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Retrode on Wii with SNES Gamepads?

Started by Naudiz, 28/Jun/2012 04:08:37 PM

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As most of you probably know already, the Retrode works pretty well on a Wii with HomebrewChannel and Snes9xGX.
However I was wondering if anyone has already tried to make the Retrode's SNES-Gamepad Connectors also work?

I've already googled around a little bit and found out that a HID-Driver for the Wii is probably too complicated to code. But the Retrode has Keyboard Emulation and USB-Keyboards are no problem for the Wii. Only Snes9xGX is missing Keyboard-Support, probably because the Author didn't think anyone would want to play SNES Games with a Keyboard :)

Do we have any talented coders here who would be able and willing to modify Snes9xGX's source code, so it could work with the Retrode's KB-mode? Or does anyone know if the original Author of Snes9xGX is aware of the Retrode and might be willing to implement this feature by himself?

It would be too awesome if I was able to play SNES games on the Wii with the original gamepads :D


Have you been in touch with anyone involved in the SNES9xGX port? Not sure if they read this forum... Anyway, the Retrode's Keyboard Mode follows the Boot Protocol and hence should be as compatible as it gets. (You should, for instance, be able to control the BIOS setup of your computer with it, at least as far as the keys are mapped right).

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Good news: I forked Snes9x GX and added USB support for the gamepads:


Sweet. Do you think you could do something similar for n64 controller support in a wii n64 emulator?


I have no N64 controller. Check Nintendont if it supports it.


Even more good news:

Retrode is now supported in the RetroArch Wii version. (Nightly build.) Thanks for merging in my fork!