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Started by Muzer, 13/Feb/2012 08:26:27 PM

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Why would Back-up RAM Cartridge support be "hard"? The data can be accessed by the Retrode already and the format is fully documented... ???


I don't know according to which criteria Muzer gave it this rating. Would you prefer to hear "really, really, low priority for no particular reason"? :)

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Oww well. :(

You should add this one to the "incompatible Mega Drive cartridges" list, probably.


Alright, I'll try to put it in a more positive way: getting stuff done needs people who do it. Bring on capable and motivated people, and more stuff will be done for which I simply don't have the time.

Edit: I should add that when people send me material for testing, I do my best to take the time needed to get it to run (if possible), although I'm stuck in work up to here. Besides, the following is not exactly helpful if you don't tell what documentation you're referring to:
Quote from: ICEknight on 13/Jul/2012 07:26:24 AM
[...]and the format is fully documented... ???

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


OK, since I have someone asking, my general criteria are:

Easy - requires only a simple tweak in existing software (as far as I can guess)
Medium - requires writing some extra code, but nothing that would require reading a significant amount of documentation.
Hard - requires intensive studying of documentation and implementing in software
Very hard - requires studying of little or nonexistent documentation and a lot of research, and implementing in software
Impossible - requires extra or modified hardware at the very least, or even a new Retrode revision.

I'll just have a look through my list and change anything that doesn't fit with these.

EDIT: Yeah, the only real one was the mega drive EEPROMs, changed that to hard from medium.


Matthias: when you replied to my tweet, you said that it wouldn't work with the original batch of Game Boy plug-in adapters. Is it just a missing connection from Game Boy pin to the adapter edge connector (as in, can an original one be modded to have the same functionality?). I want to try backing up some Game Boy Camera photos :)


I guess so, although the trickier part may be to undo one of the existing connections. I'll have to check when I get home...

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Quote from: Matthias_H on 13/Jul/2012 06:21:39 PMthe following is not exactly helpful if you don't tell what documentation you're referring to:
Quote from: ICEknight on 13/Jul/2012 07:26:24 AM
[...]and the format is fully documented... ???
Oh, sorry for not being more specific, that's just what eke-eke (author of Genesis Plus GX) told me in a conversation we had over PM.

I guess he might be able to help you with this, and perhaps even adding support for the Turrican cartridge?


I'm sorry if this has been asked before. I was just wondering if it would even be possible to create an adapter for retrode that would support nintendo nes games? From what I can gather, the cartridge edge connector contains contacts for both the address and data pins on each of the two roms. So in theory using some kind of adapter and a retrode you could dump the contents of a nes game?

I'd be very interested in this for probably the same reasons as your existing customers in regards to super nintendo games. (1) they are coming up on 25 years old, so having a backup of their data in case they fail would be very helpful. Of course (2) Being able to use legal roms (in america's legal system) is based on the prerequisites that you own the game in question, and that you took the data in your "legal" rom from that owned copy, not another one, not downloaded, but that exact game.

So there you have it, I'd like to know what you think regarding if what I'm describing would be feasible?

Best Wishes on your Awesome Project!


Quote from: Cam on 19/Jan/2013 02:32:39 AM
... I was just wondering if it would even be possible to create an adapter for retrode that would support nintendo nes games? ...

It has been asked before. The latest answer was:,7.msg925.html#msg925
See also the table here:,7.msg13.html#msg13


Could you implement the dumping of Gameboy carts through the N64 Transfer Pak? I've heard stories of people being able to do this with the 64Drive, so I know that the transfer pack can read the whole cartridge. With the Retrode's ability to read Memory Cards plugged into N64 controllers, would it not be possible to read gameboy cartridges?

If so, I'd love the ability to be able to. I'm supposing that a firmware update could make this possible and it's been proven possible with the 64Drive, which is only a flash cart in the end.


I believe this has been implemented, no?

"Flash LED to indicate changes in overdump mode (easy)"


Interesting. Where did you find that and is there any more documentation on it describing how to do so?


Quote from: RetrodeLuver on 01/Aug/2014 12:02:44 PM
Interesting. Where did you find that and is there any more documentation on it describing how to do so?

Not dumping GB carts, flashing the LED for overdump.


I'm one of the users requesting support for the Tales of Phantasia SNES cartridge. If there's anything I can do to help out, please let me know. I'm a programmer myself even though I'm not really familiar with writing embedded software. Additionally, I'd be willing to post a bounty for the feature if that would encourage development.