Dear all,
The Retrode is turning 3 and we're having a big celebration! Lots of prizes to be won. Check out this page. (
I'm not thrilled about the fact postcards can be voted on right away. It gives too big an advantage to videos submitted early.
I think it would have been much fairer to have had a final date for submissions then a voting period. As things stand a video submitted near the end would have no chance of competing for a prize... :(
Of course there's no way to make everyone happy, but I wouldn't go as far as to call the system unfair. If anything, if you ask me, folks who submit their entries early are in the disadvantage because (1) they only had a few days to prepare their submission, and (2) they can't harvest any ideas from others. As for very late submissions, why would you even wait so long? The contest is open for 6 weeks; just wrap your stuff up in time, and you don't need to worry about these things at all.
Hmm... I suppose it's probably best not to worry or complain and just enjoy it. I've already got a few interesting ideas... 8)
Just received my N64 Plug-in prize! Thank you very much.
Surprised that it is not the most recent version with the controller ports, but it is still appreciated.
Thanks again
Of course not! It's the only complete (i.e. board plus case) prototype in existence, and it doesn't have those ports yet.
My T-Shirt arrived too, and it doesn't seem to have any controller ports on it... ;)
Thanks Matthias!
Got the SMS prototype in today as well!
Now to break out all of my old SMS games and go retro crazy this evening...
Thanks for the contest Matthias!