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SNES Controller issues? Update your firmware.

Started by Matthias_H, 20/Mar/2012 02:28:36 PM

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My controller doesn't mapping correct in windows 8, and I can't play using snes9x.
my firmware if factory default to 17g.
I can't update the firmware because the flip driver doesn't work in windows 8 .

can you help me?


Please explain exactly how you diagnosed the error, so we may be able to help you.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


The FLip driver doen't work on windows 8.. but today I tried another computer with the windows 7 and it works, now it is updated to last firmware, I will test the controller again, and give my answer.


I mean, how did you come to the conclusion that the "controller doesn't mapping correct"?

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Because the A and B when I press get the same mapping as Y  and X.  them L button too.
The B when I press work the same as the X button but like Turbo mode. but my controller is a simple snes retro-controller from "Hiperklin TOMECO" and I've tested two controllers and the two retrode ports and get the same problem, these controllers works well on 2 original consoles.

  but with the buttons working overlayed as I say, it's impossible to play.
I do the firmware update to the last.. but nothing chances,  remembering that I use windows 8.


Which application do you use to test the mappings? What does Windows' Game Controller diagnosis/calibration dialog show?

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


I've tested on the windows Joystick config mapping  and on snes9x too, and I get the same problem.
When I press B button is mapping the same as A button conflicting as the same mapping!  but with blinking like turbo mod when I press it. , And when I press Y it mappings as the same  as X button conflicting the mapping too,  but the X and A works fine,  And the L button conflit with the Y too.


Maybe the 3rd party controller has slightly different protocol or timings. Does it work with original Nintendo controllers?

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.