
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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knuckles chaotix and the 32x addon with retrode

Started by zin0099, 10/May/2012 03:09:17 AM

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Which "error" do you mean? The marking on the circuit board does not affect the functionality.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Well the pins for the snes side u where talking about in the last couple of post where there was a error


No error. Only the labeling is wrong; the wiring is 100% alright, and always has been.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


oh ok!! sounds good i thought it sound like an error but it doesn't change the thought of me getting one