
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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SRM not working with ROM

Started by MegaNemesis, 15/May/2014 07:38:29 AM

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Just got my Retrode 2 and it's excellent! Made backups of all my games and game saves, and they all work.  However there seems to be a problem with the SRM for 7th Saga. My game saves don't show up when I play the game through the emulator or flashcart on SNES but when I play the actual cartridge on my SNES all of my game saves are there.

Here's what I tried so far (sorry if it gets confusing):

1. Copied the rom and srm from the Retrode onto my computer and played through the emulator (File names unchanged from the retrode: The7thSaga.FF61.sfc; The7thSaga.FF61.srm).

2. Put the files The7thSaga.FF61.sfc; The7thSaga.FF61.srm on my FlashCart and played them on SNES.

3.  Renamed the files to The7thSaga.sfc and The7thSaga.srm and played through emulator.

4. Tried The7thSaga.sfc; The7thSaga.srm files on flashcart.

5. Changed the extension of the rom to smc and played through emulator (The7thSaga.smc).

6. Played The7thSaga.smc; The7thSaga.srm on flashcart.

7. Tried an actual smc rom with the srm on emulator (renamed srm to match rom, 7th Saga, The (U) [!].smc and 7th Saga, The (U) [!].srm).

8. Played 7th Saga, The (U) [!].smc; 7th Saga, The (U) [!].srm on flashcart.

9. Renamed smc file to sfc and tried on emulator (7th Saga, The (U) [!].sfc and 7th Saga, The (U) [!].srm)

10. Tried 7th Saga, The (U) [!].sfc and 7th Saga, The (U) [!].srm on flashcart.

Basically I tried the sfc file then renamed it to smc, tried an smc file then renamed it to sfc (Both SFC and SMC ROMS worked even when I renamed them). Tried on both an emulator and flashcart on SNES but the problem is the SRM and I can't figure out if the Retrode isn't getting the SRM correctly or if the cartridge is messed up and somehow not properly loading the SRM to the Retrode (I got the game used but fortunately I've never had a problem saving or losing my save files. At least not yet anyway).

Devices and Firmware/Operating System:

Retrode 2: Board reads "HW v2.2"
Emulator: ZSNES v1.51
Flashcart: SD2SNES firmware v1.6

Thanks in advance! And sorry if this has been discussed.


Could you please send the SRM file to support at retrode dot org? I'll have a look at it.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Thanks for the quick reply Matthias. I just sent the SRM with the subject titled the same as this topic. As I said in the email, I sent the 1st SRM from the Retrode and I also got a 2nd SRM from the Retrode assuming the 1st may be faulty. If that's the case, let me know and I'll send you the 2nd also.

Thanks again!