Will this work with the Japanese game equivalents of the Genesis/Super Nintendo. This also applies to any addons the machine may receive. SuperFamicom, Famicom, etc.
Also, this question may sound silly, but how can you get the saves back on to the Battery after they're backed up on a Computer.
I know little of this subject, so any help would be appreciated. I just want to back up all my game saves!
Thanks in advance.
should work with super famicom and mega drive yes.
assuming your battery is good, you just copy the saves back to the cart like you would a regular file.
the retrode exposes the ROM and SAVE data as files on a virtual filesystem.
i think there was a video on youtube showing it :)
I should add that Japanese titles more frequently use co-processors such as SA-1 and S-DD1. If any of those two is involved, the Retrode won't be able to read the cartridge for sure. It is unclear to what extent the Capcom Cx4 can be persuaded to work.
Great! Thanks for the replies!