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Firmware instructions confusing.

Started by Terry Bogard, 10/Jul/2014 03:47:29 PM

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Terry Bogard

"When asked for drivers, direct it to the "usb" subfolder in your FLIP installation directory."

This is where I got stuck at. When I first plugged the thing it automatically installed drivers for the Retrode folder to appear (with Retrode.CFG). During the regular driver update process after holding HWB and pressing RESET and letting go of HWB. There was no option to allow me to navigate to a sub folder in my FLIP installation directory and yes I did install FLIP.

Was this step really important? I feel like it installed the normal drivers great. When I tried to get it to recognize the usb subfolder of FLIP it said it couldn't find any more drivers. Then I discovered I couldn't safe eject the Retrode USB from my computer when I was done with it. Which lead me to believe attempting the first step created an error. Anyway to correct this so I can safely eject when I get done with the Retrode?

At any rate, since I failed that part of the directions I decided to move onto the next step. I found AT90USB646 from FLIP's list. Unfortunately when I pressed Ctrl+U I got an error that reads "AtLibUsbDfu.dll not found" then when I clicked OK it said it couldn't load dynamic library.

Please all I wanted to do was update to the latest firmware version. I looked at the first line in the RETRODE.CFG and there was no number. I have the Retrode Model 2. It rips games well enough but I want all the fixes/patches possible. Also how do I fix the error message when I try to safely eject?


Quoteholding HWB and pressing RESET and letting go of HWB
That is, you let go of RESET before you let go of HWB, or after? (should be HWB down, RESET down, RESET up, HWB up. If your Retrode still shows up with drive letter plus joysticks, repeat until it doesn't. You will be asked for drivers.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.

Terry Bogard

Argh! Sorry meant to say I held down HWB, held RESET, let go of RESET, then finally letting go of HWB. Anyway I tried it again just now and got nothing.  :( Is there another way I can force it to come up?


Open control panel and find device manager (if on windows 7 or later) or hit start right click on my computer and then on properties then on the hardware tab and device manager, once in device manager right click on the unknown device and update software then browse my computer then go to my computer and click on local disk (C:) then in either program files or program files (x86) and find the atmel folder then the flip folder and the USB folder then hit OK and it'll install the driver after that flip with work perfectly