
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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Can't Upgrade Firmware (Code 43)

Started by elektrixx, 26/May/2014 01:08:23 PM

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I've used multiple USBs, my other Windows 8 machine and the fault follows the Retrode.

I can see my cart data in normal mode but I get this when I try to go through the process.

Normal use:

When I do the button thing:

It gives the errors before I even let go of HWB. When I try to continue through the instructions I get this:

Retrode HW 2.2
Windows 8.1
.17g config

I could still update the driver from the Flip USB folder but it remains in an error state.

I just bought this a few days ago. I want to update it before I start backing up my saves.

[edit] Here's some more:


Try deleting and re-installing the driver (there's an option for that in the Device Manager).

I've been having similar issues with different devices (other than Retrodes) under Win8, where a good driver wipe would solve a whole host of seemingly unrelated and illogical issues.

By the way, what matters is the moment you release RESET. This is when the device will boot into HWB mode no matter how much longer you keep the HWB button down.

The possibility of a broken bootloader would seem extremely unlikely - it clearly must have worked when factory firmware was installed.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


I'm having the exact same issue on a brand new laptop. Do you have any other ideas?


Did some research on this error. Apparently, the firmware upgrade (DFU) bootloader tends not to work on USB 3 ports. I'd suggest you try updating the firmware on an USB 2.0 port or through a hub.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


I tried USB2 ports but I'm still getting the same fault. This is the same fault across three different computers so it's looking like I have a DOA Retrode unfortunately.

I'll try some more random stuff before I think about what happens next.

[edit] I'm about to try my work laptop running Windows XP. Maybe that'll do something.

[edit] Success! It worked with Windows XP. This doesn't support Windows 8 for firmware updates, even after .18c.

Doesn't matter now. Won't have to worry about that for a while.