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Anyone received theirs yet?

Started by Matthias_H, 28/Dec/2011 01:46:21 PM

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Dear all,

Roughly 130 brand-new Retrodes went out to their new owners yesterday - some (overseas) will certainly take a bit longer, but others might already arrive today or tomorrow, depending on how far you are from Germany. So let us know when your Retrode arrives, and how you like it!


I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Mine came today!

All tested and working perfectly, and the black case is so sleek and pretty!  ;D

Thanks again Matthias!


Hello there, i've received mine too :)
the black case is sleek yeah!

Anyway I tested some snes/sfc games, and Star Ocean (sfc) Doesn't work, and Sf Memory too (sfc), but all other games i've tested run!
_Lemmings (pal)
_Teenage mutant ninja turtles in time (pal)

I've tested them on Bsnes, Zsnes and Snes9x.

Can we make a compatibility list?

oh, another thing sfc controller works too :)

Games Xtreme

I've got mine at December, 28th  ;D

For compatabilitiy lists you can check my blog. It contains only the games I own, but I hope they are useful for you  ;)


Any one received in in the USA? I'm just a little impatient and am excitedly waiting for my retrode.


Yup, live in the US and got mine today!


Got mine yesterday (I'm in Canada) and already tested it with:
Super Metroid
Zelda 3
Umihara Kawase (J)
Kirby Super Star
Demon's Crest
Metal Warriors

Phantasy Star 2
Phantasy Star 4
Sonic 3
Sonic & Knuckles

I had some trouble with my copy of Kirby Super Star, but I blame the cart right now. I will try cleaning it (again) before trying it more.

I didn't have much luck with Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Is there anything special needed for the Retrode 2? It showed up as an 8 MB file, but was not recognised by the emulator.

Aside from those two issues, everything worked (including saves!)


I believe all the Sonic & Knuckles ones should work (though I don't have my retrode to verify that yet ;))


Recieved my Retrode2 today!  Belmont Massachusetts.  Cartridges load up just great in bsnes, and my SNES controller works like a charm.  Unfortunately my entire Genesis collection is still in NY but I will have to remedy that soon and let you know how wonderful it works for Genesis games too!

Great work, it looks beautiful.  I am excited to show it off to all my friends.

Here I am enjoying my new toy

Ness and Sonic

I still have my first one. It works fine with the exception of a few SNES games. I am debating over waiting for the batch that properly handles the SNES lockout chip or get a new one for my cousins to use. I have Super Mario RPG. Speaking of that lockout chip, do you know which SNES games take advantage of it or the signs of a game that has it that someone might notice while playing on an SNES? I am kind of wondering if Tetris Attack may be one of them.
Some times modern video game characters chase older ones. Some times older video game characters just say the wrong thing.


Well, that explains my problems with Kirby Super Star. It appears that Kirby Super Star, Super Mario RPG, and Kirby's Dreamland 3 are the three (North-American) games that use the SA-1 chip. Here's the relevant Wikipedia article:


Got mine, thanks!  It looks amazing in person!


I received mine yesterday. It's working fine with Sonic 3, but I haven't been able to get the controller ports to work or MK 2 either.


Received mine today its amazing everything works and i was able to rip all my games to my comp i'm also realy enjoying it thanks Matthias!
The only problem i have with the Retrode 2 is you have to use force to get your dang carts out of the slots. :(
anyway i leave you with 2 pics of the Retrode 2 running Two of my favorite games :D
Its a me Mario!

Sonic 2 anyone?


Quote from: Ness and Sonic on 07/Jan/2012 05:59:33 AM
I am debating over waiting for the batch that properly handles the SNES lockout chip or get a new one for my cousins to use.
Sorry to disappoint but for that one you may have to wait forever :)

Thanks to everyone who's posting pictures and reports! Glad you like the device. If you think there is something wrong (which is not 100% out of the possible, after all, this is the very first batch where I wasn't personally involved in the production pipeline), please let me know.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.