I've been trying to dump my Super Street Fighter 2 cartridge for genesis, but it appears to be giving a wrong output. Besides the fact that it's recognized as a 4 MB cartridge (when it's really 40 Mbits / 5 MB), the appears to be a different pattern in the data in some places:
At the end of a block of 256 bytes, either 7 or 8 bytes are different sometimes.. the different bytes are either 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 or 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07.. I'm pretty sure that it's related to the bankswitching mechanism (some documentation on that here: http://emu-docs.org/Genesis/ssf2.txt )
Is there any way to add support for this cartridge through a firmware update?
Could be possible, depending on whether the bank switching chip uses the clock signal or not. Why don't you suggest it in the Feature Suggestion Thread (http://forum.retrode.org/index.php/topic,38.0.html) and I'll see when I find the time to hunt down such a cart and try to get it to run.