
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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Support / Saving Files Back to Retrode U...
Last post by jonwolf - 14/Aug/2020 09:55:44 PM
Just wanted to confirm what's described on this troubleshooting page ( and make it clear that this technique of overwriting or saving files back to the Retrode DOES work for Mac users (since I am a dummy and didn't see "Mac" on the page so I thought I was SOL).

First, I copied the config file to my Desktop, opened it in TextEdit and changed [saveReadonly] 1 to [saveReadonly] 0

Then, went to Terminal, typed the following

cat /path/to/modified/RETRODE.CFG > /media/RETRODE/RETRODE.CFG

Replacing "/path/to/modified" and "/media" with my actual paths. For me it was:


This technique also worked for me instead of dragging and dropping savegame files to replace them. For example:

cat Desktop/PokemonSnap.NPFE.fla > /Volumes/RETRODE/PokemonSnap.NPFE.fla

Anyway, hope that helps another non-savvy Mac Retrode user!
Support / Re: Paper Mario 64 - NUS-EUR-1...
Last post by skaman - 14/Aug/2020 04:42:42 AM
It looks like File 1 data is still in the save although the data is shifted.  The File 3 data is missing or incomplete.

Aligning the shifted data results in this:
Support / Re: Paper Mario 64 - NUS-EUR-1...
Last post by skaman - 13/Aug/2020 09:44:10 AM
If you're able to open the cart, please take a picture of the front of the board with the chip labels clearly readable and post the picture here.
Support / Paper Mario 64 - NUS-EUR-1 ver...
Last post by MarioIsPaper - 12/Aug/2020 10:13:34 AM
Hello there Retrode community!

First of all. I am trying to get my saves to work on the Pj64 emulator. (I have dumped both my rom + saves)

The game I have problem with:
Paper Mario 64 - NUS-EUR-1 version (PAL saves issue)
.fla save

some info:
Firmwire 0.25a i think it was? the newest at least.
I am using PAL games.
I have set the Retrode to 3.3 volt? I think it was. (not using 5 volt)
I have unchecked "read only"

Here we go:
I have recently been backing up my N64 Games everything has went smoothly. from Zelda .fla to .sra game saves.
I used the Saveswap for the Zelda games. Which worked perfectly fine with the emulator and it is booting and the saves are there. Works like a charm basically.
Here is the problem I have though:
I am doing the same procedure with Paper Mario 64.
I uncheck the "read only"
I put it in the saveswap (tried all the settings by unchecking and check those settings i can)
The problem is that after I have done that and boot it up on the emulator. Everything seems fine.
However. File 1 and 3 saves is then missing after the saveswap. However. I can see saves 2 and 4.
When I boot it on my real Nintendo 64. File 1 and 3 is there. as well as 2 and 4

Sending some a pic of the emulator compared to the real hardware + the og save file directly dumped from the cartidage.
Does anyone have any idea what can be done? or if this is an issue that hasnt been solved somehow? :(

What I want in the end:
I want all 4 saves to be there when i boot it from an emulator.
Which means I want 1 and 3 to be there :(

I did attach a picture from the real console and the emulator one.
I also added a rar file for the save file (Hello there Retrode community!

First of all. I am trying to get my saves to work on the Pj64 emulator. (I have dumped both my rom + saves)

The game I have problem with:
Paper Mario 64 - NUS-EUR-1 version (PAL saves issue)
.fla save

some info:
Firmwire 0.25a i think it was? the newest at least.
I am using PAL games.
I have set the Retrode to 3.3 volt? I think it was. (not using 5 volt)
I have unchecked "read only"

Here we go:
I have recently been backing up my N64 Games everything has went smoothly. from Zelda .fla to .sra game saves.
I used the Saveswap for the Zelda games. Which worked perfectly fine with the emulator and it is booting and the saves are there. Works like a charm basically.
Here is the problem I have though:
I am doing the same procedure with Paper Mario 64.
I uncheck the "read only"
I put it in the saveswap (tried all the settings by unchecking and check those settings i can)
The problem is that after I have done that and boot it up on the emulator. Everything seems fine.
However. File 1 and 3 saves is then missing after the saveswap. However. I can see saves 2 and 4.
When I boot it on my real Nintendo 64. File 1 and 3 is there. as well as 2 and 4

Sending some a pic of the emulator compared to the real hardware + the og save file directly dumped from the cartidage.
Does anyone have any idea what can be done? or if this is an issue that hasnt been solved somehow? :(

What I want in the end:
I want all 4 saves to be there when i boot it from an emulator.
Which means I want 1 and 3 to be there :(

I did attach a picture from the real console and the emulator one.
I also added a rar file for the save file (it is untouched, which means i have not used saveswap yet)
Support / Re: GBA dumping issues.
Last post by Ness and Sonic - 10/Aug/2020 06:47:37 AM
Yes. I know some games are like that. I tried that. I also adjust the size, but it did get a hex that seems more realistic, but the Retrode can't get the game quite right.
Firmware version is 24 if that helps. I've tried a different dumping method and it came out right, so I do know it's not the cartridge is bad either.
Support / Re: GBA dumping issues.
Last post by mistermorcus - 06/Aug/2020 07:33:23 PM
Did you happen to flip the voltage switch to 3.3volts for GBA?

There is a chart here for voltage values just in case that is it:,7.0.html
Support / GBA dumping issues.
Last post by Ness and Sonic - 24/Jul/2020 01:40:18 AM
Hi, I'm having an issue with dumping games with my Retrode 2. More specifically, Game Boy Advance ones.
To be more precise, some Game Boy Advance games such as the American version of Scurge: Hive are giving off CRC32 hashes of 00000000. Any idea on what this problem could be?
Thank you for your time.
General Discussion / Re: PC Engine/Turbografx plug ...
Last post by Amoleo - 15/Jul/2020 07:35:53 PM
That's very cool that you got it to mate up to the tototek cart slot so easily.

If the PCBs are still available I'm up for buying one.
General Discussion / Re: PC Engine/Turbografx plug ...
Last post by Muzer - 15/Jul/2020 05:20:11 PM
I received the PCB last week and the Tototek Hu-Card slot today, so decided to put this together. It works great! Drilling the mounting holes for the Tototek slot was much easier than I expected it to be (I didn't even measure anything, I just scratched the PCB with the mounting pins of the cartridge slot and drilled there; it didn't need to be precise because the mounting pins are designed to bend inwards anyway), and I spent a bit of money on a soldering iron a while back so the actual soldering was pretty straightforward too.
General Discussion / Re: PC Engine/Turbografx plug ...
Last post by Amoleo - 03/Jul/2020 12:43:50 PM
Did the files ever get released for the PCB?  I'd love to build one.