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N64 problems : Ocarina of Time and Paper Mario

Started by Zerker, 27/Mar/2013 01:33:00 AM

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So I just got my N64 adaptor and proceeded to try all my N64 games. Most worked great, but I was unable to get Ocarina of Time and Paper Mario to work properly. Paper Mario at least runs, but has very weird "loading times" between scenes. Ocarina of Time would not start at all. When I tried Mupen 64 as an alternate emulator, it informed me that both dumps are bad. I guess it does a CRC check for me, while Project 64 does not. However, when I clean and reinsert the games, the copy comes out exactly the same. Anyone having similar problems with these or other N64 games? Any suggestions?


Going back to the GBA games, are they the correct sizes?


Not sure, actually. Ocarina of Time comes up at 8 MB and I tried 16. But Wikipedia implies it is 32, so I need to try that.

Paper Mario already used 64 MB and Wikipedia says it's technically 40 MB, so that should be okay.


Yeah, so that did it. For some reason I had it in my head that the N64 games went by header information, but checking again shows that it uses heuristics as well. Setting the size to 32 MB allowed Ocarina of Time to work properly. Oddly enough, I had to force the size DOWN to 40 MB to get Paper Mario to work properly. I don't know why it has problems when over-reading.


yeah i have had no success with ocarina of time , but snow board kids works on my asus transformer pad with keyboard dock