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Game Boy save (Pokemon Blue) not transferring back to the cart correctly

Started by tysontomko, 10/Jan/2014 01:04:07 AM

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Quote from: Matthias_H on 19/Jan/2014 06:20:34 PM
I guess right now the only solution would be that someone sends me a Pokemon game, and I'll sit down and try around until I have it working :)

I don't have a game to spare, but I assume it could be any game with a 32kb save?


Quote from: MasterOfPuppets on 20/Jan/2014 03:23:58 AM
Quote from: Matthias_H on 19/Jan/2014 06:20:34 PM
I guess right now the only solution would be that someone sends me a Pokemon game, and I'll sit down and try around until I have it working :)

I don't have a game to spare, but I assume it could be any game with a 32kb save?

I'm sentimental/paranoid as crap with my Pokemon Blue, but I could send you a Pokemon Yellow if you think that would solve the problems with Blue/Red as well (since they also have 32kb saves) and without sounding like an ass I would like that game back after we get it all figured out. It's all good with me though, if someone else wants to send a game in I'm not going to twist anyones arm haha.


About to (hopefully) shoot a Blue on eBay. Keep your fingers crossed :D

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Awesome! I'd be more than happy to toss a few dollars your way for the effort.


I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Quote from: Matthias_H on 21/Jan/2014 08:51:33 AM
There. EUR 7.99 for a good cause, I suppose :)

Let me know where to send paypal and I'd be more than happy to show my thanks to you for all the good work you've done on such an awesome product. PM or email to my username


Try this firmware update. For whatever reason, I had arbitrarily limited write accesses to 8 kbytes in the old version, which I now fixed.

Fluent as you are by now in testing SRAM retention, you should be able to check this rather quickly.

Thanks go out to Wannado for finding this glitch! (He knows the source much better by now than I do)

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


The new update now doesnt let me rip the pokemon games correctly it shows its the same size different check sums. That should not matter though. Also the save file is filled with ÿ, no actual data unless it is encoded. All I did was rename srm to sav. It does show it as 32 Kb.

Added the save attachments. RedMonRed does not work and RedMonRed - Working Version works.



Quote from: korori on 23/Jan/2014 02:17:59 AM
The new update now doesnt let me rip the pokemon games correctly it shows its the same size different check sums. That should not matter though. Also the save file is filled with ÿ, no actual data unless it is encoded. All I did was rename srm to sav. It does show it as 32 Kb.

Added the save attachments. RedMonRed does not work and RedMonRed - Working Version works.


Are you using 3.3v?


I will double check when I get home completely forgot about that switch. I might have accidentally left it on the 5v when I was doing oot glitching.

I will update this post if not one post in response to prevent spam.



I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


I am still getting a there is not enough space error when trying to copy a Pokemon Yellow save back.

However, saving it with a hex editor works.


I had the voltage right I had to force the size to 1mb which made it 512kb and the game copied fine save works just Visual Boy does not like the save file so i have to use bgb instead to play it. I am also having problems transferring save files back to the cart.



VisualBoy needs the file to have .srm extension. Try renaming it before you launch the emulator.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Weird looks like I just needed to restart my computer for Visual Boy. Because I tried both srm and sav last night and it kept giving me write/load issues. Even though I copied them to my Desktop. Thank you Matthias_H.
