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SNES carts detected as 2600Cartridge.a26 [Solution: Check your voltage]

Started by hydr0x, 12/Apr/2013 08:56:50 PM

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A few of the SNES carts I tried to dump today only (even after several tries and some cleaning) are always detected as "2600Cartridge.a26". Is this a sign that they are still too dirty? They work without problems on my 2 real SNES machines, and as I said I already cleaned them, albeit not yet with alcohol. Would be good to know that this is the cause and not something else.


This will *I believe* (I haven't looked at the code in ages so might be misremembering) happen in some specific situations if it doesn't detect a SNES header.

* Could you tell us which carts it is? (Some very few SNES carts won't work yet)
* Try cleaning more thoroughly. I tend to find that methylated spirits and a cotton bud (Q-Tip for Americans) work well, but the official line (from nintendo) was always not to use alcohol-based cleaning products so don't quote me/hold me responsible if this breaks your cartridge ;)


Gaaah, how stupid. I somehow had accidentally set the voltage to 3.3V. That's the reason for these. Feel stupid now. Well, good to have this topic for future reference: Check your voltage  ;D