Paks (memory cards) years ago, I also tried to implement
detection of Rumble Paks. But I didn't get it to work. My Rumble Pak was always detected as an empty memory card.
I'm not aware of anyone trying to add Rumble Pak support, so it probably still doesn't exist in the Retrode firmware.
To implement it, one would need to know what commands the Rumble Paks accept (transmission of commands should work the same as for the memory cards), and also how to make the rumbling functions available through the USB HID interface so that they work with appropriate APIs (Force Feedback?). And finally, emulators would need to use those APIs to emulate Rumble Paks. Even if all that was done, the rumble might still not feel the same (literally) as on original hardware.
Another solution might be to work together with emulator devs and create some kind of tunnel through the Retrode for an emulator to communicate with an N64 Controller and its attachments directly. This would provide the most accurate experience, I guess.
Sadly, I don't have time to explore this interesting topic any further. Anyone else?